Class: Aws::Ec2
- Includes:
- AwsBaseInterface
- Defined in:
- lib/ec2/ec2.rb
Aws::EC2 – RightScale Amazon EC2 interface
The Aws::EC2 class provides a complete interface to Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud service, as well as the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store). For explanations of the semantics of each call, please refer to Amazon’s documentation at
Create an EC2 interface handle:
@ec2 =,
Create a new SSH key pair:
@key = 'right_ec2_awesome_test_key'
new_key = @ec2.create_key_pair(@key)
keys = @ec2.describe_key_pairs
Create a security group:
@group = 'right_ec2_awesome_test_security_group'
@ec2.create_security_group(@group,'My awesome test group')
group = @ec2.describe_security_groups([@group])[0]
Configure a security group:
@ec2.(@group, account_number, 'default')
@ec2.(@group, 80,80,'udp','')
Describe the available images:
images = @ec2.describe_images
Launch an instance:
ec2.run_instances('ami-9a9e7bf3', 1, 1, ['default'], @key, 'SomeImportantUserData', 'public')
Describe running instances:
Error handling: all operations raise an Aws::AwsError in case of problems. Note that transient errors are automatically retried.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: QEc2AllocateAddressParser, QEc2AttachAndDetachVolumeParser, QEc2AttachNetworkInterfaceParser, QEc2BundleInstanceParser, QEc2ConfirmProductInstanceParser, QEc2CreateImageParser, QEc2CreateKeyPairParser, QEc2CreateSnapshotParser, QEc2CreateVolumeParser, QEc2DescribeAddressesParser, QEc2DescribeAvailabilityZonesParser, QEc2DescribeBundleTasksParser, QEc2DescribeImageAttributeParser, QEc2DescribeImagesParser, QEc2DescribeInstancesParser, QEc2DescribeKeyPairParser, QEc2DescribeRegionsParser, QEc2DescribeSecurityGroupsParser, QEc2DescribeSnapshotsParser, QEc2DescribeTagsParser, QEc2DescribeVolumesParser, QEc2GetConsoleOutputParser, QEc2ImportPublicKeyParser, QEc2IpPermissionType, QEc2IpRangeItemType, QEc2MonitorInstancesParser, QEc2NetworkInterfacesParser, QEc2RegisterImageParser, QEc2SecurityGroupItemType, QEc2StartInstancesParser, QEc2StopInstancesParser, QEc2SubnetsParser, QEc2TerminateInstancesParser, QEc2UserIdGroupPairType, QEc2VpcsParser, RightBoolResponseParser
Constant Summary collapse
Amazon EC2 API version being used
Default addressing type (public=NAT, direct=no-NAT) used when launching instances.
['public', 'direct']
Amazon EC2 Instance Types : Default EC2 instance type (platform)
['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'c1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.xlarge']
- @@bench =
- @@api =
Current API version (sometimes we have to check it outside the GEM).
Constants included from AwsBaseInterface
Constants inherited from AwsBase
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from AwsBaseInterface
#aws_access_key_id, #cache, #last_errors, #last_request, #last_request_id, #last_response, #logger, #params, #signature_version
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#allocate_address ⇒ Object
Acquire a new elastic IP address for use with your account.
#associate_address(instance_id, public_ip) ⇒ Object
Associate an elastic IP address with an instance.
#attach_network_interface(network_interface_id, instance_id, device_index) ⇒ Object
Attach a network interface to an instance
#attach_volume(volume_id, instance_id, device) ⇒ Object
Attach the specified EBS volume to a specified instance, exposing the volume using the specified device name.
#authorize_security_group_IP_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol = 'tcp', cidr_ip = '') ⇒ Object
Add permission to a security group.
#authorize_security_group_named_ingress(name, owner, group) ⇒ Object
Authorize named ingress for security group.
#bundle_instance(instance_id, s3_bucket, s3_prefix, s3_owner_aws_access_key_id = nil, s3_owner_aws_secret_access_key = nil, s3_expires = S3Interface::DEFAULT_EXPIRES_AFTER, s3_upload_policy = 'ec2-bundle-read') ⇒ Object
Bundle a Windows image.
#cancel_bundle_task(bundle_id) ⇒ Object
Cancel an in‐progress or pending bundle task by id.
#confirm_product_instance(instance, product_code) ⇒ Object
Return the product code attached to instance or
otherwise. -
#create_image(instance_id, name, description = "") ⇒ Object
Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance Instance must be either the running or stopped state.
#create_key_pair(name) ⇒ Object
Create new SSH key.
#create_network_interface(subnet_id, *args) ⇒ Object
Create a new network interface in a VPC
#create_security_group(name, description) ⇒ Object
Create new Security Group.
#create_snapshot(volume_id, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Create a snapshot of specified volume.
#create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone = nil) ⇒ Object
Create subnet in a VPC
#create_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
Add/replace one tag to a resource
#create_volume(snapshot_id, size, zone) ⇒ Object
Create new EBS volume based on previously created snapshot.
- #create_vpc(cidr_block = "") ⇒ Object
#delete_key_pair(name) ⇒ Object
Delete a key pair.
#delete_network_interface(network_interface_id) ⇒ Object
Delete a network interface from a VPC
#delete_security_group(name) ⇒ Object
Remove Security Group.
#delete_snapshot(snapshot_id) ⇒ Object
Delete the specified snapshot.
- #delete_subnet(subnet_id) ⇒ Object
#delete_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
Delete one or all tags from a resource
#delete_volume(volume_id) ⇒ Object
Delete the specified EBS volume.
- #delete_vpc(vpc_id) ⇒ Object
#deregister_image(image_id) ⇒ Object
Deregister image at Amazon.
#describe_addresses(list = []) ⇒ Object
List elastic IP addresses assigned to your account.
#describe_availability_zones(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describes availability zones that are currently available to the account and their states.
#describe_availability_zones2(options = {}) ⇒ Object
This is using the new way, but not sure it’s backwrads compatible.
#describe_bundle_tasks(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe the status of the Windows AMI bundlings.
#describe_image_attribute(image_id, attribute = 'launchPermission') ⇒ Object
Describe image attributes.
#describe_images(list = [], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
Retrieve a list of images.
#describe_images_by_executable_by(list = ['self'], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
#describe_images_by_owner(list = ['self'], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
#describe_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve information about EC2 instances.
#describe_key_pairs(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve a list of SSH keys.
#describe_network_interfaces(*args) ⇒ Object
Describe network interfaces in a VPC
- #describe_owned_snapshots(list = []) ⇒ Object
#describe_regions(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe regions.
#describe_security_groups(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve Security Group information.
