Module: Aws::QBusiness::Types
- Defined in:
- lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: APISchema, AccessConfiguration, AccessControl, AccessDeniedException, ActionConfiguration, ActionExecution, ActionExecutionEvent, ActionExecutionPayloadField, ActionFilterConfiguration, ActionReview, ActionReviewEvent, ActionReviewPayloadField, ActionReviewPayloadFieldAllowedValue, ActionSummary, Application, AppliedAttachmentsConfiguration, AppliedCreatorModeConfiguration, AssociatePermissionRequest, AssociatePermissionResponse, Attachment, AttachmentInput, AttachmentInputEvent, AttachmentOutput, AttachmentsConfiguration, AttributeFilter, AuthChallengeRequest, AuthChallengeRequestEvent, AuthChallengeResponse, AuthChallengeResponseEvent, AutoSubscriptionConfiguration, BasicAuthConfiguration, BatchDeleteDocumentRequest, BatchDeleteDocumentResponse, BatchPutDocumentRequest, BatchPutDocumentResponse, BlockedPhrasesConfiguration, BlockedPhrasesConfigurationUpdate, BrowserExtensionConfiguration, ChatInput, ChatInputStream, ChatModeConfiguration, ChatOutput, ChatOutputStream, ChatSyncInput, ChatSyncOutput, ConfigurationEvent, ConflictException, ContentBlockerRule, ContentRetrievalRule, ContentSource, Conversation, ConversationSource, CopyFromSource, CreateApplicationRequest, CreateApplicationResponse, CreateDataAccessorRequest, CreateDataAccessorResponse, CreateDataSourceRequest, CreateDataSourceResponse, CreateIndexRequest, CreateIndexResponse, CreatePluginRequest, CreatePluginResponse, CreateRetrieverRequest, CreateRetrieverResponse, CreateUserRequest, CreateUserResponse, CreateWebExperienceRequest, CreateWebExperienceResponse, CreatorModeConfiguration, CustomPluginConfiguration, CustomizationConfiguration, DataAccessor, DataSource, DataSourceSyncJob, DataSourceSyncJobMetrics, DataSourceVpcConfiguration, DateAttributeBoostingConfiguration, DeleteApplicationRequest, DeleteApplicationResponse, DeleteChatControlsConfigurationRequest, DeleteChatControlsConfigurationResponse, DeleteConversationRequest, DeleteConversationResponse, DeleteDataAccessorRequest, DeleteDataAccessorResponse, DeleteDataSourceRequest, DeleteDataSourceResponse, DeleteDocument, DeleteGroupRequest, DeleteGroupResponse, DeleteIndexRequest, DeleteIndexResponse, DeletePluginRequest, DeletePluginResponse, DeleteRetrieverRequest, DeleteRetrieverResponse, DeleteUserRequest, DeleteUserResponse, DeleteWebExperienceRequest, DeleteWebExperienceResponse, DisassociatePermissionRequest, DisassociatePermissionResponse, Document, DocumentAttribute, DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration, DocumentAttributeCondition, DocumentAttributeConfiguration, DocumentAttributeTarget, DocumentAttributeValue, DocumentContent, DocumentDetails, DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration, EligibleDataSource, EncryptionConfiguration, EndOfInputEvent, ErrorDetail, ExternalResourceException, FailedAttachmentEvent, FailedDocument, GetApplicationRequest, GetApplicationResponse, GetChatControlsConfigurationRequest, GetChatControlsConfigurationResponse, GetDataAccessorRequest, GetDataAccessorResponse, GetDataSourceRequest, GetDataSourceResponse, GetGroupRequest, GetGroupResponse, GetIndexRequest, GetIndexResponse, GetMediaRequest, GetMediaResponse, GetPluginRequest, GetPluginResponse, GetPolicyRequest, GetPolicyResponse, GetRetrieverRequest, GetRetrieverResponse, GetUserRequest, GetUserResponse, GetWebExperienceRequest, GetWebExperienceResponse, GroupMembers, GroupStatusDetail, GroupSummary, HookConfiguration, IdcAuthConfiguration, IdentityProviderConfiguration, ImageExtractionConfiguration, Index, IndexCapacityConfiguration, IndexStatistics, InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration, InternalServerException, KendraIndexConfiguration, LicenseNotFoundException, ListApplicationsRequest, ListApplicationsResponse, ListAttachmentsRequest, ListAttachmentsResponse, ListConversationsRequest, ListConversationsResponse, ListDataAccessorsRequest, ListDataAccessorsResponse, ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest, ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse, ListDataSourcesRequest, ListDataSourcesResponse, ListDocumentsRequest, ListDocumentsResponse, ListGroupsRequest, ListGroupsResponse, ListIndicesRequest, ListIndicesResponse, ListMessagesRequest, ListMessagesResponse, ListPluginActionsRequest, ListPluginActionsResponse, ListPluginTypeActionsRequest, ListPluginTypeActionsResponse, ListPluginTypeMetadataRequest, ListPluginTypeMetadataResponse, ListPluginsRequest, ListPluginsResponse, ListRetrieversRequest, ListRetrieversResponse, ListTagsForResourceRequest, ListTagsForResourceResponse, ListWebExperiencesRequest, ListWebExperiencesResponse, MediaExtractionConfiguration, MediaTooLargeException, MemberGroup, MemberUser, Message, MessageUsefulnessFeedback, MetadataEvent, NativeIndexConfiguration, NoAuthConfiguration, NumberAttributeBoostingConfiguration, OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration, OpenIDConnectProviderConfiguration, PersonalizationConfiguration, Plugin, PluginAuthConfiguration, PluginConfiguration, PluginTypeMetadataSummary, Principal, PrincipalGroup, PrincipalUser, PutFeedbackRequest, PutGroupRequest, PutGroupResponse, QAppsConfiguration, QuickSightConfiguration, RelevantContent, ResourceNotFoundException, Retriever, RetrieverConfiguration, RetrieverContentSource, Rule, RuleConfiguration, S3, SamlConfiguration, SamlProviderConfiguration, ScoreAttributes, SearchRelevantContentRequest, SearchRelevantContentResponse, ServiceQuotaExceededException, SnippetExcerpt, SourceAttribution, StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest, StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse, StopDataSourceSyncJobRequest, StopDataSourceSyncJobResponse, StringAttributeBoostingConfiguration, StringListAttributeBoostingConfiguration, Tag, TagResourceRequest, TagResourceResponse, TextDocumentStatistics, TextInputEvent, TextOutputEvent, TextSegment, ThrottlingException, TopicConfiguration, UntagResourceRequest, UntagResourceResponse, UpdateApplicationRequest, UpdateApplicationResponse, UpdateChatControlsConfigurationRequest, UpdateChatControlsConfigurationResponse, UpdateDataAccessorRequest, UpdateDataAccessorResponse, UpdateDataSourceRequest, UpdateDataSourceResponse, UpdateIndexRequest, UpdateIndexResponse, UpdatePluginRequest, UpdatePluginResponse, UpdateRetrieverRequest, UpdateRetrieverResponse, UpdateUserRequest, UpdateUserResponse, UpdateWebExperienceRequest, UpdateWebExperienceResponse, UserAlias, UsersAndGroups, ValidationException, ValidationExceptionField, WebExperience, WebExperienceAuthConfiguration
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#attachment ⇒ Types::AttachmentOutput
The details of a file uploaded during chat.
#attribute_filter ⇒ Types::AttributeFilter
Enables filtering of responses based on document attributes or metadata fields.
#authorization_url ⇒ String
The URL sent by Amazon Q Business to a third party authentication server in response to an authentication verification event activated by an end user request to use a custom plugin.
#basic_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::BasicAuthConfiguration
Information about the basic authentication credentials used to configure a plugin.
#blob ⇒ String
The contents of the document.
#chat_mode ⇒ String
The chat modes available to an Amazon Q Business end user.
#chat_mode_configuration ⇒ Types::ChatModeConfiguration
Configuration information for Amazon Q Business conversation modes.
#content_blocker_rule ⇒ Types::ContentBlockerRule
A rule for configuring how Amazon Q Business responds when it encounters a a blocked topic.
#content_retrieval_rule ⇒ Types::ContentRetrievalRule
Rules for retrieving content from data sources connected to a Amazon Q Business application for a specific topic control configuration.
#conversation ⇒ Types::ConversationSource
A reference to an attachment in an existing conversation.
#conversation_id ⇒ String
The identifier of the conversation with which the text output event is associated.
#date_configuration ⇒ Types::DateAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘DATE` type document attributes.
#date_value ⇒ Time
A date expressed as an ISO 8601 string.
#final_text_message ⇒ String
The final text output message generated by the system.
#group ⇒ Types::PrincipalGroup
The group associated with the principal.
#idc_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::IdcAuthConfiguration
Information about the IAM Identity Center Application used to configure authentication for a plugin.
#kendra_index_configuration ⇒ Types::KendraIndexConfiguration
Provides information on how the Amazon Kendra index used as a retriever for your Amazon Q Business application is configured.
#long_value ⇒ Integer
A long integer value.
