Class: AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Operations::Base::Request
- Inherits:
- Object
- AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Operations::Base::Request
- Defined in:
- lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb
This is the parent class of any Operations performed.
Each class should have a constant defined called REQUEST_PARAMETERS which contains the available parameters as defined in the API docs. Each class should also override the parse method with a custom version to suit the particular pattern of XML returned for it.
Subclasses should also override initialize to take any parameters the API defines as required, and follow the pattern of the region being the last parameter.
Before doing that though it should call super back to this one.
Direct Known Subclasses
AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Operations::BrowseNode::BrowseNodeLookup, Item::ItemLookup, Item::ItemSearch, Item::SimilarityLookup
Constant Summary collapse
{ :us => '', :uk => '', :ca => '', :de => '', :jp => '', :fr => '' }
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#errors ⇒ Object
Array of Struct - Any errors will be added to this attribute and each has an attribute of code or message.
#hpricot_data ⇒ Object
Hpricot - This stores the raw data of the request response should you feel the need / desire to do some parsing yourself.
#is_valid ⇒ Object
Boolean - All responses have a field saying whether the request was valid.
#operation ⇒ Object
String - The name of the Operation you want to perform, i.e.
#raw_data ⇒ Object
String - This stores the raw data of the request response (again, for investigation if you want to look under the covers).
#region ⇒ Object
String - Amazon API calls can be sent to any of 6 regions, so this defines which one.
#request_uri ⇒ Object
String - This stores the request that gets sent to Amazon (for investigation if you want to look under the covers).
#response ⇒ Object
Element - This is the root of the structure that the lib assembles from the data when parsed.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize ⇒ Request
A new instance of Request.
#parse ⇒ Object
The parse method of a request should be overwritted by any subclasses to account for different patterns in the XML.
#query_amazon(params) ⇒ Object
This takes care of building request, performing it, storing the results, checking for errors then parsing the data (if the request was valid).
#run ⇒ Object
Launches the request’s query to Amazon (via query_amazon).
Constructor Details
#initialize ⇒ Request
Returns a new instance of Request.
54 55 56 57 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 54 def initialize self.response = self.errors = [] end |
Instance Attribute Details
#errors ⇒ Object
Array of Struct - Any errors will be added to this attribute and each has an attribute of code or message.
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 41 def errors @errors end |
#hpricot_data ⇒ Object
Hpricot - This stores the raw data of the request response should you feel the need / desire to do some parsing yourself.
31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 31 def hpricot_data @hpricot_data end |
#is_valid ⇒ Object
Boolean - All responses have a field saying whether the request was valid. Note that this refers to the format of the request, etc and not errors with the request parameters, etc. I.e. a lookup for an item that doesn’t exsist is still valid.
38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 38 def is_valid @is_valid end |
#operation ⇒ Object
String - The name of the Operation you want to perform, i.e. ItemSearch, ItemLookup, etc.
22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 22 def operation @operation end |
#raw_data ⇒ Object
String - This stores the raw data of the request response (again, for investigation if you want to look under the covers).
28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 28 def raw_data @raw_data end |
#region ⇒ Object
String - Amazon API calls can be sent to any of 6 regions, so this defines which one. It’ll also use this data to pick the right Associates key to use.
19 20 21 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 19 def region @region end |
#request_uri ⇒ Object
String - This stores the request that gets sent to Amazon (for investigation if you want to look under the covers).
25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 25 def request_uri @request_uri end |
#response ⇒ Object
Element - This is the root of the structure that the lib assembles from the data when parsed.
34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 34 def response @response end |
Instance Method Details
#parse ⇒ Object
The parse method of a request should be overwritted by any subclasses to account for different patterns in the XML.
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 109 def parse raise "This should be being overridden by it's subclass to provide custom parsing for the particular operation concerned." end |
#query_amazon(params) ⇒ Object
This takes care of building request, performing it, storing the results, checking for errors then parsing the data (if the request was valid).
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 60 def query_amazon(params) request_params = {} request_params["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService" request_params["SignatureVersion"] = 2 request_params["SignatureMethod"] = "HmacSHA256" request_params["Timestamp"] = request_params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Base.access_key_id request_params["Operation"] = self.operation request_params["AssociateTag"] = AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Base.associate_ids.send(self.region) unless AmazonProductAdvertisingApi::Base.associate_ids.send(self.region).nil? request_params["Version"] = API_VERSION request_params.merge!(params) # Process all params - make sure they're all strings, camelize and escape (where appropriate) request_params = request_params.collect { |var, val| [var.to_s.camelize, val.to_s] } request_params = request_params.collect { |var, val| [var, CGI::escape(val).gsub('+', '%20')] } # Assemble into a full request string unsigned_uri = URI.parse("#{SERVICE_URLS[self.region]}?#{request_params.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.collect { |var, val| var + "=" + val }.join("&")}") # Generate hmac hmac = hmac.update("GET\n#{}\n#{unsigned_uri.path}\n#{unsigned_uri.query}") self.request_uri = URI.parse("#{unsigned_uri}&Signature=#{CGI::escape(Base64.encode64(hmac.digest).chomp)}") result = Net::HTTP::get_response(self.request_uri) raise("Error connecting to Amazon - #{result.to_s}") if !result.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) # Store away the raw data for debugging or if more direct access is required self.raw_data = result.body self.hpricot_data = Hpricot.XML(self.raw_data) # Now parse the xml and build out the reponse elements self.is_valid = == "True" self.parse # is_valid only refers to the request, so we could still have errors - check and parse if present if ! do |error| self.errors <<, :message).new(, end end # Return false if it's not a valid request, otherwise return the response self.is_valid ? self.response : false end |
#run ⇒ Object
Launches the request’s query to Amazon (via query_amazon).
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/amazon_product_advertising_api/operations/base.rb', line 114 def run self.query_amazon(params) end |