Class: AWS::CloudFront::Client

AWS::Core::RESTXMLClient show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from AWS::Core::Client

#config, #http_read_timeout

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from AWS::Core::Client

#initialize, #log_warning, #operations, operations, #with_http_handler, #with_options

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AWS::Core::Client

Instance Method Details

#create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the POST CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity API operation.

  • :cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config - required - (Hash) The origin access identity’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig object), a new origin access identity is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an identity, and the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an identity but the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists error.

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the origin access identity.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :s3_canonical_user_id - (String)

    • :cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :comment - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 23

#create_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the POST CreateDistribution API operation.

  • :distribution_config - required - (Hash) The distribution’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the DistributionConfig object), a new distribution is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution, and the content of the DistributionConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution but the content of the DistributionConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.

    • :aliases - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of CNAMEs, if any, for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains CNAME elements, if any, for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :default_root_object - required - (String) The object that you want CloudFront to return (for example, index.html) when an end user requests the root URL for your distribution ( instead of an object in your distribution ( Specifying a default root object avoids exposing the contents of your distribution. If you don’t want to specify a default root object when you create a distribution, include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To delete the default root object from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To replace the default root object, update the distribution configuration and specify the new object.

    • :origins - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of origins for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<Hash>) A complex type that contains origins for this distribution.

        • :id - required - (String) A unique identifier for the origin. The value of Id must be unique within the distribution. You use the value of Id when you create a cache behavior. The Id identifies the origin that CloudFront routes a request to when the request matches the path pattern for that cache behavior.

        • :domain_name - required - (String) Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example, Custom origins: The DNS domain name for the HTTP server from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example,

        • :s3_origin_config - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 origin. If the origin is a custom origin, use the CustomOriginConfig element instead.

          • :origin_access_identity - required - (String) The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin. Use an origin access identity to configure the origin so that end users can only access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront. If you want end users to be able to access objects using either the CloudFront URL or the Amazon S3 URL, specify an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To delete the origin access identity from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To replace the origin access identity, update the distribution configuration and specify the new origin access identity.

        • :custom_origin_config - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about a custom origin. If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, use the S3OriginConfig element instead.

          • :http_port - required - (Integer) The HTTP port the custom origin listens on.

          • :https_port - required - (Integer) The HTTPS port the custom origin listens on.

          • :origin_protocol_policy - required - (String) The origin protocol policy to apply to your origin.

    • :default_cache_behavior - required - (Hash) A complex type that describes the default cache behavior if you do not specify a CacheBehavior element or if files don’t match any of the values of PathPattern in CacheBehavior elements.You must create exactly one default cache behavior.

      • :target_origin_id - required - (String) The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior.

      • :forwarded_values - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings.

        • :query_string - required - (Boolean) Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true ; if not, specify false .

      • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

        • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

        • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

        • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

      • :viewer_protocol_policy - required - (String) Use this element to specify the protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. If you want CloudFront to allow end users to use any available protocol, specify allow-all. If you want CloudFront to require HTTPS, specify https.

      • :min_ttl - required - (Integer) The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated.You can specify a value from 0 to 3,153,600,000 seconds (100 years).

    • :cache_behaviors - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains zero or more CacheBehavior elements.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of cache behaviors for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<Hash>) Optional: A complex type that contains cache behaviors for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

        • :path_pattern - required - (String) The pattern (for example, images/*.jpg) that specifies which requests you want this cache behavior to apply to. When CloudFront receives an end-user request, the requested path is compared with path patterns in the order in which cache behaviors are listed in the distribution. The path pattern for the default cache behavior is * and cannot be changed. If the request for an object does not match the path pattern for any cache behaviors, CloudFront applies the behavior in the default cache behavior.

        • :target_origin_id - required - (String) The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior.

        • :forwarded_values - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings.

          • :query_string - required - (Boolean) Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true ; if not, specify false .

        • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

          • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

          • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

          • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - required - (String) Use this element to specify the protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. If you want CloudFront to allow end users to use any available protocol, specify allow-all. If you want CloudFront to require HTTPS, specify https.

        • :min_ttl - required - (Integer) The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated.You can specify a value from 0 to 3,153,600,000 seconds (100 years).

