Class: RIO::StrIO::Stream::Open

RIO::Stream::Open show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from RIO::State::Base


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RIO::State::Base

#cx, #ioh, #rl, #try_state

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from RIO::Stream::Open

#check?, #iostate, #open

Methods included from Piper::Cp::Input


Methods included from Cp::Open::Input

#>, #>>

Methods included from Cp::Util::InOut

#cpclose, #cpclose0

Methods included from Cp::Open::Output

#<, #<<

Methods included from Ops::Path::URI

#abs, #abs?, #base, #merge, #rel, #route_from, #route_to, #setbase

Methods included from Ops::Stream::Status

#closed?, #eof?, #open?, #stat

Methods inherited from RIO::Stream::Base

#dir?, #iostate, #recno, #stream?

Methods inherited from RIO::State::Base

#==, #===, #=~, #base_state, #became, #become, #callstr, #clone_rio, default_cx, #ensure_cmd_rio, #ensure_rio, #eql?, #error, #fs, #gofigure, #hash, #initialize, #initialize_copy, #method_missing, #method_missing_trace_str, new_other, #new_rio, #new_rio_cx, #reset, #retryreset, #softreset, #stream?, #to_rl, #to_uri, #to_url, #when_missing

Methods included from ZipFile::Cx


Methods included from RIO::Symantics

#rtn_new, #rtn_reset, #rtn_rio, #rtn_self, #rtn_val

Methods included from Ext::YAML::Cx

#document, #documents, #object, #objects, #skipdocuments, #skipobjects, #yaml, #yaml?, #yamldoc

Methods included from Ext::SplitLines::Cx

#columns, #columns?, #skipcolumns, #splitlines, #splitlines?

Methods included from Ext::CSV::Cx

#columns, #columns?, #csv, #csv?, #skipcolumns

Methods included from Cx::Methods

#+@, #_arg_skip, #_noarg_skip, #a, #a!, #all, #all?, #bytes, #bytes_, #closeoncopy, #closeoncopy?, #closeoneof, #closeoneof?, #copying, #copying?, #copying_done, #copying_from, #copying_from?, #copying_from_done, #copying_to, #copying_to?, #copying_to_done, #dir_iter?, #dirs, #entries, #ext, #ext?, #files, #gzip, #gzip?, #inputmode?, #line, #line_, #lines, #lines_, make_filter_methods, #mode, #mode?, #noall, #noautoclose, #nocloseoncopy, #nocloseoneof, #noext, #norecurse, #nostreamenum, #nostreamenum?, #nosync, #outputmode?, #r, #r!, #record, #record_, #records, #records_, #recurse, #row, #row_, #rows, #rows_, #skip, #skipdirs, #skipentries, #skipfiles, #skiplines, #skipping?, #skiprecords, #skiprecords_, #skiprows, #split, #stream_iter?, #sync, #sync?, #w, #w!

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RIO::State::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class RIO::State::Base

Instance Method Details

#stream_state(*args) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/rio/scheme/strio.rb', line 82

def stream_state(*args) super.extend(Ops) end


# File 'lib/rio/scheme/strio.rb', line 81

def string() rl.str end

#string=(p1) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/rio/scheme/strio.rb', line 80

def string=(p1) rl.str = p1 end