Class: HDLRuby::High::SystemI
- Inherits:
- Object
- Low::SystemI
- HDLRuby::High::SystemI
- Includes:
- SingletonExtend, WithFullname
- Defined in:
- lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb,
Describes a system instance.
NOTE: an instance can actually represented muliple layers of systems, the first one being the one actually instantiated in the final RTL code. This layering can be used for describing software or partial (re)configuration.
Constant Summary collapse
Constants included from Low::Low2Symbol
Low::Low2Symbol::Low2SymbolPrefix, Low::Low2Symbol::Low2SymbolTable, Low::Low2Symbol::Symbol2LowTable
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#rcsystemI ⇒ Object
Extends the SystemI class for hybrid Ruby-C simulation.
Attributes inherited from Low::SystemI
Attributes included from Low::Hparent
Instance Method Summary collapse
#call(*connects) ⇒ Object
Connects signals of the system instance according to +connects+.
#choice(configuration = {}) ⇒ Object
Adds alternative system +systemT+.
#configure(sys) ⇒ Object
(Re)Configuration of system instance to systemT designated by +sys+.
#get_export(name) ⇒ Object
Gets an exported element (signal or system instance) by +name+.
#init_sim(systemT) ⇒ Object
Initialize the simulation for system +systemT+.
#initialize(name, systemT) ⇒ SystemI
Creates a new system instance of system type +systemT+ named +name+.
#method_missing(m, *args, &ruby_block) ⇒ Object
Missing methods are looked for in the public namespace of the system type.
#namespace ⇒ Object
Gets the private namespace.
#open(&ruby_block) ⇒ Object
Opens for extension.
#public_namespace ⇒ Object
Gets the public namespace.
#to_low(name = ⇒ Object
Converts the instance to HDLRuby::Low and set its +name+.
#to_rcsim(rcowner) ⇒ Object
Generate the C description of the signal comming from object whose C description is +rcowner+.
#to_ref ⇒ Object
Converts to a new reference.
#type ⇒ Object
The type of a systemI: for now Void (may change in the future).
Methods included from WithFullname
Methods included from SingletonExtend
Methods inherited from Low::SystemI
#add_systemT, #each_arrow_deep, #each_behavior, #each_behavior_deep, #each_block_deep, #each_connection, #each_connection_deep, #each_deep, #each_inner, #each_inout, #each_input, #each_output, #each_sensitive_deep, #each_signal, #each_signal_deep, #each_statement_deep, #each_systemI, #each_systemT, #eql?, #get_by_name, #get_inner, #get_inout, #get_input, #get_output, #get_signal, #get_systemI, #hash, #replace_names!, #set_name!, #set_systemT, #to_c, #to_ch, #to_hdr, #to_high, #to_vhdl, #with_port!, #with_var!
Methods included from Low::Low2Symbol
Methods included from Low::Hparent
#absolute_ref, #hierarchy, #no_parent!, #scope
Constructor Details
#initialize(name, systemT) ⇒ SystemI
Creates a new system instance of system type +systemT+ named +name+.
2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2311 def initialize(name, systemT) # Check the validity of the name. unless name.is_a?(String) or name.is_a?(Symbol) raise AnyError, "Missing instance name for system instantiation." end # Initialize the system instance structure. super(name,systemT) # Sets the hdl-like access to the system instance. obj = self # For using the right self within the proc High.space_reg(name) { obj } end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(m, *args, &ruby_block) ⇒ Object
Missing methods are looked for in the public namespace of the system type.
2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2473 def method_missing(m, *args, &ruby_block) # print "method_missing in class=#{self.class} with m=#{m}\n" # Maybe its a signal reference. signal = self.systemT.get_signal_with_included(m) if signal then # Yes, create the reference. return,signal) else # No try elsewhere self.public_namespace.send(m,*args,&ruby_block) end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#rcsystemI ⇒ Object (readonly)
Extends the SystemI class for hybrid Ruby-C simulation.
483 484 485 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_rcsim.rb', line 483 def rcsystemI @rcsystemI end |
Instance Method Details
#call(*connects) ⇒ Object
Connects signals of the system instance according to +connects+.
NOTE: +connects+ can be a hash table where each entry gives the correspondance between a system's signal name and an external signal to connect to, or a list of signals that will be connected in the order of declaration.
