Class: MINT::InputInteractionTask

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InputInteractionTasks describe Tasks realizing some interaction techniques to enable the user interacting with the system. InputInteractionTasks include selecting objects, editing data or enabling the user to control some actions explicitly through events. If an InputInteractionTask is marked as synchronous it has to contain at least one control object that the user can issue to proceed the Task.

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Interactor


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Task


Methods inherited from Interactor

class_from_channel_name, #create_attribute_channel_name, create_channel_name, #create_channel_w_name, get, getModel, #getSCXML, get_dm, #init_statemachine, #is_in?, #new_states, notify, #process_event, #process_event!, #process_event_vars, #publish_update, #states, #states=, #sync_event, #sync_states, #to_dot, wait

Methods included from InteractorHelpers

#restart_timeout, #start_timeout, #stop_timeout