Module: TLAW::DSL

Defined in:


This module is core of a TLAW API definition. It works like this:

class MyAPI < TLAW::API
  define do # here starts what DSL does
    namespace :ns do

      endpoint :es do
        param :param1, Integer, default: 1

Methods of current namespace documentation describe everything you can use inside define blocks. Actual structure of things is a bit more complicated (relate to lib/tlaw/dsl.rb if you wish), but current documentation structure considered to be most informative.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#base(url) ⇒ Object

Allows to set entire API base URL, all endpoints and namespaces pathes are calculated relative to it.

Works for: API


  • url (String)

# File 'lib/tlaw/dsl.rb', line 23

#desc(text) ⇒ Object

Allows to set description string for your API object. It can be multiline, and TLAW will automatically un-indent excessive indentations:

    # ...several levels of indents while you create a definition
    desc %Q{
      This is some endpoint.
      And it works!

# ...but when you are using it...
p my_api.endpoints[:endpoint].describe
# This is some endpoint.
# And it works!
# ....

Works for: API, namespace, endpoint


  • text (String)

# File 'lib/tlaw/dsl.rb', line 31

#docs(link) ⇒ Object

Allows to add link to documentation as a separate line to object description. Just to be semantic :)

# you do something like
desc "That's my endpoint"

docs ""

# ...and then somewhere...
p my_api.endpoints[:endpoint].describe
# That is my endpoint.
# Docs:
# ....

Works for: API, namespace, endpoint


  • link (String)

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#endpoint(name, path = nil, **opts, &block) ⇒ Object

Defines new endpoint or updates existing one.

Endpoint is the thing doing the real work: providing Ruby API method to really call target API.

NB: If you call endpoint(:something) and it was already defined, current definition will be added to existing one (but it can't change path of existing one, which is reasonable).

Works for: API, namespace


  • name (Symbol)

    Name of the method by which endpoint would be accessible.

  • path (String) (defaults to: nil)

    Path to call API from this endpoint. When not provided, considered to be /<name>. When provided, taken literally (no slashes or other symbols added). Note, that you can use /../ in path, redesigning someone else's APIs on the fly. Also, you can use RFC 6570 URL templates to mark params going straightly into URI.

    Look at #namespace for examples, idea is the same.

  • opts (Hash)

    Some options, currently only :xml.

  • block

    Definition of endpoint's params and docs. Note that by defining params inside this block, you can change endpoints's method call sequence.

    For example:

    endpoint :foo
    # call-sequence: foo()
    endpoint :foo do
      param :bar
    # call-sequence: foo(bar: nil)
    endpoint :foo do
      param :bar, required: true, keyword: false
      param :baz, required: true
    # call-sequence: foo(bar, baz:)

    ...and so on. See also #param for understanding what you can change here.

Options Hash (**opts):

  • :xml (true, false)

    Whether endpoint's response should be parsed as XML (JSON otherwise & by default). Parsing in this case is performed with crack, producing the hash, to which all other rules of post-processing are applied.

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#namespace(name, path = nil, &block) ⇒ Object

Defines new namespace or updates existing one.

Namespace has two roles:

  • on Ruby API, defines how you access to the final endpoint, like api.namespace1.namespace2(some_param).endpoint(...)
  • on calling API, it adds its path to entire URL.

NB: If you call namespace(:something) and it was already defined, current definition will be added to existing one (but it can't change path of existing one, which is reasonable).

Works for: API, namespace


  • name (Symbol)

    Name of the method by which namespace would be accessible.

  • path (String) (defaults to: nil)

    Path to add to API inside this namespace. When not provided, considered to be /<name>. When provided, taken literally (no slashes or other symbols added). Note, that you can use /../ in path, redesigning someone else's APIs on the fly. Also, you can use RFC 6570 URL templates to mark params going straightly into URI.

    Some examples:

    # assuming API base url is
    namespace :foo
    # method would be foo(), API URL would be
    namespace :bar, '/foo/bar'
    # metod would be bar(), API URL
    namespace :baz, ''
    # method baz(), API URL same as base: useful for gathering into
    # quazi-namespace from several unrelated endpoints.
    namespace :quux, '/foo/quux/{id}'
    # method quux(id = nil), API URL
    # ...where 123 is what you've passed as id
  • block

    Definition of current namespace params, and namespaces and endpoints inside current. Note that by defining params inside this block, you can change namespace's method call sequence.

    For example:

    namespace :foo
    # call-sequence: foo()
    namespace :foo do
      param :bar
    # call-sequence: foo(bar: nil)
    namespace :foo do
      param :bar, required: true, keyword: false
      param :baz, required: true
    # call-sequence: foo(bar, baz:)

    ...and so on. See also #param for understanding what you can change here.

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#param(name, type = nil, keyword: true, required: false, **opts) ⇒ Object

Defines parameter for current API (global), namespace or endpoint.