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the distribution.

    • :logging - required - (Hash) A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you do not want to enable logging when you create a distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket and Prefix, the values are automatically deleted.

      • :bucket - required - (String) The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example,

      • :prefix - required - (String) An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you do not want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.

    • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Whether the distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :in_progress_invalidation_batches - (Integer)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :default_root_object - (String)

      • :origins - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :id - (String)

          • :domain_name - (String)

          • :s3_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :origin_access_identity - (String)

          • :custom_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :http_port - (Integer)

            • :https_port - (Integer)

            • :origin_protocol_policy - (String)

      • :default_cache_behavior - (Hash)

        • :target_origin_id - (String)

        • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

          • :query_string - (Boolean)

        • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

          • :enabled - (Boolean)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

        • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :cache_behaviors - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :path_pattern - (String)

          • :target_origin_id - (String)

          • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

            • :query_string - (Boolean)

          • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

            • :enabled - (Boolean)

            • :quantity - (Integer)

            • :items - (Array<String>)

          • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

          • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 53

#create_invalidation(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the POST CreateInvalidation API operation.

  • :distribution_id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.

  • :invalidation_batch - required - (Hash) The batch information for the invalidation.

    • :paths - required - (Hash) The path of the object to invalidate. The path is relative to the distribution and must begin with a slash (/). You must enclose each invalidation object with the Path element tags. If the path includes non-ASCII characters or unsafe characters as defined in RFC 1783 (, URL encode those characters. Do not URL encode any other characters in the path, or CloudFront will not invalidate the old version of the updated object.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of objects that you want to invalidate.

      • :items - (Array<String>) A complex type that contains a list of the objects that you want to invalidate.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique name that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the Path object), a new distribution is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an invalidation batch, and the content of each Path element is identical to the original request, the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution but the content of any Path is different from the original request, CloudFront returns an InvalidationBatchAlreadyExists error.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :create_time - (Time)

    • :invalidation_batch - (Hash)

      • :paths - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 327

#create_streaming_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the POST CreateStreamingDistribution API operation.

  • :streaming_distribution_config - required - (Hash) The streaming distribution’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig object), a new streaming distribution is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a streaming distribution, and the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a streaming distribution but the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.

    • :s3_origin - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get your media files for distribution.

      • :domain_name - required - (String) The DNS name of the S3 origin.

      • :origin_access_identity - required - (String) Your S3 origin’s origin access identity.

    • :aliases - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this streaming distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of CNAMEs, if any, for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains CNAME elements, if any, for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the streaming distribution.

    • :logging - required - (Hash) A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the streaming distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you do not want to enable logging when you create a distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket and Prefix, the values are automatically deleted.

      • :bucket - required - (String) The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example,

      • :prefix - required - (String) An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you do not want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.

    • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Whether the streaming distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :streaming_distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :s3_origin - (Hash)

        • :domain_name - (String)

        • :origin_access_identity - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 368

#delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DELETE DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The origin access identity’s id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received from a previous GET or PUT request. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 478

#delete_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DELETE DeleteDistribution API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The distribution id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received when you disabled the distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 486

#delete_streaming_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DELETE DeleteStreamingDistribution API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The distribution id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received when you disabled the streaming distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 494

#get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The identity’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :s3_canonical_user_id - (String)

    • :cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :comment - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 502

#get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The identity’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :caller_reference - (String)

    • :comment - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 515

#get_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetDistribution API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :in_progress_invalidation_batches - (Integer)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :default_root_object - (String)

      • :origins - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :id - (String)

          • :domain_name - (String)

          • :s3_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :origin_access_identity - (String)

          • :custom_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :http_port - (Integer)

            • :https_port - (Integer)

            • :origin_protocol_policy - (String)

      • :default_cache_behavior - (Hash)

        • :target_origin_id - (String)

        • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

          • :query_string - (Boolean)

        • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

          • :enabled - (Boolean)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

        • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :cache_behaviors - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :path_pattern - (String)

          • :target_origin_id - (String)

          • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

            • :query_string - (Boolean)

          • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

            • :enabled - (Boolean)

            • :quantity - (Integer)

            • :items - (Array<String>)

          • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

          • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 525

#get_distribution_config(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetDistributionConfig API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :caller_reference - (String)

    • :aliases - (Hash)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :default_root_object - (String)

    • :origins - (Hash)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :id - (String)

        • :domain_name - (String)

        • :s3_origin_config - (Hash)

          • :origin_access_identity - (String)

        • :custom_origin_config - (Hash)

          • :http_port - (Integer)

          • :https_port - (Integer)

          • :origin_protocol_policy - (String)

    • :default_cache_behavior - (Hash)

      • :target_origin_id - (String)

      • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

        • :query_string - (Boolean)

      • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

      • :min_ttl - (Integer)

    • :cache_behaviors - (Hash)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :path_pattern - (String)

        • :target_origin_id - (String)

        • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

          • :query_string - (Boolean)

        • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

          • :enabled - (Boolean)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

        • :min_ttl - (Integer)

    • :comment - (String)

    • :logging - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :bucket - (String)

      • :prefix - (String)

    • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 592

#get_invalidation(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetInvalidation API operation.

  • :distribution_id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.

  • :id - required - (String) The invalidation’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :create_time - (Time)

    • :invalidation_batch - (Hash)

      • :paths - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 645

#get_streaming_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetStreamingDistribution API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The streaming distribution’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :streaming_distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :s3_origin - (Hash)

        • :domain_name - (String)

        • :origin_access_identity - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 662

#get_streaming_distribution_config(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET GetStreamingDistributionConfig API operation.

  • :id - required - (String) The streaming distribution’s id.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :caller_reference - (String)

    • :s3_origin - (Hash)

      • :domain_name - (String)

      • :origin_access_identity - (String)

    • :aliases - (Hash)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :comment - (String)

    • :logging - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :bucket - (String)

      • :prefix - (String)

    • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 700

#list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities API operation.

  • :marker - (String) Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of origin access identities. The results include identities in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page’s response (which is also the ID of the last identity on that page).

  • :max_items - (Integer) The maximum number of origin access identities you want in the response body.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :marker - (String)

    • :next_marker - (String)

    • :max_items - (Integer)

    • :is_truncated - (Boolean)

    • :quantity - (Integer)

    • :items - (Array<Hash>)

      • :id - (String)

      • :s3_canonical_user_id - (String)

      • :comment - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 725

#list_distributions(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET ListDistributions API operation.

  • :marker - (String) Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of distributions. The results include distributions in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page’s response (which is also the ID of the last distribution on that page).

  • :max_items - (Integer) The maximum number of distributions you want in the response body.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :marker - (String)

    • :next_marker - (String)

    • :max_items - (Integer)

    • :is_truncated - (Boolean)

    • :quantity - (Integer)

    • :items - (Array<Hash>)

      • :id - (String)

      • :status - (String)

      • :last_modified_time - (Time)

      • :domain_name - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :origins - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :id - (String)

          • :domain_name - (String)

          • :s3_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :origin_access_identity - (String)

          • :custom_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :http_port - (Integer)

            • :https_port - (Integer)

            • :origin_protocol_policy - (String)

      • :default_cache_behavior - (Hash)

        • :target_origin_id - (String)

        • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

          • :query_string - (Boolean)

        • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

          • :enabled - (Boolean)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

        • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :cache_behaviors - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :path_pattern - (String)

          • :target_origin_id - (String)

          • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

            • :query_string - (Boolean)

          • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

            • :enabled - (Boolean)

            • :quantity - (Integer)

            • :items - (Array<String>)

          • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

          • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 749

#list_invalidations(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET ListInvalidations API operation.

  • :distribution_id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.

  • :marker - (String) Use this parameter when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of invalidation batches. Because the results are returned in decreasing order from most recent to oldest, the most recent results are on the first page, the second page will contain earlier results, and so on. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page’s response. This value is the same as the ID of the last invalidation batch on that page.

  • :max_items - (Integer) The maximum number of invalidation batches you want in the response body.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :marker - (String)

    • :next_marker - (String)

    • :max_items - (Integer)

    • :is_truncated - (Boolean)

    • :quantity - (Integer)

    • :items - (Array<Hash>)

      • :id - (String)

      • :status - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 813

#list_streaming_distributions(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GET ListStreamingDistributions API operation.