#native_index_configuration ⇒ Types::NativeIndexConfiguration
Provides information on how a Amazon Q Business index used as a retriever for your Amazon Q Business application is configured.
#no_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::NoAuthConfiguration
Information about invoking a custom plugin without any authentication.
#number_configuration ⇒ Types::NumberAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘NUMBER` type document attributes.
#o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration ⇒ Types::OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration
Information about the OAuth 2.0 authentication credential/token used to configure a plugin.
#open_id_connect_configuration ⇒ Types::OpenIDConnectProviderConfiguration
Information about the OIDC-compliant identity provider (IdP) used to authenticate end users of an Amazon Q Business web experience.
#payload ⇒ Hash<String,Types::ActionReviewPayloadField>
Field values that an end user needs to provide to Amazon Q Business for Amazon Q Business to perform the requested plugin action.
#payload_field_name_separator ⇒ String
A string used to retain information about the hierarchical contexts within an action review event payload.
#plugin_configuration ⇒ Types::PluginConfiguration
Configuration information required to invoke chat in ‘PLUGIN_MODE`.
#plugin_id ⇒ String
The identifier of the plugin associated with the action review event.
#plugin_type ⇒ String
The type of plugin.
#response_map ⇒ Hash<String,String>
The mapping of key-value pairs in an authentication challenge response.
#retriever ⇒ Types::RetrieverContentSource
The retriever to use as the content source.
#s3 ⇒ Types::S3
The path to the document in an Amazon S3 bucket.
#saml_configuration ⇒ Types::SamlConfiguration
Provides the SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP) configuration information Amazon Q Business needs to deploy a Amazon Q Business web experience.
#source_attributions ⇒ Array<Types::SourceAttribution>
The source documents used to generate the conversation response.
#string_configuration ⇒ Types::StringAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘STRING` type document attributes.
#string_list_configuration ⇒ Types::StringListAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘STRING_LIST` type document attributes.
#string_list_value ⇒ Array<String>
A list of strings.
#string_value ⇒ String
A string.
#system_message ⇒ String
An AI-generated message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
#system_message_id ⇒ String
The identifier of an AI-generated message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
#user ⇒ Types::PrincipalUser
The user associated with the principal.
#user_message ⇒ String
A user message in a text message input event.
#user_message_id ⇒ String
The identifier of an end user message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
Instance Attribute Details
#attachment ⇒ Types::AttachmentOutput
The details of a file uploaded during chat.
654 655 656 657 658 659 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 654 class AttachmentInputEvent < :attachment, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#attribute_filter ⇒ Types::AttributeFilter
Enables filtering of responses based on document attributes or metadata fields.
1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1398 class ConfigurationEvent < :chat_mode, :chat_mode_configuration, :attribute_filter, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#authorization_url ⇒ String
The URL sent by Amazon Q Business to a third party authentication server in response to an authentication verification event activated by an end user request to use a custom plugin.
841 842 843 844 845 846 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 841 class AuthChallengeRequestEvent < :authorization_url, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#basic_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::BasicAuthConfiguration
Information about the basic authentication credentials used to configure a plugin.
6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6073 class PluginAuthConfiguration < :basic_auth_configuration, :o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration, :no_auth_configuration, :idc_auth_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class BasicAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class NoAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class IdcAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class Unknown < PluginAuthConfiguration; end end |
#blob ⇒ String
The contents of the document. Documents passed to the ‘blob` parameter must be base64 encoded. Your code might not need to encode the document file bytes if you’re using an Amazon Web Services SDK to call Amazon Q Business APIs. If you are calling the Amazon Q Business endpoint directly using REST, you must base64 encode the contents before sending.
3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3234 class DocumentContent < :blob, :s3, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Blob < DocumentContent; end class S3 < DocumentContent; end class Unknown < DocumentContent; end end |
#chat_mode ⇒ String
The chat modes available to an Amazon Q Business end user.
‘RETRIEVAL_MODE` - The default chat mode for an Amazon Q Business application. When this mode is enabled, Amazon Q Business generates responses only from data sources connected to an Amazon Q Business application.
‘CREATOR_MODE` - By selecting this mode, users can choose to generate responses only from the LLM knowledge, without consulting connected data sources, for a chat request.
‘PLUGIN_MODE` - By selecting this mode, users can choose to use plugins in chat.
For more information, see [Admin controls and guardrails], [Plugins], and [Conversation settings].
[1]: [2]: [3]:
1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1398 class ConfigurationEvent < :chat_mode, :chat_mode_configuration, :attribute_filter, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#chat_mode_configuration ⇒ Types::ChatModeConfiguration
Configuration information for Amazon Q Business conversation modes.