#describe_snapshots(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe all EBS snapshots.
- #describe_subnets(*args) ⇒ Object
- #describe_tags(filters = {}) ⇒ Object
#describe_volumes(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe all EBS volumes.
- #describe_vpcs(*args) ⇒ Object
#detach_network_interface(attachment_id, force = false) ⇒ Object
Detach a network interface from an instance
#detach_volume(volume_id, instance_id = nil, device = nil, force = nil) ⇒ Object
Detach the specified EBS volume from the instance to which it is attached.
#disassociate_address(public_ip) ⇒ Object
Disassociate the specified elastic IP address from the instance to which it is assigned.
#ec2_describe_images(params = {}, image_type = nil, cache_for = nil) ⇒ Object
params: { ‘ImageId’ => [‘id1’, …, ‘idN’], ‘Owner’ => [‘self’, …, ‘userN’], ‘ExecutableBy’ => [‘self’, ‘all’, …, ‘userN’] }.
#generate_request(action, params = {}) ⇒ Object
#get_console_output(instance_id) ⇒ Object
Retreive EC2 instance OS logs.
#get_desc_instances(instances) ⇒ Object
—————————————————————– Instances —————————————————————–.
#get_initial_password(instance_id, private_key) ⇒ Object
Get initial Windows Server setup password from an instance console output.
#hash_params(prefix, list) ⇒ Object
#hash_params_with_suffix(prefix, suffix, list) ⇒ Object
#import_key_pair(name, public_key) ⇒ Object
Import existing SSH key.
#initialize(aws_access_key_id = nil, aws_secret_access_key = nil, params = {}) ⇒ Ec2
Create a new handle to an EC2 account.
#launch_instances(image_id, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Launch new EC2 instances.
#manage_security_group_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol, action, source_ip_ranges, source_groups = []) ⇒ Object
Authorize OR Revoke ingress for security group, depending on the value of the ‘action’ parameter.
#modify_image_attribute(image_id, operation_type = nil, vars = {}) ⇒ Object
Modify an image’s attributes.
#modify_image_description(image_id, description = '') ⇒ Object
Change image description.
#modify_image_launch_perm_add_groups(image_id, user_group = ['all']) ⇒ Object
Add image launch permissions for users groups (currently only ‘all’ is supported, which gives public launch permissions).
#modify_image_launch_perm_add_users(image_id, user_id = []) ⇒ Object
Grant image launch permissions to users.
#modify_image_launch_perm_remove_groups(image_id, user_group = ['all']) ⇒ Object
Remove image launch permissions for users groups (currently only ‘all’ is supported, which gives public launch permissions).
#modify_image_launch_perm_remove_users(image_id, user_id = []) ⇒ Object
Revokes image launch permissions for users.
#modify_image_product_code(image_id, product_code = []) ⇒ Object
Add product code to image.
- #monitor_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
#reboot_instances(list) ⇒ Object
Reboot an EC2 instance.
#register_image(image_location) ⇒ Object
Register new image at Amazon.
#release_address(public_ip) ⇒ Object
Release an elastic IP address associated with your account.
#request_info(request, parser, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends request to Amazon and parses the response Raises AwsError if any banana happened todo: remove this and switch to using request_info2.
#reset_image_attribute(image_id, attribute = 'launchPermission') ⇒ Object
Reset image attribute.
#revoke_security_group_IP_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol = 'tcp', cidr_ip = '') ⇒ Object
Remove permission from a security group.
#revoke_security_group_named_ingress(name, owner, group) ⇒ Object
Revoke named ingress for security group.
#run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, group_ids, key_name, user_data = '', addressing_type = nil, instance_type = nil, kernel_id = nil, ramdisk_id = nil, availability_zone = nil, block_device_mappings = nil) ⇒ Object
DEPRECATED, USE launch_instances instead.
#start_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Start EBS-backed EC2 instances.
#stop_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Stop EBS-backed EC2 instances.
#terminate_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Terminates EC2 instances.
#try_create_snapshot(volume_id, connect_timeout = nil, read_timeout = nil) ⇒ Object
Create a snapshot of specified volume, but with the normal retry algorithms disabled.
Methods included from AwsBaseInterface
#cache_hits?, caching, caching=, #caching?, #close_conn, #close_connection, #connection, #escape_params, #generate_request2, #get_conn, #init, #multi_thread, #on_exception, #request_cache_or_info, #request_info2, #request_info3, #request_info_impl, #request_info_xml_simple, #request_info_xml_simple3, #signed_service_params, #symbolize, #update_cache
Methods inherited from AwsBase
amazon_problems, amazon_problems=
Constructor Details
#initialize(aws_access_key_id = nil, aws_secret_access_key = nil, params = {}) ⇒ Ec2
Create a new handle to an EC2 account. All handles share the same per process or per thread HTTP connection to Amazon EC2. Each handle is for a specific account. The params have the following options:
a fully qualified url to Amazon API endpoint (this overwrites: :server, :port, :service, :protocol and :region). Example: ‘’ -
: EC2 service host, default: DEFAULT_HOST -
: EC2 region (North America by default) -
: EC2 service port, default: DEFAULT_PORT -
: ‘http’ or ‘https’, default: DEFAULT_PROTOCOL -
: true=HTTP connection per thread, false=per process -
: for log messages, default: Rails.logger else STDOUT -
: The signature version : ‘0’ or ‘1’(default) -
: true/false: caching for: ec2_describe_images, describe_instances,
describe_images_by_owner, describe_images_by_executable_by, describe_availability_zones, describe_security_groups, describe_key_pairs, describe_addresses, describe_volumes, describe_snapshots methods, default: false.
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 127 def initialize(aws_access_key_id=nil, aws_secret_access_key=nil, params={}) init({:name => 'EC2', :default_host => ENV['EC2_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['EC2_URL']).host : DEFAULT_HOST, :default_port => ENV['EC2_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['EC2_URL']).port : DEFAULT_PORT, :default_service => ENV['EC2_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['EC2_URL']).path : DEFAULT_PATH, :default_protocol => ENV['EC2_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['EC2_URL']).scheme : DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, :api_version => API_VERSION}, aws_access_key_id || ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key|| ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], params) # EC2 doesn't really define any transient errors to retry, and in fact, # when they return a 503 it is usually for 'request limit exceeded' which # we most certainly should not retry. So let's pare down the list of # retryable errors to InternalError only (see AwsBase for the default # list) amazon_problems = ['InternalError'] end |
Class Method Details
.api ⇒ Object
107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 107 def self.api @@api end |
.bench ⇒ Object
92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 92 def self.bench @@bench end |
.bench_ec2 ⇒ Object
100 101 102 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 100 def self.bench_ec2 @@bench.service end |
.bench_xml ⇒ Object
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 96 def self.bench_xml @@bench.xml end |
.connection_name ⇒ Object
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 87 def self.connection_name :ec2_connection end |
Instance Method Details
#allocate_address ⇒ Object
Acquire a new elastic IP address for use with your account. Returns allocated IP address or an exception.
