Module: TimeCrisis::TZInfo::OffsetRationals

Defined in:


Provides a method for getting Rationals for a timezone offset in seconds. Pre-reduced rationals are returned for all the half-hour intervals between -14 and +14 hours to avoid having to call gcd at runtime.

Constant Summary collapse

@@rational_cache =


-50400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-7, 12),
-48600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-9, 16),
-46800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-13, 24),
-45000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-25, 48),
-43200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 2),
-41400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-23, 48),
-39600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-11, 24),
-37800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-7, 16),
-36000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-5, 12),
-34200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-19, 48),
-32400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-3, 8),
-30600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-17, 48),
-28800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 3),
-27000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-5, 16),
-25200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-7, 24),
-23400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-13, 48),
-21600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 4),
-19800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-11, 48),
-18000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-5, 24),
-16200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-3, 16),
-14400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 6),
-12600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-7, 48),
-10800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 8),
-9000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-5, 48),
-7200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 12),
-5400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 16),
-3600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 24),
-1800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(-1, 48),
0 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(0, 1),
1800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 48),
3600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 24),
5400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 16),
7200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 12),
9000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(5, 48),
10800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 8),
12600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(7, 48),
14400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 6),
16200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(3, 16),
18000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(5, 24),
19800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(11, 48),
21600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 4),
23400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(13, 48),
25200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(7, 24),
27000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(5, 16),
28800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 3),
30600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(17, 48),
32400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(3, 8),
34200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(19, 48),
36000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(5, 12),
37800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(7, 16),
39600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(11, 24),
41400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(23, 48),
43200 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(1, 2),
45000 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(25, 48),
46800 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(13, 24),
48600 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(9, 16),
50400 => RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(7, 12)}

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.rational_for_offset(offset) ⇒ Object

Returns a Rational expressing the fraction of a day that offset in seconds represents (i.e. equivalent to Rational(offset, 86400)).

# File 'lib/time_crisis/tzinfo/offset_rationals.rb', line 72

def rational_for_offset(offset)
  @@rational_cache[offset] || Rational(offset, 86400)