Class: Aldebaran::Application
- Defined in:
- lib/aldebaran/base.rb,
Execution context for classic style (top-level) applications. All DSL methods executed on main are delegated to this class.
The Application class should not be subclassed, unless you want to inherit all settings, routes, handlers, and error pages from the top-level. Subclassing aldebaran::Base is highly recommended for modular applications.
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from Base
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Base
#app, #env, #params, #request, #response, #template_cache
Class Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Base
add_filter, after, before, build, call, #call, #call!, caller_files, caller_locations, condition, configure, delete, development?, disable, enable, error, extensions, #forward, get, #halt, head, helpers, #initialize, inline_templates=, layout, middleware, mime_type, mime_types, new, #new!, not_found, #options, options, #pass, patch, post, production?, prototype, public=, put, quit!, reset!, run!, set, settings, #settings, template, test?, use
Methods included from Templates
#builder, #coffee, #creole, #erb, #erubis, #find_template, #haml, #initialize, #less, #liquid, #markaby, #markdown, #nokogiri, #radius, #rdoc, #sass, #scss, #slim, #textile
Methods included from Helpers
#attachment, #back, #body, #cache_control, #client_error?, #content_type, #error, #etag, #expires, #headers, #informational?, #last_modified, #logger, #mime_type, #not_found, #not_found?, #redirect, #redirect?, #send_file, #server_error?, #session, #status, #stream, #success?, #time_for, #uri
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Aldebaran::Base
Class Method Details
.register(*extensions, &block) ⇒ Object
1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 |
# File 'lib/aldebaran/base.rb', line 1545 def self.register(*extensions, &block) #:nodoc: added_methods = {|m| m.public_instance_methods }.flatten Delegator.delegate(*added_methods) super(*extensions, &block) end |