
artq - query (ethereum) blockchain contracts / services for (meta) data about art collections via json-rpc


Step 0: Setup JSON RPC Client

The ArtQ command line tool gets the eth node uri via the INFURA_URI enviroment variable / key for now. Set the environment variable / key depending on your operating system (OS) e.g.:


Query (Token) Collection Info

To use the artq command line tool pass in the art collection contract address in the hex (string) format.

Case No. 1 - "Off-Blockchain" Token Metadata

Let's try Moonbirds - an "off-blockchain" pixel art collection - with the token contract / service at 0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b:

$ artq 0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b           # or
$ artq 0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b info

resulting in:

name: >Moonbirds<
symbol: >MOONBIRD<
totalSupply: >10000<

tokenURIs 0..2:
  tokenId 0:
  tokenId 1:
  tokenId 2:

Note: By default the tokenURI method gets called / queried for the first tokens (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.).

If you get a link back (e.g. starting with https:// or ipfs://) than the art collection is "off-blockchain" and you MUST follow / request the link to get the token metadata.

For example if you request you get back:

  {"trait_type":"Outerwear","value":"Hoodie Down"},

Case No. 2 - "On-Blockchain" Token Metadata (With Inline Image)

Let's try The Saudis - an "on-blockchain" pixel art collection - with the token contract / service at 0xe21ebcd28d37a67757b9bc7b290f4c4928a430b1:

$ artq 0xe21ebcd28d37a67757b9bc7b290f4c4928a430b1       # or
$ artq 0xe21ebcd28d37a67757b9bc7b290f4c4928a430b1 info

resulting in:

name: >The Saudis<
symbol: >SAUD<
totalSupply: >5555<

tokenURIs 0..2:
  tokenId 0:
{"name":"The Saudis #0",
 "description":"Max Bidding",
 "image_data": "...",
  [{"trait_type":"Head", "value":"Light 1"},
   {"trait_type":"Hair", "value":"Bald"},
   {"trait_type":"Facial Hair", "value":"Normal Brown Beard & Mustache"},
   {"trait_type":"Headwear", "value":"Haram Police Cap"},
   {"trait_type":"Eyewear", "value":"Regular Pixel Shades"},
   {"trait_type":"Mouthpiece", "value":"None"}]}
   tokenId 1:
{"name":"The Saudis #1",
 "description":"Max Bidding",
 "image_data":  "...",
  [{"trait_type":"Head", "value":"Light 1"},
   {"trait_type":"Hair", "value":"Long Widow's Peak"},
   {"trait_type":"Facial Hair", "value":"Messy White Beard"},
   {"trait_type":"Headwear", "value":"Brown Shemagh & Agal"},
   {"trait_type":"Eyewear", "value":"Big Purple Shades"},
   {"trait_type":"Mouthpiece", "value":"None"}]}
  tokenId 2:
{"name":"The Saudis #2 🛢" ,
 "description":"Max Bidding",
 "image_data":  "...",
  [{"trait_type":"Head", "value":"Dark 1"},
   {"trait_type":"Hair", "value":"Short Buzz Cut"},
   {"trait_type":"Facial Hair", "value":"Gradient Beard"},
   {"trait_type":"Headwear", "value":"Brown Shemagh & Agal"},
   {"trait_type":"Eyewear", "value":"Big Pixel Shades"},
   {"trait_type":"Mouthpiece", "value":"Shadowless Vape"}]}

Note: The artq command-line tool "auto-magically" decodes "on-blockchain" metadata in the base64 format and inline svg images in the base64 format get "cut" from the metadata and "pasted" decoded. Example for tokenId 0, that is, The Saudis #0:

<svg xmlns=""
      xmlns:xlink="" image-rendering="pixelated"
      height="336" width="336">
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
    <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src=""/>
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
     <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src="" />
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
     <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src="" />
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
     <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src="" />
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
     <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src="" />
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="336" height="336">
     <img xmlns="" height="336" width="336" src="" />

Case No. 3 - "On-Blockchain" Layers (Incl. Metadata & Images)

Note: Some "on-blockchain" pixel art collections include all layers, that is, metadata and images to compose / make-up "on-blockchain" token images "on-demand / on-the-fly" from "trait" building blocks from scratch.

If the contract uses / supports:

  • traitDetails(uint256 _layerIndex, uint256 _traitIndex) returns (string _name, string _mimetype, bool _hide) and
  • traitData(uint256 _layerIndex, uint256 _traitIndex) returns string

than you can "auto-magically" download all "on-blockchain" layers, that is, all metadata triplets by repeatedly calling traitDetails starting with index 0/0, 0/1, ..., 1/0, 1/1, ... and so on e.g.

  • traitDetails( 0, 0 ) => ["Rainbow Puke", "image/png", false]
  • traitDetails( 0, 1 ) => ["Bubble Gum", "image/png", false]
  • ...
  • traitDetails( 1, 0 ) => ["Gold Chain", "image/png", false]
  • traitDetails( 2, 1 ) => ["Bowtie", "image/png", false]
  • ...

and all images (as binary blobs) by calling traitData e.g.