ec2.allocate_address #=> ''
1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1070 def allocate_address link = generate_request("AllocateAddress") request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#associate_address(instance_id, public_ip) ⇒ Object
Associate an elastic IP address with an instance. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.associate_address('i-d630cbbf', '') #=> true
1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1082 def associate_address(instance_id, public_ip) link = generate_request("AssociateAddress", "InstanceId" => instance_id.to_s, "PublicIp" => public_ip.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#attach_network_interface(network_interface_id, instance_id, device_index) ⇒ Object
Attach a network interface to an instance
ec2.attach_network_interface(“eni-ffda3197”, “i-9cc316fe”, 1)
1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1569 def attach_network_interface(network_interface_id, instance_id, device_index) params = { "NetworkInterfaceId" => network_interface_id, "InstanceId" => instance_id, "DeviceIndex" => device_index, "Version" => "2013-02-01", } link = generate_request('AttachNetworkInterface', params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#attach_volume(volume_id, instance_id, device) ⇒ Object
Attach the specified EBS volume to a specified instance, exposing the volume using the specified device name.
ec2.attach_volume('vol-898a6fe0', 'i-7c905415', '/dev/sdh') #=>
{ :aws_instance_id => "i-7c905415",
:aws_device => "/dev/sdh",
:aws_status => "attaching",
:aws_attached_at => "2008-03-28T14:14:39.000Z",
:aws_id => "vol-898a6fe0" }
1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1286 def attach_volume(volume_id, instance_id, device) link = generate_request("AttachVolume", "VolumeId" => volume_id.to_s, "InstanceId" => instance_id.to_s, "Device" => device.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#authorize_security_group_IP_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol = 'tcp', cidr_ip = '') ⇒ Object
Add permission to a security group. Returns true
or an exception. protocol
is one of :‘tcp’|‘udp’|‘icmp’.
ec2.('my_awesome_group', 80, 82, 'udp', '') #=> true
ec2.('my_awesome_group', -1, -1, 'icmp') #=> true
970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 970 def (name, from_port, to_port, protocol='tcp', cidr_ip='') link = generate_request("AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'IpProtocol' => protocol.to_s, 'FromPort' => from_port.to_s, 'ToPort' => to_port.to_s, 'CidrIp' => cidr_ip.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#authorize_security_group_named_ingress(name, owner, group) ⇒ Object
Authorize named ingress for security group. Allows instances that are member of someone else’s security group to open connections to instances in my group.
ec2.('my_awesome_group', '7011-0219-8268', 'their_group_name') #=> true
941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 941 def (name, owner, group) link = generate_request("AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'SourceSecurityGroupName' => group.to_s, 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId' => owner.to_s.gsub(/-/, '')) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#bundle_instance(instance_id, s3_bucket, s3_prefix, s3_owner_aws_access_key_id = nil, s3_owner_aws_secret_access_key = nil, s3_expires = S3Interface::DEFAULT_EXPIRES_AFTER, s3_upload_policy = 'ec2-bundle-read') ⇒ Object
Bundle a Windows image. Internally, it queues the bundling task and shuts down the instance. It then takes a snapshot of the Windows volume bundles it, and uploads it to S3. After bundling completes, Aws::Ec2#register_image may be used to register the new Windows AMI for subsequent launches.
ec2.bundle_instance('i-e3e24e8a', 'my-awesome-bucket', 'my-win-image-1') #=>
[{:aws_update_time => "2008-10-16T13:58:25.000Z",
:s3_bucket => "kd-win-1",
:s3_prefix => "win2pr",
:aws_state => "pending",
:aws_id => "bun-26a7424f",
:aws_instance_id => "i-878a25ee",
:aws_start_time => "2008-10-16T13:58:02.000Z"}]
741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 741 def bundle_instance(instance_id, s3_bucket, s3_prefix, s3_owner_aws_access_key_id=nil, s3_owner_aws_secret_access_key=nil, s3_expires = S3Interface::DEFAULT_EXPIRES_AFTER, s3_upload_policy='ec2-bundle-read') # S3 access and signatures s3_owner_aws_access_key_id ||= @aws_access_key_id s3_owner_aws_secret_access_key ||= @aws_secret_access_key s3_expires = + s3_expires if s3_expires.is_a?(Fixnum) && (s3_expires < S3Interface::ONE_YEAR_IN_SECONDS) # policy policy = {'expiration' => s3_expires.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), 'conditions' => [{'bucket' => s3_bucket}, {'acl' => s3_upload_policy}, ['starts-with', '$key', s3_prefix]]}.to_json policy64 = Base64.encode64(policy).gsub("\n", "") signed_policy64 = Utils.sign(s3_owner_aws_secret_access_key, policy64) # fill request params params = {'InstanceId' => instance_id, 'Storage.S3.AWSAccessKeyId' => s3_owner_aws_access_key_id, 'Storage.S3.UploadPolicy' => policy64, 'Storage.S3.UploadPolicySignature' => signed_policy64, 'Storage.S3.Bucket' => s3_bucket, 'Storage.S3.Prefix' => s3_prefix, } link = generate_request("BundleInstance", params) request_info(link, rescue Exception on_exception end |
#cancel_bundle_task(bundle_id) ⇒ Object
Cancel an in‐progress or pending bundle task by id.
ec2.cancel_bundle_task('bun-73a7421a') #=>
[{:s3_bucket => "my-awesome-bucket"
:aws_id => "bun-0fa70206",
:s3_prefix => "win02",
:aws_start_time => "2008-10-14T13:00:29.000Z",
:aws_error_message => "User has requested bundling operation cancellation",
:aws_state => "failed",
:aws_update_time => "2008-10-14T13:01:31.000Z",
:aws_error_code => "Client.Cancelled",
:aws_instance_id => "i-e3e24e8a"}
805 806 807 808 809 810 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 805 def cancel_bundle_task(bundle_id) link = generate_request("CancelBundleTask", {'BundleId' => bundle_id}) request_info(link, rescue Exception on_exception end |
#confirm_product_instance(instance, product_code) ⇒ Object
Return the product code attached to instance or nil
ec2.confirm_product_instance('ami-e444444d','12345678') #=> nil
ec2.confirm_product_instance('ami-e444444d','00001111') #=> "000000000888"
457 458 459 460 461 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 457 def confirm_product_instance(instance, product_code) link = generate_request("ConfirmProductInstance", {'ProductCode' => product_code, 'InstanceId' => instance}) request_info(link, => @logger)) end |
#create_image(instance_id, name, description = "") ⇒ Object
Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance Instance must be either the running or stopped state
ec2.create_image(‘i-4jhdmaw’, ‘New image’)
1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1266 def create_image(instance_id, name, description="") link = generate_request("CreateImage", "InstanceId" => instance_id, "Name" => name, "Description" => description) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue on_exception end |
#create_key_pair(name) ⇒ Object
Create new SSH key. Returns a hash of the key’s data or an exception.