  • :marker - (String) Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of streaming distributions. The results include distributions in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page’s response (which is also the ID of the last distribution on that page).

  • :max_items - (Integer) The maximum number of streaming distributions you want in the response body.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :marker - (String)

    • :next_marker - (String)

    • :max_items - (Integer)

    • :is_truncated - (Boolean)

    • :quantity - (Integer)

    • :items - (Array<Hash>)

      • :id - (String)

      • :status - (String)

      • :last_modified_time - (Time)

      • :domain_name - (String)

      • :s3_origin - (Hash)

        • :domain_name - (String)

        • :origin_access_identity - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 839

#update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the PUT UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity API operation.

  • :cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config - required - (Hash) The identity’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig object), a new origin access identity is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an identity, and the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an identity but the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists error.

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the origin access identity.

  • :id - required - (String) The identity’s id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received when retrieving the identity’s configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :s3_canonical_user_id - (String)

    • :cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :comment - (String)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 876

#update_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the PUT UpdateDistribution API operation.

  • :distribution_config - required - (Hash) The distribution’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the DistributionConfig object), a new distribution is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution, and the content of the DistributionConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution but the content of the DistributionConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.

    • :aliases - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of CNAMEs, if any, for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains CNAME elements, if any, for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :default_root_object - required - (String) The object that you want CloudFront to return (for example, index.html) when an end user requests the root URL for your distribution ( instead of an object in your distribution ( Specifying a default root object avoids exposing the contents of your distribution. If you don’t want to specify a default root object when you create a distribution, include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To delete the default root object from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To replace the default root object, update the distribution configuration and specify the new object.

    • :origins - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of origins for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<Hash>) A complex type that contains origins for this distribution.

        • :id - required - (String) A unique identifier for the origin. The value of Id must be unique within the distribution. You use the value of Id when you create a cache behavior. The Id identifies the origin that CloudFront routes a request to when the request matches the path pattern for that cache behavior.

        • :domain_name - required - (String) Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example, Custom origins: The DNS domain name for the HTTP server from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example,

        • :s3_origin_config - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 origin. If the origin is a custom origin, use the CustomOriginConfig element instead.

          • :origin_access_identity - required - (String) The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin. Use an origin access identity to configure the origin so that end users can only access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront. If you want end users to be able to access objects using either the CloudFront URL or the Amazon S3 URL, specify an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To delete the origin access identity from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To replace the origin access identity, update the distribution configuration and specify the new origin access identity.

        • :custom_origin_config - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about a custom origin. If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, use the S3OriginConfig element instead.

          • :http_port - required - (Integer) The HTTP port the custom origin listens on.

          • :https_port - required - (Integer) The HTTPS port the custom origin listens on.

          • :origin_protocol_policy - required - (String) The origin protocol policy to apply to your origin.

    • :default_cache_behavior - required - (Hash) A complex type that describes the default cache behavior if you do not specify a CacheBehavior element or if files don’t match any of the values of PathPattern in CacheBehavior elements.You must create exactly one default cache behavior.

      • :target_origin_id - required - (String) The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior.

      • :forwarded_values - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings.

        • :query_string - required - (Boolean) Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true ; if not, specify false .

      • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

        • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

        • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

        • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

      • :viewer_protocol_policy - required - (String) Use this element to specify the protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. If you want CloudFront to allow end users to use any available protocol, specify allow-all. If you want CloudFront to require HTTPS, specify https.

      • :min_ttl - required - (Integer) The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated.You can specify a value from 0 to 3,153,600,000 seconds (100 years).

    • :cache_behaviors - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains zero or more CacheBehavior elements.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of cache behaviors for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<Hash>) Optional: A complex type that contains cache behaviors for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

        • :path_pattern - required - (String) The pattern (for example, images/*.jpg) that specifies which requests you want this cache behavior to apply to. When CloudFront receives an end-user request, the requested path is compared with path patterns in the order in which cache behaviors are listed in the distribution. The path pattern for the default cache behavior is * and cannot be changed. If the request for an object does not match the path pattern for any cache behaviors, CloudFront applies the behavior in the default cache behavior.

