Class: Aspera::Preview::Options

  • Object
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generator options. Used as parameter to preview generator object. also settable by command line.

Constant Summary collapse


types of generation for video files

%i[reencode blend clips].freeze
%i[fixed animated].freeze

options used in generator for scaling see: iw/ih : input width or height -x : keep aspect ratio, having value a multiple of x

  { name: :max_size,             default: 1 << 24,            description: 'maximum size (in bytes) of preview file' },
  { name: :thumb_vid_scale,      default: "-1:'min(ih,100)'", description: 'png: video: size (ffmpeg scale argument)' },
  { name: :thumb_vid_fraction,   default: 0.1,                description: 'png: video: time percent position of snapshot' },
  { name: :thumb_img_size,       default: 800,                description: 'png: non-video: height (and width)' },
  { name: :thumb_text_font,      default: 'Courier',          description: 'png: plaintext: font to render text with imagemagick convert (identify -list font)'},
  { name: :video_conversion,     default: :reencode,          description: 'mp4: method for preview generation', values: VIDEO_CONVERSION_METHODS },
  { name: :video_png_conv,       default: :fixed,             description: 'mp4: method for thumbnail generation', values: VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_METHODS },
  { name: :video_scale,          default: "'min(iw,360)':-2", description: 'mp4: all: video scale (ffmpeg)' },
  { name: :video_start_sec,      default: 10,                 description: 'mp4: all: start offset (seconds) of video preview' },
  { name: :reencode_ffmpeg,      default: {},                 description: 'mp4: reencode: options to ffmpeg' },
  { name: :blend_keyframes,      default: 30,                 description: 'mp4: blend: # key frames' },
  { name: :blend_pauseframes,    default: 3,                  description: 'mp4: blend: # pause frames' },
  { name: :blend_transframes,    default: 5,                  description: 'mp4: blend: # transition blend frames' },
  { name: :blend_fps,            default: 15,                 description: 'mp4: blend: frame per second' },
  { name: :clips_count,          default: 5,                  description: 'mp4: clips: number of clips' },
  { name: :clips_length,         default: 5,                  description: 'mp4: clips: length in seconds of each clips' }