Module: ADT
- Defined in:
- lib/adt.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: CaseRecorder
Class Method Summary collapse
.cases(&definitions) ⇒ Object
Configures the class to be an ADT.
.operation(sym, &definitions) ⇒ Object
Defines an operation (method) for an ADT, using a DSL similar to the cases definition.
Class Method Details
.cases(&definitions) ⇒ Object
Configures the class to be an ADT. Cases are defined by calling methods named for the case, and providing symbol arguments for the parameters to the case.
class Validation
extend ADT
cases do
failure(:errors, :position)
This will provde 2 core pieces of functionality.
Constructors, as class methods, named the same as the case, and expecting parameters as per the symbol arguments provided in the ‘cases` block.
@failure = Validation.failure(["error1"], 5) @success = Validation.success([1,2])
#fold. This method takes a proc for every case. If the case has parameters, those will be passed to the proc. The proc matching the particular value of the case will be called. Using this method, every instance method for the ADT can be defined.
@failure.fold( proc { |values| "We are a success! #{values} "}, proc { |errors, position| "Failed :(, at position #{position}" } )
It can also be passed a hash of procs, keyed by case name:
@failure.fold( :success => proc { |values| values }, :failures => proc { |errors, position| [] } )
In addition, a number of helper methods are defined:
Standard object methods: #==, #inspect
Conversion to an array of the arguments: #to_a (nullary constructors return empty arrays)
#<=> and Comparable: cases are compared by index, and then by their parameters as an array
Case checking predicates:
some_validation.success? some_validation.failure?
Functions for handling specific cases:
some_validation.when_success(proc { |values| values }, proc { [] })
Case information
some_validation.case_name # <= "success" some_validation.case_index # <= 1 # Indexing is 1-based. some_validation.case_arity # <= 1 # Number of arguments required by the case
#fold is aliased to an underscored name of the type. ie. ValidatedValue gets #validated_value
If the type is an enumeration (it only has nullary constructors), then a few extra methods are available:
1-based conversion to and from integers: #to_i, ::from_i
Accessor for all values: ::all_values
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# File 'lib/adt.rb', line 76 def cases(&definitions) singleton_class = class <<self; self; end dsl = dsl.__instance_eval(&definitions) cases = dsl._church_cases num_cases = dsl._church_cases.length case_names = { |x| x[0] } is_enumeration = dsl._church_cases.all?{ |(_, args)| args.count == 0 } # creates procs with a certain arg count. body should use #{prefix}N to access arguments. The result should be # eval'ed at the call site proc_create = proc { |argc, prefix, body| args = argc > 0 ? "|#{(1..argc) { |a| "#{prefix}#{a}" }.join(',')}|" : "" "proc { #{args} #{body} }" } # Initializer. Should not be used directly. define_method(:initialize) do |&fold| @fold = fold end # The Fold. define_method(:fold) do |*args| if args.first && args.first.is_a?(Hash) then* { |cn| args.first.fetch(cn) }) else*args) end end # If we're inside a named class, then set up an alias to fold define_method(StringHelp.underscore(name.split('::').last)) do |*args| fold(*args) end # The Constructors dsl._church_cases.each_with_index do |(name, case_args), index| constructor = proc { |*args|[num_cases, "a", "a#{index+1}.call(*args)"])) } if case_args.size > 0 then singleton_class.send(:define_method, name, &constructor) else # Cache the constructed value if it is unary singleton_class.send(:define_method, name) do instance_variable_get("@#{name}") || begin instance_variable_set("@#{name}", end end end end # Case info methods # Indexing is 1-based define_method(:case_index) do fold(*(1..case_names.length) { |i| proc { i } }) end define_method(:case_name) do fold(* { |i| proc { i.to_s } }) end define_method(:case_arity) do fold(* { |(_, args)| proc { args.count } }) end # Enumerations are defined as classes with cases that don't take arguments. A number of useful # functions can be defined for these. if is_enumeration singleton_class.send(:define_method, :all_values) do @all_values ||= { |x| send(x) } end define_method(:to_i) { case_index } singleton_class.send(:define_method, :from_i) do |idx| send(case_names[idx - 1]) end end # The usual object helpers define_method(:inspect) do "#<" + + fold(* { |(cn, case_args)| index = 0 bit = { |ca| index += 1 " #{ca}:#\{a#{index}\}" }.join('') eval(proc_create[case_args.count, "a", " \" #{cn}#{bit}\""]) }) + ">" end define_method(:==) do |other| !other.nil? && case_index == other.case_index && to_a == other.to_a end define_method(:to_a) do fold(* { |(cn, args)| eval(proc_create[args.count, "a", "[" + (1..args.count) { |idx| "a#{idx}" }.join(',') + "]"]) }) end # Comparisons are done by index, then by the values within the case (if any) via #to_a define_method(:<=>) do |other| comp = case_index <=> other.case_index comp == 0 ? to_a <=> other.to_a : comp end include Comparable # Case specific methods # eg. # cases do foo(:a); bar(:b); end cases.each_with_index do |(name, args), idx| # # <= true # # <= false define_method("#{name}?") do fold(* { |cn| eval(proc_create[0, "a", cn == name ? "true" : "false"]) }) end # {|v| v }, proc { 0 }) # <= 5 # {|v| v }, proc { 0 }) # <= 0 define_method("when_#{name}") do |handle, default| fold(* { |cn| if (cn == name) proc { |*args|*args) } else default end }) end end end |
.operation(sym, &definitions) ⇒ Object
Defines an operation (method) for an ADT, using a DSL similar to the cases definition.
For each case in the adt, the block should call a method of the same name, and pass it a block argument that represents the implementation of the operation for that case.
eg. To define an operation on a Maybe/Option type which returns the wrapped value, or the supplied argument if it doesn’t have anything:
class Maybe
extend ADT
cases do
operation :or_value do |if_nothing|
just { |value| value }
nothing { if_nothing }
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# File 'lib/adt.rb', line 221 def operation(sym, &definitions) define_method(sym) do |*args| dsl = dsl_cls = class <<dsl; self; end # This is hax so that we can 'instance_eval' the definitions block on a recorder, # but in this case the definitions block could have arguments (which are arguments # to the operation) dsl_cls.send(:define_method, :_defs, &definitions) dsl._defs(*args) # Now we just turn the [(case_name, impl)] structure into an argument for fold and # are done. Fold with a hash will check that all keys are defined. fold(dsl._implementations.inject({}) { |memo, (c, impl)| memo[c] = impl; memo }) end end |