ec2.create_key_pair('my_awesome_key') #=>
{:aws_key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:aws_fingerprint => "01:02:03:f4:25:e6:97:e8:9b:02:1a:26:32:4e:58:6b:7a:8c:9f:03",
:aws_material => "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpQIBAAK...Q8MDrCbuQ=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"}
1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1024 def create_key_pair(name) link = generate_request("CreateKeyPair", 'KeyName' => name.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_network_interface(subnet_id, *args) ⇒ Object
Create a new network interface in a VPC
1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1552 def create_network_interface(subnet_id, *args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) params = args.pop.dup else params = {} end params.merge!({'SubnetId' => subnet_id, 'Version' => "2013-02-01"}) link = generate_request('CreateNetworkInterface', params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_security_group(name, description) ⇒ Object
Create new Security Group. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.create_security_group('default-1',"Default allowing SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS ingress") #=> true
876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 876 def create_security_group(name, description) # EC2 doesn't like an empty description... description = " " if Aws::Utils.blank?(description) link = generate_request("CreateSecurityGroup", 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'GroupDescription' => description.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_snapshot(volume_id, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Create a snapshot of specified volume.
ec2.create_snapshot('vol-898a6fe0') #=>
{:aws_volume_id => "vol-fd9f7a94",
:aws_started_at => Tue Jun 24 18:40:40 UTC 2008,
:aws_progress => "",
:aws_status => "pending",
:aws_id => "snap-d56783bc"}
1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1365 def create_snapshot(volume_id, ={}) link = generate_request("CreateSnapshot", .merge({"VolumeId" => volume_id.to_s})) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone = nil) ⇒ Object
Create subnet in a VPC
ec2.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block) ec2.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone))
1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1619 def create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone = nil) params = { "VpcId" => vpc_id, "CidrBlock" => cidr_block } params["AvailabilityZone"] = availability_zone if availability_zone link = generate_request("CreateSubnet", params) request_info(link,"subnet", :logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
Add/replace one tag to a resource
ec2.create_tag('ami-1a2b3c4d', 'webserver') #=> true
ec2.create_tag('i-7f4d3a2b', 'stack', 'Production') #=> true
1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1429 def create_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) link = generate_request("CreateTags", "ResourceId.1" => resource_id.to_s, "Tag.1.Key" => key.to_s, "Tag.1.Value" => value.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_volume(snapshot_id, size, zone) ⇒ Object
Create new EBS volume based on previously created snapshot. Size
in Gigabytes.
ec2.create_volume('snap-000000', 10, zone) #=>
{:snapshot_id => "snap-e21df98b",
:aws_status => "creating",
:aws_id => "vol-fc9f7a95",
:zone => "merlot",
:aws_created_at => Tue Jun 24 18:13:32 UTC 2008,
:aws_size => 94}
1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1238 def create_volume(snapshot_id, size, zone) params = {'Size' => size.to_s, 'AvailabilityZone' => zone.to_s} params['SnapshotId'] = snapshot_id if snapshot_id && snapshot_id.length > 0 # snapshotId is conditional link = generate_request("CreateVolume", params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#create_vpc(cidr_block = "") ⇒ Object
Create VPC
ec2.create_vpc(“”) FIXME: EVen though the EC2 docs describe the parameter instanceTenancy, I could not get it to recognize that
1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1486 def create_vpc(cidr_block = "") params = { "CidrBlock" => cidr_block } link = generate_request("CreateVpc", params) request_info(link,"vpc", :logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_key_pair(name) ⇒ Object
Delete a key pair. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.delete_key_pair('my_awesome_key') #=> true
1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1053 def delete_key_pair(name) link = generate_request("DeleteKeyPair", 'KeyName' => name.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_network_interface(network_interface_id) ⇒ Object
Delete a network interface from a VPC
1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1603 def delete_network_interface(network_interface_id) params = { "NetworkInterfaceId" => network_interface_id, "Version" => "2013-02-01", } link = generate_request('DeleteNetworkInterface', params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_security_group(name) ⇒ Object
Remove Security Group. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.delete_security_group('default-1') #=> true
891 892 893 894 895 896 897 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 891 def delete_security_group(name) link = generate_request("DeleteSecurityGroup", 'GroupName' => name.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_snapshot(snapshot_id) ⇒ Object
Delete the specified snapshot.
ec2.delete_snapshot('snap-55a5403c') #=> true
1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1415 def delete_snapshot(snapshot_id) link = generate_request("DeleteSnapshot", "SnapshotId" => snapshot_id.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_subnet(subnet_id) ⇒ Object
Delete Subnet
1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1653 def delete_subnet(subnet_id) params = { "SubnetId" => subnet_id } link = generate_request("DeleteSubnet", params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) ⇒ Object
Delete one or all tags from a resource
ec2.delete_tag('i-7f4d3a2b', 'stack') #=> true
ec2.delete_tag('i-7f4d3a2b', 'stack', 'Production') #=> true
“If you omit Tag.n.Value, we delete the tag regardless of its value. If you specify this parameter with an empty string as the value, we delete the key only if its value is an empty string.”