Param defnition defines several things:

  • how method definition to call this namespace/endpoint would look like: whether the parameter is keyword or regular argument, whether it is required and what is default value otherwise;
  • how parameter is processed: converted and validated from passed value;
  • how param is sent to target API: how it will be called in the query string and formatted on call.

Note also those things about params:

  • as described in #namespace and #endpoint, setting path template will implicitly set params. You can rewrite this on implicit param call, for ex:
endpoint :foo, '/foo/{bar}'
# call-sequence would be foo(bar = nil)

# But you can make it back keyword:
endpoint :foo, '/foo/{bar}' do
  param :bar, keyword: true, default: 'test'
# call-sequence now is foo(bar: 'test')

# Or make it strictly required
endpoint :foo, '/foo/{bar}/{baz}' do
  param :bar, required: true
  param :baz, keyword: true, required: true
# call-sequence now is foo(bar, baz:)
  • param of outer namespace are passed to API on call from inner namespaces and endpoints, for ex:
namespace :city do
  param :city_name

  namespace :population do
    endpoint :by_year, '/year/{year}'

# real call:'London').population.by_year(2015)
# Will get

Works for: API, namespace, endpoint


  • name (Symbol)

    Parameter name

  • type (Class, Symbol) (defaults to: nil)

    Expected parameter type. Could by some class (then parameter would be checked for being instance of this class or it would be ArgumentError), or duck type (method name that parameter value should respond to).

  • keyword (true, false) (defaults to: true)

    Whether the param will go as a keyword param to method definition.

  • required (true, false) (defaults to: false)

    Whether this param is required. It will be considered on method definition.

  • opts (Hash)


Options Hash (**opts):

  • :field (Symbol)

    What the field would be called in API query string (it would be name by default).

  • :format (#to_proc)

    How to format this option before including into URL. By default, it is just .to_s.

  • :desc (String)

    Param description. You could do it multiline and with indents, like #desc.

  • :default (Object)

    Default value for this param. Would be rendered in method definition and then passed to target API (TODO: in future, there also would be "invisible" params, that are just passed to target, always the same, as well as params that aren't passed at all if user gave default value.)

  • :enum (Hash, Array)

    Whether parameter only accepts enumerated values. Two forms are accepted:

    # array form
    param :units, enum: %i[us metric britain]
    # parameter accepts only :us, :metric, :britain values, and
    # passes them to target API as is
    # hash "accepted => passed" form
    param :compact, enum: {true => 'gzip', false => nil}
    # parameter accepts true or false, on true passes "compact=gzip",
    # on false passes nothing.

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#post_process(&block) ⇒ Object #post_process(key, &block) ⇒ Object

Sets post-processors for response.

There are also #post_process_replace (for replacing entire response with something else) and #post_process_items (for post-processing each item of sub-array).


  • you can set any number of post-processors of any kind, and they will be applied in exactly the same order they are set;
  • you can set post-processors in parent namespace (or for entire API), in this case post-processors of outer namespace are always applied before inner ones. That allow you to define some generic parsing/rewriting on API level, then more specific key postprocessors on endpoints;
  • hashes are flattened again after each post-processor, so if for some key you'll return {count: 1, continue: false}, response hash will immediately have {"key.count" => 1, "key.continue" => false}.


  • #post_process(&block) ⇒ Object

    Sets post-processor for whole response. Note, that in this case return value of block is ignored, it is expected that your block will receive response and modify it inplace, like this:

    post_process do |response|
      response['coord'] =['lat'], response['lng'])

    If you need to replace entire response with something else, see #post_process_replace

  • #post_process(key, &block) ⇒ Object

    Sets post-processor for one response key. Post-processor is called only if key exists in the response, and value by this key is replaced with post-processor's response.

    Note, that if block returns nil, key will be removed completely.


    post_process('date') { |val| Date.parse(val) }
    # or, btw, just
    post_process('date', &Date.method(:parse))


    • key (String)

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#post_process_items(key, &block) ⇒ Object

Sets post-processors for each items of array, being at key (if the key is present in response, and if its value is array of hashes).

Inside block you can use #post_process method as described above (but all of its actions will be related only to current item of array).


Considering API response like:

  "meta": {"count": 100},
  "data": [
    {"timestamp": "2016-05-01", "value": "10", "dummy": "foo"},
    {"timestamp": "2016-05-02", "value": "13", "dummy": "bar"}
} can define postprocessing like this:

post_process_items 'data' do
  post_process 'timestamp', &Date.method(:parse)
  post_process 'value', &:to_i
  post_process('dummy'){nil} # will be removed

See also #post_process for some generic explanation of post-processing.


  • key (String)

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#post_process_replace(&block) ⇒ Object

Just like #post_process for entire response, but replaces it with what block returns.

Real-life usage: WorldBank API typically returns responses this way:

   {"count": 100, "page": 1},
   {"some_data_variable": [{}, {}, {}]}

...e.g. metadata and real response as two items in array, not two keys in hash. We can easily fix this:

post_process_replace do |response|
  {meta: response.first, data: response.last}

See also #post_process for some generic explanation of post-processing.

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