Module: Aws::RolesAnywhere::Endpoints Private

Defined in:

This module is part of a private API. You should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: CreateProfile, CreateTrustAnchor, DeleteAttributeMapping, DeleteCrl, DeleteProfile, DeleteTrustAnchor, DisableCrl, DisableProfile, DisableTrustAnchor, EnableCrl, EnableProfile, EnableTrustAnchor, GetCrl, GetProfile, GetSubject, GetTrustAnchor, ImportCrl, ListCrls, ListProfiles, ListSubjects, ListTagsForResource, ListTrustAnchors, PutAttributeMapping, PutNotificationSettings, ResetNotificationSettings, TagResource, UntagResource, UpdateCrl, UpdateProfile, UpdateTrustAnchor