Class: ActiveModel::Observer
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
- Includes:
- Singleton
- Defined in:
- activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb
Active Model Observers
Observer classes respond to life cycle callbacks to implement trigger-like behavior outside the original class. This is a great way to reduce the clutter that normally comes when the model class is burdened with functionality that doesn’t pertain to the core responsibility of the class. Example:
class CommentObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
def after_save(comment)
Notifications.comment("", "New comment was posted", comment).deliver
This Observer sends an email when a Comment#save is finished.
class ContactObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
def after_create(contact)'New contact added!')
def after_destroy(contact)
contact.logger.warn("Contact with an id of #{} was destroyed!")
This Observer uses logger to log when specific callbacks are triggered.
Observing a class that can’t be inferred
Observers will by default be mapped to the class with which they share a name. So CommentObserver will be tied to observing Comment, ProductManagerObserver to ProductManager, and so on. If you want to name your observer differently than the class you’re interested in observing, you can use the Observer.observe
class method which takes either the concrete class (Product) or a symbol for that class (:product):
class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
observe :account
def after_update(account), "UPDATED")
If the audit observer needs to watch more than one kind of object, this can be specified with multiple arguments:
class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
observe :account, :balance
def after_update(record), "UPDATED")
The AuditObserver will now act on both updates to Account and Balance by treating them both as records.
If you’re using an Observer in a Rails application with Active Record, be sure to read about the necessary configuration in the documentation for ActiveRecord::Observer.
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Method Summary collapse
.observe(*models) ⇒ Object
Attaches the observer to the supplied model classes.
.observed_class ⇒ Object
The class observed by default is inferred from the observer’s class name: assert_equal Person, PersonObserver.observed_class.
.observed_classes ⇒ Object
Returns an array of Classes to observe.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize ⇒ Observer
Start observing the declared classes and their subclasses.
#observed_class_inherited(subclass) ⇒ Object
Special method sent by the observed class when it is inherited.
#observed_classes ⇒ Object
#update(observed_method, object, &block) ⇒ Object
Send observed_method(object) if the method exists and the observer is enabled for the given object’s class.
Methods included from ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
clear, descendants, descendants, direct_descendants, direct_descendants, inherited
Constructor Details
#initialize ⇒ Observer
Start observing the declared classes and their subclasses.
218 219 220 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 218 def initialize observed_classes.each { |klass| add_observer!(klass) } end |
Class Method Details
.observe(*models) ⇒ Object
Attaches the observer to the supplied model classes.
187 188 189 190 191 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 187 def observe(*models) models.flatten! models.collect! { |model| model.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? model.to_s.camelize.constantize : model } redefine_method(:observed_classes) { models } end |
.observed_class ⇒ Object
The class observed by default is inferred from the observer’s class name:
assert_equal Person, PersonObserver.observed_class
208 209 210 211 212 213 214 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 208 def observed_class if observed_class_name = name[/(.*)Observer/, 1] observed_class_name.constantize else nil end end |
.observed_classes ⇒ Object
Returns an array of Classes to observe.
You can override this instead of using the observe
class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
def self.observed_classes
[Account, Balance]
202 203 204 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 202 def observed_classes Array.wrap(observed_class) end |
Instance Method Details
#observed_class_inherited(subclass) ⇒ Object
Special method sent by the observed class when it is inherited. Passes the new subclass.
236 237 238 239 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 236 def observed_class_inherited(subclass) #:nodoc: self.class.observe(observed_classes + [subclass]) add_observer!(subclass) end |
#observed_classes ⇒ Object
222 223 224 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 222 def observed_classes #:nodoc: self.class.observed_classes end |
#update(observed_method, object, &block) ⇒ Object
Send observed_method(object) if the method exists and the observer is enabled for the given object’s class.
228 229 230 231 232 |
# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb', line 228 def update(observed_method, object, &block) #:nodoc: return unless respond_to?(observed_method) return if disabled_for?(object) send(observed_method, object, &block) end |