2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2347 def call(*connects) # Checks if it is a connection through is a hash. if connects.size == 1 and connects[0].respond_to?(:to_h) and !connects[0].is_a?(HRef) then # Yes, perform a connection by name connects = connects[0].to_h # Performs the connections. connects.each do |key,value| # Gets the signal corresponding to connect. signal = self.systemT.get_signal_with_included(key) # Check if it is an output. isout = self.systemT.get_output_with_included(key) # Convert it to a reference. # puts "key=#{key} value=#{value} signal=#{signal}" ref =,signal) # Make the connection. if isout then value <= ref else ref <= value end end else # No, perform a connection is order of declaration # But first check if there are not too many of them. if connects.size > self.systemT.each_signal_with_included.to_a.size then raise AnyError, "Too many connections to instance " + "#{}: got #{connects.size} " + "but expecting at most " + "#{self.systemT.each_signal_with_included.to_a.size}" end connects.each.with_index do |csig,i| # Now do the connection. # puts "systemT inputs=#{systemT.each_input.to_a.size}" # Gets i-est signal to connect ssig = self.systemT.get_interface_with_included(i) # Check if it is an output. isout = self.systemT.get_output_with_included( # puts "ssig=#{} isout=#{isout}" # Convert it to a reference. ssig =,ssig) # Make the connection. if isout then csig <= ssig # csig.to_ref <= ssig else ssig <= csig # ssig <= csig.to_expr end end end end |
#choice(configuration = {}) ⇒ Object
Adds alternative system +systemT+
2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2422 def choice(configuration = {}) # Process the argument. configuration.each do |k,v| k = k.to_sym unless v.is_a?(SystemT) then raise "Invalid class for a system type: #{v.class}" end # Create an eigen system. eigen = v.instantiate(HDLRuby.uniq_name( # Ensure its interface corresponds. my_signals = self.each_signal.to_a if (eigen.each_signal.with_index.find { |sig,i| !sig.eql?(my_signals[i]) }) then raise "Invalid system for configuration: #{}." end # Add it. # At the HDLRuby::High level @choices = { => self.systemT } unless @choices @choices[k] = eigen # At the HDLRuby::Low level self.add_systemT(eigen) end end |
#configure(sys) ⇒ Object
(Re)Configuration of system instance to systemT designated by +sys+. +sys+ may be the index or the name of the configuration, the first configuration being named by the systemI name.
2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2450 def configure(sys) if sys.respond_to?(:to_i) then # The argument is an index. # Create the (re)configuration node. High.top_user.add_statement(,self),sys.to_i)) else # The argument is a name (should be). # Get the index corresponding to the name. num = @choices.find_index { |k,_| k == sys.to_sym } unless num then raise "Invalid name for configuration: #{sys.to_s}" end # Create the (re)configuration node. High.top_user.add_statement(,self),num)) end end |
#get_export(name) ⇒ Object
Gets an exported element (signal or system instance) by +name+.
2402 2403 2404 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2402 def get_export(name) return @systemT.get_export(name) end |
#init_sim(systemT) ⇒ Object
Initialize the simulation for system +systemT+.
670 671 672 673 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_rsim.rb', line 670 def init_sim(systemT) # Recurse on the Eigen system. self.systemT.init_sim(systemT) end |
#namespace ⇒ Object
Gets the private namespace.
2495 2496 2497 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2495 def namespace self.systemT.namespace end |
#open(&ruby_block) ⇒ Object
Opens for extension.
NOTE: actually executes +ruby_block+ in the context of the systemT.
2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2411 def open(&ruby_block) # Ensure there is a block. ruby_block = proc {} unless block_given? # Extend the eigen system. # Update the methods. @systemT.eigenize(self) self.eigen_extend(@systemT.public_namespace) end |
#public_namespace ⇒ Object
Gets the public namespace.
2490 2491 2492 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2490 def public_namespace self.systemT.public_namespace end |
#to_low(name = ⇒ Object
Converts the instance to HDLRuby::Low and set its +name+.
2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2501 def to_low(name = # puts "to_low with #{self} (#{}) #{self.systemT}" # Converts the system of the instance to HDLRuby::Low systemTL = self.systemT.to_low # Creates the resulting HDLRuby::Low instance systemIL =, systemTL) # # For debugging: set the source high object #[:low2high] = self.hdr_id #[:high2low] = systemIL # Adds the other systemTs. self.each_systemT do |systemTc| if systemTc != self.systemT systemTcL = systemTc.to_low systemIL.add_systemT(systemTcL) end end return systemIL end |
#to_rcsim(rcowner) ⇒ Object
Generate the C description of the signal comming from object whose C description is +rcowner+
487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_rcsim.rb', line 487 def to_rcsim(rcowner) # puts "to_rcsim for systemI=#{}(#{self})" # Create the system instance C object. @rcsystemI = RCSim.rcsim_make_systemI(, self.systemT.to_rcsim) # # Set the owner of the systemT. # RCSim.rcsim_set_owner(self.systemT.rcsystemT,@rcsystemI) # Set the owner of the systemT as the same as the systemI since # it is an Eigen system. RCSim.rcsim_set_owner(self.systemT.rcsystemT,rcowner) # Set the owner. RCSim.rcsim_set_owner(@rcsystemI,rcowner) # Add the alternate system types. if self.each_systemI.any? then RCSim.rcsim_add_systemI_systemTs(@rcsystemI, do|sys| sys != self.systemT do |sys| # sys.to_rcsim(@rcsystemI) sys.to_rcsim(rcowner) end) end return @rcsystemI end |
#to_ref ⇒ Object
Converts to a new reference.
2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2331 def to_ref if then # No name, happens if inside the systemI so use this. return this else # A name. return,self) end end |
#type ⇒ Object
The type of a systemI: for now Void (may change in the future).
2326 2327 2328 |
# File 'lib/HDLRuby/hruby_high.rb', line 2326 def type return void end |