For more information, see [Admin controls and guardrails] and [Conversation settings].
[1]: [2]:
1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1398 class ConfigurationEvent < :chat_mode, :chat_mode_configuration, :attribute_filter, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#content_blocker_rule ⇒ Types::ContentBlockerRule
A rule for configuring how Amazon Q Business responds when it encounters a a blocked topic.
6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6555 class RuleConfiguration < :content_blocker_rule, :content_retrieval_rule, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class ContentBlockerRule < RuleConfiguration; end class ContentRetrievalRule < RuleConfiguration; end class Unknown < RuleConfiguration; end end |
#content_retrieval_rule ⇒ Types::ContentRetrievalRule
Rules for retrieving content from data sources connected to a Amazon Q Business application for a specific topic control configuration.
6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6555 class RuleConfiguration < :content_blocker_rule, :content_retrieval_rule, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class ContentBlockerRule < RuleConfiguration; end class ContentRetrievalRule < RuleConfiguration; end class Unknown < RuleConfiguration; end end |
#conversation ⇒ Types::ConversationSource
A reference to an attachment in an existing conversation.
1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1544 class CopyFromSource < :conversation, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Conversation < CopyFromSource; end class Unknown < CopyFromSource; end end |
#conversation_id ⇒ String
The identifier of the conversation with which the text output event is associated.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 291 class ActionReviewEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :plugin_id, :plugin_type, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#date_configuration ⇒ Types::DateAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘DATE` type document attributes.
3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3009 class DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration < :number_configuration, :string_configuration, :date_configuration, :string_list_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NumberConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class DateConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringListConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end end |
#date_value ⇒ Time
A date expressed as an ISO 8601 string.
It’s important for the time zone to be included in the ISO 8601 date-time format. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25th 2012 at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3198 class DocumentAttributeValue < :string_value, :string_list_value, :long_value, :date_value, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class StringValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class StringListValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class LongValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class DateValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeValue; end end |
#final_text_message ⇒ String
The final text output message generated by the system.
5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 5850 class MetadataEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :source_attributions, :final_text_message, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#group ⇒ Types::PrincipalGroup
The group associated with the principal.
6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6153 class Principal < :user, :group, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class User < Principal; end class Group < Principal; end class Unknown < Principal; end end |
#idc_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::IdcAuthConfiguration
Information about the IAM Identity Center Application used to configure authentication for a plugin.
6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6073 class PluginAuthConfiguration < :basic_auth_configuration, :o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration, :no_auth_configuration, :idc_auth_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class BasicAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class NoAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class IdcAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class Unknown < PluginAuthConfiguration; end end |
#kendra_index_configuration ⇒ Types::KendraIndexConfiguration
Provides information on how the Amazon Kendra index used as a retriever for your Amazon Q Business application is configured.
6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6480 class RetrieverConfiguration < :native_index_configuration, :kendra_index_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NativeIndexConfiguration < RetrieverConfiguration; end class KendraIndexConfiguration < RetrieverConfiguration; end class Unknown < RetrieverConfiguration; end end |
#long_value ⇒ Integer
A long integer value.
3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3198 class DocumentAttributeValue < :string_value, :string_list_value, :long_value, :date_value, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class StringValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class StringListValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class LongValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class DateValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeValue; end end |
#native_index_configuration ⇒ Types::NativeIndexConfiguration
Provides information on how a Amazon Q Business index used as a retriever for your Amazon Q Business application is configured.
6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6480 class RetrieverConfiguration < :native_index_configuration, :kendra_index_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NativeIndexConfiguration < RetrieverConfiguration; end class KendraIndexConfiguration < RetrieverConfiguration; end class Unknown < RetrieverConfiguration; end end |
#no_auth_configuration ⇒ Types::NoAuthConfiguration
Information about invoking a custom plugin without any authentication.
6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6073 class PluginAuthConfiguration < :basic_auth_configuration, :o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration, :no_auth_configuration, :idc_auth_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class BasicAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class NoAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class IdcAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class Unknown < PluginAuthConfiguration; end end |
#number_configuration ⇒ Types::NumberAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘NUMBER` type document attributes.
3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3009 class DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration < :number_configuration, :string_configuration, :date_configuration, :string_list_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NumberConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class DateConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringListConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end end |
#o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration ⇒ Types::OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration
Information about the OAuth 2.0 authentication credential/token used to configure a plugin.