        • :target_origin_id - required - (String) The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior.

        • :forwarded_values - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings.

          • :query_string - required - (Boolean) Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true ; if not, specify false .

        • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

          • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

          • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

          • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - required - (String) Use this element to specify the protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. If you want CloudFront to allow end users to use any available protocol, specify allow-all. If you want CloudFront to require HTTPS, specify https.

        • :min_ttl - required - (Integer) The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated.You can specify a value from 0 to 3,153,600,000 seconds (100 years).

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the distribution.

    • :logging - required - (Hash) A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you do not want to enable logging when you create a distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket and Prefix, the values are automatically deleted.

      • :bucket - required - (String) The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example,

      • :prefix - required - (String) An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you do not want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.

    • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Whether the distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content.

  • :id - required - (String) The distribution’s id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received when retrieving the distribution’s configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :in_progress_invalidation_batches - (Integer)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :default_root_object - (String)

      • :origins - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :id - (String)

          • :domain_name - (String)

          • :s3_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :origin_access_identity - (String)

          • :custom_origin_config - (Hash)

            • :http_port - (Integer)

            • :https_port - (Integer)

            • :origin_protocol_policy - (String)

      • :default_cache_behavior - (Hash)

        • :target_origin_id - (String)

        • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

          • :query_string - (Boolean)

        • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

          • :enabled - (Boolean)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

        • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

        • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :cache_behaviors - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<Hash>)

          • :path_pattern - (String)

          • :target_origin_id - (String)

          • :forwarded_values - (Hash)

            • :query_string - (Boolean)

          • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

            • :enabled - (Boolean)

            • :quantity - (Integer)

            • :items - (Array<String>)

          • :viewer_protocol_policy - (String)

          • :min_ttl - (Integer)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 909

#update_streaming_distribution(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the PUT UpdateStreamingDistribution API operation.

  • :streaming_distribution_config - required - (Hash) The streaming distribution’s configuration information.

    • :caller_reference - required - (String) A unique number that ensures the request can’t be replayed. If the CallerReference is new (no matter the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig object), a new streaming distribution is created. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a streaming distribution, and the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create a streaming distribution but the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.

    • :s3_origin - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get your media files for distribution.

      • :domain_name - required - (String) The DNS name of the S3 origin.

      • :origin_access_identity - required - (String) Your S3 origin’s origin access identity.

    • :aliases - required - (Hash) A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this streaming distribution.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of CNAMEs, if any, for this distribution.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains CNAME elements, if any, for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :comment - required - (String) Any comments you want to include about the streaming distribution.

    • :logging - required - (Hash) A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the streaming distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you do not want to enable logging when you create a distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket and Prefix, the values are automatically deleted.

      • :bucket - required - (String) The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example,

      • :prefix - required - (String) An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you do not want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.

    • :trusted_signers - required - (Hash) A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, go to Using a Signed URL to Serve Private Content in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don’t want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it’s currently false ), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.

      • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Specifies whether you want to require end users to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.

      • :quantity - required - (Integer) The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.

      • :items - (Array<String>) Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.

    • :enabled - required - (Boolean) Whether the streaming distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content.

  • :id - required - (String) The streaming distribution’s id.

  • :if_match - (String) The value of the ETag header you received when retrieving the streaming distribution’s configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :id - (String)

    • :status - (String)

    • :last_modified_time - (Time)

    • :domain_name - (String)

    • :active_trusted_signers - (Hash)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

      • :quantity - (Integer)

      • :items - (Array<Hash>)

        • :aws_account_number - (String)

        • :key_pair_ids - (Hash)

          • :quantity - (Integer)

          • :items - (Array<String>)

    • :streaming_distribution_config - (Hash)

      • :caller_reference - (String)

      • :s3_origin - (Hash)

        • :domain_name - (String)

        • :origin_access_identity - (String)

      • :aliases - (Hash)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :comment - (String)

      • :logging - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :bucket - (String)

        • :prefix - (String)

      • :trusted_signers - (Hash)

        • :enabled - (Boolean)

        • :quantity - (Integer)

        • :items - (Array<String>)

      • :enabled - (Boolean)

# File 'lib/aws/cloud_front/client.rb', line 1187