1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1466 def delete_tag(resource_id, key, value = nil) request_args = {"ResourceId.1" => resource_id.to_s, "Tag.1.Key" => key.to_s} request_args["Tag.1.Value"] = value.to_s if value link = generate_request("DeleteTags", request_args) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_volume(volume_id) ⇒ Object
Delete the specified EBS volume. This does not deletes any snapshots created from this volume.
ec2.delete_volume('vol-b48a6fdd') #=> true
1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1253 def delete_volume(volume_id) link = generate_request("DeleteVolume", "VolumeId" => volume_id.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#delete_vpc(vpc_id) ⇒ Object
Delete VPC
1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1517 def delete_vpc(vpc_id) params = { "VpcId" => vpc_id } link = generate_request("DeleteVpc", params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#deregister_image(image_id) ⇒ Object
Deregister image at Amazon. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.deregister_image('ami-e444444d') #=> true
290 291 292 293 294 295 296 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 290 def deregister_image(image_id) link = generate_request("DeregisterImage", 'ImageId' => image_id.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_addresses(list = []) ⇒ Object
List elastic IP addresses assigned to your account. Returns an array of 2 keys (:instance_id and :public_ip) hashes:
ec2.describe_addresses #=> [{:instance_id=>"i-d630cbbf", :public_ip=>""},
{:instance_id=>nil, :public_ip=>""}]
ec2.describe_addresses('') #=> [{:instance_id=>"i-d630cbbf", :public_ip=>""}]
1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1099 def describe_addresses(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeAddresses", hash_params('PublicIp', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_addresses, link, QEc2DescribeAddressesParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_availability_zones(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describes availability zones that are currently available to the account and their states. Returns an array of 2 keys (:zone_name and :zone_state) hashes:
ec2.describe_availability_zones #=> [{:region_name=>"us-east-1",
:zone_state=>"available"}, ... ]
ec2.describe_availability_zones('us-east-1c') #=> [{:region_name=>"us-east-1",
1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1148 def describe_availability_zones(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeAvailabilityZones", hash_params('ZoneName', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_availability_zones, link, QEc2DescribeAvailabilityZonesParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_availability_zones2(options = {}) ⇒ Object
This is using the new way, but not sure it’s backwrads compatible
1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1157 def describe_availability_zones2(={}) link = generate_request("DescribeAvailabilityZones", ={}) request_info_xml_simple(self.class.connection_name, @params, link, @logger, :group_tags =>{"DBInstances" =>"DBInstance", "DBParameterGroups"=>"DBParameterGroup", "DBSecurityGroups" =>"DBSecurityGroup", "EC2SecurityGroups"=>"EC2SecurityGroup", "IPRanges" =>"IPRange"}, :force_array =>["DBInstances", "DBParameterGroups", "DBSecurityGroups", "EC2SecurityGroups", "IPRanges"], :pull_out_array =>[:pull_out_array], :pull_out_single=>[:pull_out_single], :wrapper =>[:wrapper]) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_bundle_tasks(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe the status of the Windows AMI bundlings. If list
is omitted the returns the whole list of tasks.
ec2.describe_bundle_tasks(['bun-4fa74226']) #=>
[{:s3_bucket => "my-awesome-bucket"
:aws_id => "bun-0fa70206",
:s3_prefix => "win1pr",
:aws_start_time => "2008-10-14T16:27:57.000Z",
:aws_update_time => "2008-10-14T16:37:10.000Z",
:aws_error_code => "Client.S3Error",
:aws_error_message =>
"AccessDenied(403)- Invalid according to Policy: Policy Condition failed: [\"eq\", \"$acl\", \"aws-exec-read\"]",
:aws_state => "failed",
:aws_instance_id => "i-e3e24e8a"}]
785 786 787 788 789 790 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 785 def describe_bundle_tasks(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeBundleTasks", hash_params('BundleId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_image_attribute(image_id, attribute = 'launchPermission') ⇒ Object
Describe image attributes. Currently ‘launchPermission’, ‘productCodes’, ‘kernel’, ‘ramdisk’ and ‘blockDeviceMapping’ are supported.
ec2.describe_image_attribute('ami-e444444d') #=> {:groups=>["all"], :users=>["000000000777"]}
303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 303 def describe_image_attribute(image_id, attribute='launchPermission') link = generate_request("DescribeImageAttribute", 'ImageId' => image_id, 'Attribute' => attribute) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_images(list = [], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
Retrieve a list of images. Returns array of hashes describing the images or an exception: image_type
= ‘machine’ || ‘kernel’ || ‘ramdisk’
ec2.describe_images #=>
[{:aws_owner => "522821470517",
:aws_id => "ami-e4b6538d",
:aws_state => "available",
:aws_location => "marcins_cool_public_images/ubuntu-6.10.manifest.xml",
:aws_is_public => true,
:aws_architecture => "i386",
:aws_image_type => "machine"},
{...} ]
If list
param is set, then retrieve information about the listed images only:
ec2.describe_images(['ami-e4b6538d']) #=>
[{:aws_owner => "522821470517",
:aws_id => "ami-e4b6538d",
:aws_state => "available",
:aws_location => "marcins_cool_public_images/ubuntu-6.10.manifest.xml",
:aws_is_public => true,
:aws_architecture => "i386",
:aws_image_type => "machine"}]
241 242 243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 241 def describe_images(list=[], image_type=nil) list = list.to_a cache_for = list.empty? && !image_type ? :describe_images : nil ec2_describe_images({'ImageId' => list}, image_type, cache_for) end |
#describe_images_by_executable_by(list = ['self'], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
266 267 268 269 270 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 266 def describe_images_by_executable_by(list=['self'], image_type=nil) list = list.to_a cache_for = list==['self'] && !image_type ? :describe_images_by_executable_by : nil ec2_describe_images({'ExecutableBy' => list}, image_type, cache_for) end |
#describe_images_by_owner(list = ['self'], image_type = nil) ⇒ Object
253 254 255 256 257 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 253 def describe_images_by_owner(list=['self'], image_type=nil) list = list.to_a cache_for = list==['self'] && !image_type ? :describe_images_by_owner : nil ec2_describe_images({'Owner' => list}, image_type, cache_for) end |
#describe_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve information about EC2 instances. If list
is omitted then returns the list of all instances.
ec2.describe_instances #=>
[{:aws_image_id => "ami-e444444d",
:aws_reason => "",
:aws_state_code => "16",
:aws_owner => "000000000888",
:aws_instance_id => "i-123f1234",
:aws_reservation_id => "r-aabbccdd",
:aws_state => "running",
:dns_name => "",
:ssh_key_name => "staging",
:aws_groups => ["default"],
:private_dns_name => "",
:aws_instance_type => "m1.small",
:aws_launch_time => "2008-1-1T00:00:00.000Z"},
:aws_availability_zone => "us-east-1b",
:aws_kernel_id => "aki-ba3adfd3",
:aws_ramdisk_id => "ari-badbad00",
:monitoring_state => ...,
..., {...}]
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 443 def describe_instances(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info(:describe_instances, link, QEc2DescribeInstancesParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty?) do |parser| get_desc_instances(parser.result) end rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_key_pairs(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve a list of SSH keys. Returns an array of keys or an exception. Each key is represented as a two-element hash.
ec2.describe_key_pairs #=>
[{:aws_fingerprint=> "01:02:03:f4:25:e6:97:e8:9b:02:1a:26:32:4e:58:6b:7a:8c:9f:03", :aws_key_name=>"key-1"},
{:aws_fingerprint=> "1e:29:30:47:58:6d:7b:8c:9f:08:11:20:3c:44:52:69:74:80:97:08", :aws_key_name=>"key-2"},
..., {...} ]
1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1010 def describe_key_pairs(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeKeyPairs", hash_params('KeyName', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_key_pairs, link, QEc2DescribeKeyPairParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_network_interfaces(*args) ⇒ Object
Describe network interfaces in a VPC
ec2.describe_network_interfaces ec2.describe_network_interfaces(ifaceId1, ifaceId2, …,
'Filter.1.Name' => 'addresses.primary',
'Filter.1.Value.1' => true,
'Filter.2.Name' => ...)