  • traitData( 0, 0 ) => "\x89PNG..."
  • traitData( 0, 1 ) => "\x89PNG..."
  • ...

and so on.

Let's try Mad Camels - an "on-blockchain" pixel art collection - with the token contract / service at 0xad8474ba5a7f6abc52708f171f57fefc5cdc8c1c:

$ artq 0xad8474ba5a7f6abc52708f171f57fefc5cdc8c1c layers

resulting in a temp(orary) directory holding all images:


and a datafile with all metadata in the comma-separated values (csv) format, that is, layers.csv e.g:

index, name, type, hide
0/0, Rainbow Puke, image/png, false
0/1, Bubble Gum, image/png, false
0/2, Vape, image/png, false
0/3, None, image/png, false
0/4, Cigarette, image/png, false
0/5, Pipe, image/png, false
1/0, Gold Chain, image/png, false
1/1, Bowtie, image/png, false
1/2, Gold Necklace, image/png, false
1/3, None, image/png, false
2/0, Eye Patch, image/png, false
2/1, Nerd Glasses, image/png, false
2/2, Blue Beams, image/png, false
2/3, Purple Eye Shadow, image/png, false
2/4, Gold Glasses, image/png, false
2/5, Holographic, image/png, false
2/6, Clown Eyes Red, image/png, false
2/7, Clown Eyes Green, image/png, false
2/8, Eye Mask, image/png, false
2/9, Laser Eye, image/png, false
2/10, VR, image/png, false
2/11, 3D Glasses, image/png, false
2/12, None, image/png, false
2/13, Yellow Glasses, image/png, false
2/14, Cool Glasses, image/png, false
2/15, Purple Glasses, image/png, false
2/16, Green Glasses, image/png, false
3/0, Diamond, image/png, false
3/1, Silver, image/png, false
3/2, Gold, image/png, false
3/3, None, image/png, false
4/0, Crown, image/png, false
4/1, Wireless Earphone, image/png, false
4/2, Flower, image/png, false
4/3, Fez, image/png, false
4/4, Fire, image/png, false
4/5, Beanie, image/png, false
4/6, Headphone, image/png, false
4/7, White Shemagh, image/png, false
4/8, Red And White Shemagh, image/png, false
4/9, Angle Ring, image/png, false
4/10, Blue Mohawk, image/png, false
4/11, Sombrero, image/png, false
4/12, Red Mohawk, image/png, false
4/13, Blue Bandana, image/png, false
4/14, Viking, image/png, false
4/15, Pilot Helmet, image/png, false
4/16, Top Hat, image/png, false
4/17, Captain Hat, image/png, false
4/18, Thief Hat, image/png, false
4/19, Orange Cap, image/png, false
4/20, Pirate Bandana, image/png, false
4/21, Knitted Cap, image/png, false
4/22, Purple Cap, image/png, false
4/23, Black Cap, image/png, false
4/24, Pirate Hat, image/png, false
4/25, None, image/png, false
4/26, Red Cap, image/png, false
4/27, Cop Hat, image/png, false
4/28, Cowboy Hat, image/png, false
4/29, Fedora, image/png, false
5/0, Mole, image/png, false
5/1, Pimple, image/png, false
5/2, None, image/png, false
6/0, Gold, image/png, false
6/1, Cyborg, image/png, false
6/2, Skeleton, image/png, false
6/3, Female, image/png, false
6/4, Robot, image/png, false
6/5, Zombie, image/png, false
6/6, Alien, image/png, false
6/7, Default, image/png, false
7/0, Desert, image/png, false
7/1, Cream, image/png, false
7/2, Pink, image/png, false
7/3, Purple, image/png, false
7/4, Green, image/png, false
7/5, Blue, image/png, false

Try some more art collections with "on-blockchain" layers such as Long Live Kevin, Aliens vs Punks, Chi Chis, Chopper, Inverse Punks, Marcs, Phunk Ape Origins, Punkin Spicies, and many more.

Tip: For more art collections with "on-blockchain" layers see the Art Factory Sandbox »

Using the ArtQ Machinery in Your Own Scripts

Yes, you can. Let's try the (crypto) marcs:

require 'artq'

marcs_eth  = "0xe9b91d537c3aa5a3fa87275fbd2e4feaaed69bd0"

marcs = marcs_eth )

n = 0
m = 0
res = marcs.traitData( n, m )    ## note: return binary blob (for n,m-index)
pp res
#=> ["\x89PNG..."]

res = marcs.traitDetails( n, m )  ## note: returns tuple (name, mimetype, hide?)
pp res
#=> ["Zombie", "image/png", false]

## or with convenience download_layers helper
ArtQ.download_layers( marcs_eth, outdir: './marcs' )


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.