Module: Wlog::LogEntrySql

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  • Simon Symeonidis

Constant Summary collapse

TableName =

The table name of the log entries table

InsertSql =

Standard insert

"INSERT INTO #{TableName} (description,date,issue_id) values (?,?,?);"
DeleteSql =

Standard delete

"DELETE FROM #{TableName} WHERE id = ? ;"
SelectAll =

Standard select all

"SELECT * FROM #{TableName} ORDER BY date ASC;"
UpdateSql =

Standard update

"UPDATE #{TableName} SET description = ? WHERE id = ?;"
SelectAllLimit =

select all with a limit

"SELECT * FROM #{TableName} WHERE date >="\
" #{ - 604800 - 24 * 60 * 60} ORDER BY date ASC"
Select =

Select by id

"SELECT * FROM #{TableName} WHERE id = ? ;"
SelectAllByIssue =

Select by id

"SELECT * FROM #{TableName} WHERE issue_id = ? ;"
SelectDescriptionLike =

Select by a regex like /…/i

"SELECT * FROM #{TableName} WHERE description LIKE ?;"