6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6073 class PluginAuthConfiguration < :basic_auth_configuration, :o_auth_2_client_credential_configuration, :no_auth_configuration, :idc_auth_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class BasicAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class NoAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class IdcAuthConfiguration < PluginAuthConfiguration; end class Unknown < PluginAuthConfiguration; end end |
#open_id_connect_configuration ⇒ Types::OpenIDConnectProviderConfiguration
Information about the OIDC-compliant identity provider (IdP) used to authenticate end users of an Amazon Q Business web experience.
4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 4621 class IdentityProviderConfiguration < :saml_configuration, :open_id_connect_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class SamlConfiguration < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end class OpenIdConnectConfiguration < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end class Unknown < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end end |
#payload ⇒ Hash<String,Types::ActionReviewPayloadField>
Field values that an end user needs to provide to Amazon Q Business for Amazon Q Business to perform the requested plugin action.
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 40 class APISchema < :payload, :s3, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [:payload] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Payload < APISchema; end class S3 < APISchema; end class Unknown < APISchema; end end |
#payload_field_name_separator ⇒ String
A string used to retain information about the hierarchical contexts within an action review event payload.
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 177 class ActionExecutionEvent < :plugin_id, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#plugin_configuration ⇒ Types::PluginConfiguration
Configuration information required to invoke chat in ‘PLUGIN_MODE`.
1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1162 class ChatModeConfiguration < :plugin_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class PluginConfiguration < ChatModeConfiguration; end class Unknown < ChatModeConfiguration; end end |
#plugin_id ⇒ String
The identifier of the plugin associated with the action review event.
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 177 class ActionExecutionEvent < :plugin_id, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#plugin_type ⇒ String
The type of plugin.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 291 class ActionReviewEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :plugin_id, :plugin_type, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#response_map ⇒ Hash<String,String>
The mapping of key-value pairs in an authentication challenge response.
875 876 877 878 879 880 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 875 class AuthChallengeResponseEvent < :response_map, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#retriever ⇒ Types::RetrieverContentSource
The retriever to use as the content source.
1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 1477 class ContentSource < :retriever, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Retriever < ContentSource; end class Unknown < ContentSource; end end |
#s3 ⇒ Types::S3
The path to the document in an Amazon S3 bucket.
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 40 class APISchema < :payload, :s3, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [:payload] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Payload < APISchema; end class S3 < APISchema; end class Unknown < APISchema; end end |
#saml_configuration ⇒ Types::SamlConfiguration
Provides the SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP) configuration information Amazon Q Business needs to deploy a Amazon Q Business web experience.
4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 4621 class IdentityProviderConfiguration < :saml_configuration, :open_id_connect_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class SamlConfiguration < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end class OpenIdConnectConfiguration < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end class Unknown < IdentityProviderConfiguration; end end |
#source_attributions ⇒ Array<Types::SourceAttribution>
The source documents used to generate the conversation response.
5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 5850 class MetadataEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :source_attributions, :final_text_message, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#string_configuration ⇒ Types::StringAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘STRING` type document attributes.
3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3009 class DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration < :number_configuration, :string_configuration, :date_configuration, :string_list_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NumberConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class DateConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringListConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end end |
#string_list_configuration ⇒ Types::StringListAttributeBoostingConfiguration
Provides information on boosting ‘STRING_LIST` type document attributes.
3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3009 class DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration < :number_configuration, :string_configuration, :date_configuration, :string_list_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class NumberConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class DateConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class StringListConfiguration < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration; end end |
#string_list_value ⇒ Array<String>
A list of strings.
3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3198 class DocumentAttributeValue < :string_value, :string_list_value, :long_value, :date_value, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class StringValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class StringListValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class LongValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class DateValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeValue; end end |
#string_value ⇒ String
A string.
3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 3198 class DocumentAttributeValue < :string_value, :string_list_value, :long_value, :date_value, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class StringValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class StringListValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class LongValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class DateValue < DocumentAttributeValue; end class Unknown < DocumentAttributeValue; end end |
#system_message ⇒ String
An AI-generated message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 7034 class TextOutputEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :system_message, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#system_message_id ⇒ String
The identifier of an AI-generated message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 291 class ActionReviewEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :plugin_id, :plugin_type, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#user ⇒ Types::PrincipalUser
The user associated with the principal.
6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 6153 class Principal < :user, :group, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class User < Principal; end class Group < Principal; end class Unknown < Principal; end end |
#user_message ⇒ String
A user message in a text message input event.
7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 7005 class TextInputEvent < :user_message, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |
#user_message_id ⇒ String
The identifier of an end user message in a ‘TextOutputEvent`.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-qbusiness/types.rb', line 291 class ActionReviewEvent < :conversation_id, :user_message_id, :system_message_id, :plugin_id, :plugin_type, :payload, :payload_field_name_separator, :event_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end |