1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1533 def describe_network_interfaces(*args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) filters = args.pop.dup else filters = {} end ids = hash_params('NetworkInterfaceId', args) params = filters.merge(ids) params['Version'] = "2013-02-01" link = generate_request('DescribeNetworkInterfaces', params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_owned_snapshots(list = []) ⇒ Object
1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1344 def describe_owned_snapshots(list=[]) params = {"Owner" => "self"} snap_ids = hash_params('SnapshotId', list.to_a) params.update(snap_ids) link = generate_request("DescribeSnapshots", params) request_cache_or_info :describe_owned_snapshots, link, QEc2DescribeSnapshotsParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_regions(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe regions.
ec2.describe_regions #=> ["eu-west-1", "us-east-1"]
1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1186 def describe_regions(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeRegions", hash_params('RegionName', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_regions, link, QEc2DescribeRegionsParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_security_groups(list = []) ⇒ Object
Retrieve Security Group information. If list
is omitted the returns the whole list of groups.
ec2.describe_security_groups #=>
[{:aws_group_name => "default-1",
:aws_owner => "000000000888",
:aws_description => "a default security group",
:aws_perms =>
[ {:protocol => "tcp", :from_port=>"1000", :to_port=>"2000",
:ip_ranges=>[{cidr_ip=>""}, {cidr_ip=>""}],
:groups => [{:owner=>"123456789012", :group_name="default"}] },
{:protocol ="icmp", :from_port="-1", :to_port=>"-1",
:groups=>[] },
{:protocol=>"udp", :from_port=>"0", :to_port=>"65535",
:groups=>[{:owner=>"123456789012", :group_name=>"newgroup"}, {:owner=>"123456789012", :group_name=>"default"}],
{:protocol=>"tcp", :from_port="22", :to_port=>"22",
:groups=>[{:owner=>"", :group_name=>"default"}] },
..., {...}
842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 842 def describe_security_groups(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeSecurityGroups", hash_params('GroupName', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info(:describe_security_groups, link, QEc2DescribeSecurityGroupsParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty?) do |parser| result = [] parser.result.each do |item| perms = [] item.ipPermissions.each do |perm| current = {:from_port => perm.fromPort, :to_port => perm.toPort, :protocol => perm.ipProtocol, :groups => [], :ip_ranges => []} perm.groups.each do |ngroup| current[:groups] << {:group_name => ngroup.groupName, :owner => ngroup.userId} end perm.ipRanges.each do |cidr_ip| current[:ip_ranges] << {:cidr_ip => cidr_ip.cidrIp} end perms << current end result << {:aws_owner => item.ownerId, :aws_group_name => item.groupName, :aws_description => item.groupDescription, :aws_perms => perms} end result end rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_snapshots(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe all EBS snapshots.
ec2.describe_snapshots #=>
[ { :aws_progress => "100%",
:aws_status => "completed",
:aws_id => "snap-72a5401b",
:aws_volume_id => "vol-5582673c",
:aws_started_at => "2008-02-23T02:50:48.000Z"},
{ :aws_progress => "100%",
:aws_status => "completed",
:aws_id => "snap-75a5401c",
:aws_volume_id => "vol-5582673c",
:aws_started_at => "2008-02-23T16:23:19.000Z" },...]
1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1336 def describe_snapshots(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeSnapshots", hash_params('SnapshotId', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_snapshots, link, QEc2DescribeSnapshotsParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_subnets(*args) ⇒ Object
Describe subnets
ec2.describe_subnets ecs.describe_subnets(subnetId1, SubnetId2, …,
'Filter.1.Name' => 'state',
'Filter.1.Value.1' => 'pending',
'Filter.2.Name' => ...)
1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1636 def describe_subnets(*args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) params = args.pop.dup else params = {} end 1.upto(args.size) { |i| params["SubnetId.#{i}"] = args[i-1] } link = generate_request("DescribeSubnets", params) request_info(link,"item", :logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_tags(filters = {}) ⇒ Object
Describe tags
'Filter.1.Name' => 'resource-type', 'Filter.1.Value.1' => 'instance',
'Filter.2.Name' => 'value', 'Filter.2.Value.1' => 'Test', 'Filter.2.Value.2' => 'Production'
1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1448 def (filters = {}) link = generate_request("DescribeTags", filters) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_volumes(list = []) ⇒ Object
Describe all EBS volumes.
ec2.describe_volumes #=>
[{:aws_size => 94,
:aws_device => "/dev/sdc",
:aws_attachment_status => "attached",
:zone => "merlot",
:snapshot_id => nil,
:aws_attached_at => Wed Jun 18 08:19:28 UTC 2008,
:aws_status => "in-use",
:aws_id => "vol-60957009",
:aws_created_at => Wed Jun 18 08:19:20s UTC 2008,
:aws_instance_id => "i-c014c0a9"},
{:aws_size => 1,
:zone => "merlot",
:snapshot_id => nil,
:aws_status => "available",
:aws_id => "vol-58957031",
:aws_created_at => Wed Jun 18 08:19:21 UTC 2008,}, ... ]
1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1219 def describe_volumes(list=[]) link = generate_request("DescribeVolumes", hash_params('VolumeId', list.to_a)) request_cache_or_info :describe_volumes, link, QEc2DescribeVolumesParser, @@bench, list.nil? || list.empty? rescue Exception on_exception end |
#describe_vpcs(*args) ⇒ Object
Describe VPC’s
ec2.describe_vpcs ec2.describe_vpcs(vpcId1, vpcId2, ‘Filter.1.Name’ => ‘state’, ‘Filter.1.Value’ = > ‘pending’, …)
1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1500 def describe_vpcs(*args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) params = args.pop.dup else params = {} end 1.upto(args.size) { |i| params["VpcId.#{i}"] = args[i-1] } link = generate_request("DescribeVpcs", params) request_info(link,"item", :logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#detach_network_interface(attachment_id, force = false) ⇒ Object
Detach a network interface from an instance
ec2.detach_network_interface(“eni-attach-d94b09b0”) ec2.detach_network_interface(“eni-attach-d94b09b0”, true)
1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1587 def detach_network_interface(, force=false) params = { "AttachmentId" => , "Force" => force, "Version" => "2013-02-01", } link = generate_request('DetachNetworkInterface', params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#detach_volume(volume_id, instance_id = nil, device = nil, force = nil) ⇒ Object
Detach the specified EBS volume from the instance to which it is attached.
