Module: ActiveShepherd::AggregateRoot::ClassMethods

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Instance Method Details

#behave_like_an_aggregate?(emit_boolean = true) ⇒ Boolean

Public: Determines whether or not the including class can behave like an aggregate. Designed to be used by tests that want to make sure that any of the models that make up the aggregate never change in a way that would break the functionality of Aggregate::Root.

In order for this method to return true, this model and its associated models are each checked rigorously to ensure they are wired up in a way that meets the requirements of ActiveShepherd. These requirements are:

* All models in the namespace defined by the root itself are visible to
  associations that meet this criteria:
  * The root model autosaves all associated models in the aggregate.
    (:autosave is true on the association)
  * The root model validates all associated models in the aggregate.
    (:validate is true on the association)
  * Associated objects touch the root model when they are updated
    (:touch is true on the association)
  * When any root model is destroyed, all associated models in the
    aggregate boundary are also destroyed, or else their references are
    nullified. (:dependent => :destroy/:nullify)
  * The entire object constellation within the boundary can be traversed
    without accessing the persistence layer, providing they have all been
    eager loaded. (:inverse_of is set on the associations)
  * If the association references any external aggregate root, then
    when that root is deleted, then either the associations reference
    must be nullified, or else the associated model itself must be
* All models within the aggregate are only referenced inside this
  aggregate boundary, with the exception of the root itself.
* Any model in the namespace of the root that has its own sub namespace
  under it is recursively checked.

Returns true if and only if this model is an aggregate root.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/active_shepherd/aggregate_root.rb', line 147

def behave_like_an_aggregate?(emit_boolean = true)
  errors =
  emit_boolean ? errors.blank? : errors