Module: DOT

Defined in:



This is a modified version of dot.rb from Dave Thomas’s rdoc project. I [Horst Duchene] renamed it to rdot.rb to avoid collision with an installed rdoc/dot.

It also supports undirected edges.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: DOTDigraph, DOTDirectedEdge, DOTEdge, DOTElement, DOTNode, DOTPort, DOTSimpleElement, DOTSubgraph

Constant Summary collapse


options for node declaration

  # attributes due to
  # March, 26, 2005
  'bottomlabel', # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*
  'color',       # default: black; node shape color
  'comment',     # any string (format-dependent)
  'distortion',  # default: 0.0; node distortion for shape=polygon
  'fillcolor',   # default: lightgrey/black; node fill color
  'fixedsize',   # default: false; label text has no affect on node size
  'fontcolor',   # default: black; type face color
  'fontname',    # default: Times-Roman; font family
  'fontsize',    # default: 14; point size of label
  'group',       # name of node's group
  'height',      # default: .5; height in inches
  'label',       # default: node name; any string
  'layer',       # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
  'orientation', # dafault: 0.0; node rotation angle
  'peripheries', # shape-dependent number of node boundaries
  'regular',     # default:  false; force polygon to be regular
  'shape',       # default: ellipse; node shape; see Section 2.1 and Appendix E
  'shapefile',   # external EPSF or SVG custom shape file
  'sides',       # default: 4; number of sides for shape=polygon
  'skew' ,       # default: 0.0; skewing of node for shape=polygon
  'style',       # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
  'toplabel',    # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*
  'URL',         # URL associated with node (format-dependent)
  'width',       # default: .75; width in inches
  'z',           # default: 0.0; z coordinate for VRML output

  # maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal

options for edge declaration

  'arrowhead',      # default: normal; style of arrowhead at head end
  'arrowsize',      # default: 1.0; scaling factor for arrowheads
  'arrowtail',      # default: normal; style of arrowhead at tail end
  'color',          # default: black; edge stroke color
  'comment',        # any string (format-dependent)
  'constraint',     # default: true use edge to affect node ranking
  'decorate',       # if set, draws a line connecting labels with their edges
  'dir',            # default: forward; forward, back, both, or none
  'fontcolor',      # default: black type face color
  'fontname',       # default: Times-Roman; font family
  'fontsize',       # default: 14; point size of label
  'headlabel',      # label placed near head of edge
  'headport',       # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
  'headURL',        # URL attached to head label if output format is ismap
  'label',          # edge label
  'labelangle',     # default: -25.0; angle in degrees which head or tail label is rotated off edge
  'labeldistance',  # default: 1.0; scaling factor for distance of head or tail label from node
  'labelfloat',     # default: false; lessen constraints on edge label placement
  'labelfontcolor', # default: black; type face color for head and tail labels
  'labelfontname',  # default: Times-Roman; font family for head and tail labels
  'labelfontsize',  # default: 14 point size for head and tail labels
  'layer',          # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
  'lhead',          # name of cluster to use as head of edge
  'ltail',          # name of cluster to use as tail of edge
  'minlen',         # default: 1 minimum rank distance between head and tail
  'samehead',       # tag for head node; edge heads with the same tag are merged onto the same port
  'sametail',       # tag for tail node; edge tails with the same tag are merged onto the same port
  'style',          # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
  'taillabel',      # label placed near tail of edge
  'tailport',       # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
  'tailURL',        # URL attached to tail label if output format is ismap
  'weight',         # default: 1; integer cost of stretching an edge

  # maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal

options for graph declaration

  'center', 'clusterrank', 'color', 'concentrate',
  'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize',
  'label', 'layerseq',
  'margin', 'mclimit',
  'nodesep', 'nslimit',
  'ordering', 'orientation',
  'rank', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio',

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#change_tab(t) ⇒ Object

if we don’t like 4 spaces, we can change it any time

# File 'lib/vendor/puppet/external/dot.rb', line 18

def change_tab (t)
  $tab  = t
  $tab2 = t * 2