ec2.detach_volume('vol-898a6fe0') #=>
{ :aws_instance_id => "i-7c905415",
:aws_device => "/dev/sdh",
:aws_status => "detaching",
:aws_attached_at => "2008-03-28T14:38:34.000Z",
:aws_id => "vol-898a6fe0"}
1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1305 def detach_volume(volume_id, instance_id=nil, device=nil, force=nil) hash = {"VolumeId" => volume_id.to_s} hash["InstanceId"] = instance_id.to_s unless Aws::Utils.blank?(instance_id) hash["Device"] = device.to_s unless Aws::Utils.blank?(device) hash["Force"] = 'true' if force # link = generate_request("DetachVolume", hash) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#disassociate_address(public_ip) ⇒ Object
Disassociate the specified elastic IP address from the instance to which it is assigned. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.disassociate_address('') #=> true
1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1112 def disassociate_address(public_ip) link = generate_request("DisassociateAddress", "PublicIp" => public_ip.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#ec2_describe_images(params = {}, image_type = nil, cache_for = nil) ⇒ Object
{ 'ImageId' => ['id1', ..., 'idN'],
'Owner' => ['self', ..., 'userN'],
'ExecutableBy' => ['self', 'all', ..., 'userN']
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 201 def ec2_describe_images(params={}, image_type=nil, cache_for=nil) #:nodoc: request_hash = {} params.each do |list_by, list| request_hash.merge! hash_params(list_by, list.to_a) end if image_type request_hash['Filter.1.Name'] = "image-type" request_hash['Filter.1.Value.1'] = image_type end link = generate_request("DescribeImages", request_hash) request_cache_or_info cache_for, link, QEc2DescribeImagesParser, @@bench, cache_for rescue Exception on_exception end |
#generate_request(action, params = {}) ⇒ Object
146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 146 def generate_request(action, params={}) #:nodoc: service_hash = {"Action" => action, "AWSAccessKeyId" => @aws_access_key_id, "Version" => @@api} service_hash.update(params) service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :get, @params[:server], @params[:service]) # use POST method if the length of the query string is too large if service_params.size > 2000 if signature_version == '2' # resign the request because HTTP verb is included into signature service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :post, @params[:server], @params[:service]) end request =[:service]) request.body = service_params request['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' else request ="#{@params[:service]}?#{service_params}") end # prepare output hash {:request => request, :server => @params[:server], :port => @params[:port], :protocol => @params[:protocol]} end |
#get_console_output(instance_id) ⇒ Object
Retreive EC2 instance OS logs. Returns a hash of data or an exception.
ec2.get_console_output('i-f222222d') =>
{:aws_instance_id => 'i-f222222d',
:aws_timestamp => "2007-05-23T14:36:07.000-07:00",
:timestamp => Wed May 23 21:36:07 UTC 2007, # Time instance
:aws_output => "Linux version 2.6.16-xenU ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.0.1 20050727 ..."
674 675 676 677 678 679 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 674 def get_console_output(instance_id) link = generate_request("GetConsoleOutput", {'InstanceId.1' => instance_id}) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#get_desc_instances(instances) ⇒ Object
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 402 def get_desc_instances(instances) # :nodoc: result = [] instances.each do |reservation| reservation[:instances_set].each do |instance| # Parse and remove timestamp from the reason string. The timestamp is of # the request, not when EC2 took action, thus confusing & useless... instance[:aws_reason] = instance[:aws_reason].sub(/\(\d[^)]*GMT\) */, '') instance[:aws_owner] = reservation[:aws_owner] instance[:aws_reservation_id] = reservation[:aws_reservation_id] instance[:aws_groups] = reservation[:aws_groups] result << instance end end result rescue Exception on_exception end |
#get_initial_password(instance_id, private_key) ⇒ Object
Get initial Windows Server setup password from an instance console output.
my_awesome_key = ec2.create_key_pair('my_awesome_key') #=>
{:aws_key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:aws_fingerprint => "01:02:03:f4:25:e6:97:e8:9b:02:1a:26:32:4e:58:6b:7a:8c:9f:03",
:aws_material => "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpQIBAAK...Q8MDrCbuQ=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"}
my_awesome_instance = ec2.run_instances('ami-a000000a',1,1,['my_awesome_group'],'my_awesome_key', 'WindowsInstance!!!') #=>
[{:aws_image_id => "ami-a000000a",
:aws_instance_id => "i-12345678",
:aws_availability_zone => "us-east-1b"
# wait until instance enters 'operational' state and get it's initial password
puts ec2.get_initial_password(my_awesome_instance[:aws_instance_id], my_awesome_key[:aws_material]) #=> "MhjWcgZuY6"
714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 714 def get_initial_password(instance_id, private_key) console_output = get_console_output(instance_id) crypted_password = console_output[:aws_output][%r{<Password>(.+)</Password>}m] && $1 unless crypted_password raise"Initial password was not found in console output for #{instance_id}") else end rescue Exception on_exception end |
#hash_params(prefix, list) ⇒ Object
180 181 182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 180 def hash_params(prefix, list) #:nodoc: groups = {} list.each_index { |i| groups.update("#{prefix}.#{i+1}"=>list[i]) } if list return groups end |
#hash_params_with_suffix(prefix, suffix, list) ⇒ Object
186 187 188 189 190 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 186 def hash_params_with_suffix(prefix, suffix, list) #:nodoc: groups = {} list.each_index { |i| groups.update("#{prefix}.#{i+1}.suffix"=>list[i]) } return groups end |
#import_key_pair(name, public_key) ⇒ Object
Import existing SSH key. Returns a hash of the key’s data or an exception.
'ssh-rsa AABB3NzaC1yc2FSAAADAQABAAABAQCntvz2Cpx8EE4lBRjQKOtwNaGeJXjgnFLaxnQH4HB+dRTinjlew+153KLCjAMbbanD9Wym/b1FfSHywP299RdTPpBZ2QD7Hh7qKp8penGszFQbaSewYQTBP9Htjn7NDg3VeVcIx0LP3lmp4ZNnYDZGLKCGJJ+ldT/cljW3FAA2/xwco98BujLlKUcU/BZlZ4zvESM3S0gF3pgOjuz2UKAEbsbuuaEQP88NZ/GXXIUgGNFoJSpxDrNCHA7pap/3gdyPq3zTkt4YK/bSxSJ24FMfYtehB36V9rqV8RsIro+yrzRBW4XcA976OKQbh5pS75rp herp@derp')
{:aws_key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:aws_fingerprint => "01:02:03:f4:25:e6:97:e8:9b:02:1a:26:32:4e:58:6b:7a:8c:9f:03"}
1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1040 def import_key_pair(name, public_key) link = generate_request("ImportKeyPair", "KeyName" => name.to_s, "PublicKeyMaterial"=>Base64.encode64(public_key.to_s)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#launch_instances(image_id, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Launch new EC2 instances. Returns a list of launched instances or an exception.
keys (default values in parenthesis):
:min_count fixnum, (1)
:max_count fixnum, (1)
:group_ids array or string ([] == 'default')
:instance_type string (DEFAULT_INSTACE_TYPE)
:addressing_type string (DEFAULT_ADDRESSING_TYPE
:key_name string
:kernel_id string
:ramdisk_id string
:availability_zone string
:block_device_mappings string
:user_data string
:monitoring_enabled boolean (default=false)
ec2.launch_instances('ami-e444444d', :group_ids => 'my_awesome_group',
:user_data => "Woohoo!!!",
:addressing_type => "public",
:key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:availability_zone => "us-east-1c") #=>
[{:aws_image_id => "ami-e444444d",
:aws_reason => "",
:aws_state_code => "0",
:aws_owner => "000000000888",
:aws_instance_id => "i-123f1234",
:aws_reservation_id => "r-aabbccdd",
:aws_state => "pending",
:dns_name => "",
:ssh_key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:aws_groups => ["my_awesome_group"],
:private_dns_name => "",
:aws_instance_type => "m1.small",
:aws_launch_time => "2008-1-1T00:00:00.000Z",
:aws_ramdisk_id => "ari-8605e0ef"
:aws_kernel_id => "aki-9905e0f0",
:ami_launch_index => "0",
:aws_availability_zone => "us-east-1c"
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 546 def launch_instances(image_id, ={})"Launching instance of image #{image_id}, " + "key: #{[:key_name]}, groups: #{([:group_ids]).to_a.join(',')}") # careful: keyName and securityGroups may be nil params = hash_params('SecurityGroup', [:group_ids].to_a) params.update({'ImageId' => image_id, 'MinCount' => ([:min_count] || 1).to_s, 'MaxCount' => ([:max_count] || 1).to_s, 'AddressingType' => [:addressing_type] || DEFAULT_ADDRESSING_TYPE, 'InstanceType' => [:instance_type] || DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE}) # optional params params.merge!(hash_params('SecurityGroupId',[:SecurityGroupId].to_a)) unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:SecurityGroupId]) params['KeyName'] = [:key_name] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:key_name]) params['KernelId'] = [:kernel_id] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:kernel_id]) params['RamdiskId'] = [:ramdisk_id] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:ramdisk_id]) params['Placement.AvailabilityZone'] = [:availability_zone] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:availability_zone]) params['BlockDeviceMappings'] = [:block_device_mappings] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:block_device_mappings]) params['Monitoring.Enabled'] = [:monitoring_enabled] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:monitoring_enabled]) params['SubnetId'] = [:subnet_id] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:subnet_id]) params['AdditionalInfo'] = [:additional_info] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:additional_info]) params['DisableApiTermination'] = [:disable_api_termination].to_s unless [:disable_api_termination].nil? params['InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = [:instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior] unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior]) unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:user_data]) [:user_data].strip! # Do not use CGI::escape(encode64(...)) as it is done in Amazons EC2 library. # Amazon does not like escaped symbols! # And it doesn't like "\n" inside of encoded string! Grrr.... # Otherwise, some of UserData symbols will be lost... params['UserData'] = Base64.encode64([:user_data]).delete("\n").strip unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:user_data]) end unless Aws::Utils.blank?([:block_device_mappings]) [:block_device_mappings].size.times do |n| if [:block_device_mappings][n][:virtual_name] params["BlockDeviceMapping.#{n+1}.VirtualName"] = [:block_device_mappings][n][:virtual_name] end if [:block_device_mappings][n][:device_name] params["BlockDeviceMapping.#{n+1}.DeviceName"] = [:block_device_mappings][n][:device_name] end if [:block_device_mappings][n][:ebs_snapshot_id] params["BlockDeviceMapping.#{n+1}.Ebs.SnapshotId"] = [:block_device_mappings][n][:ebs_snapshot_id] end end end link = generate_request("RunInstances", params) #debugger instances = request_info(link, => @logger)) get_desc_instances(instances) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#manage_security_group_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol, action, source_ip_ranges, source_groups = []) ⇒ Object
Authorize OR Revoke ingress for security group, depending on the value of the ‘action’ parameter. If you ‘authorize’ then you allow instances that are member of some other security groups, or some range of ip addresses to open connections to instances in my group. Can specify an array of ip addresses, source groups or mix of both in a single rule:
ec2.manage_security_group_ingress(‘authorize’, ‘new_firewall’, 80, 80, ‘tcp’, [‘’, ‘’],
[{'group_name'=>'default', 'owner'=>'297467797945'}, {'group_name'=>'test', 'owner'=>'123456789012'}])
ec2.manage_security_group_ingress(‘new_firewall’, 0, 1000, ‘udp’, ‘revoke’, [],
[{'group_name'=>'default', 'owner'=>'123456789012'}])
ec2.manage_security_group_ingress(‘new_firewall’, 0, 1000, ‘udp’, ‘authorize’, [‘’])
Similarly, if you specify ‘revoke’ as the action parameter then you will remove the specified source ip addresses or source groups from access to instances in the named group:
915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 915 def manage_security_group_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol, action, source_ip_ranges, source_groups = []) call_params = { 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol' => protocol.to_s, 'IpPermissions.1.FromPort' => from_port.to_s, 'IpPermissions.1.ToPort' => to_port.to_s } source_ip_ranges.each_index do |i| call_params.merge!({"IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.#{i+1}.CidrIp" => source_ip_ranges[i].to_s}) end source_groups.each_index do |i| call_params.merge!({"IpPermissions.1.Groups.#{i+1}.GroupName" => source_groups[i]['group_name'].to_s, "IpPermissions.1.Groups.#{i+1}.UserId"=> source_groups[i]['owner'].to_s.gsub(/-/,'')}) end unless ['Authorize', 'Revoke'].include?(action.capitalize) raise"Invalid action #{action} - must be one of \'Authorize\' or \'Revoke\'") end link = generate_request("#{action.capitalize}SecurityGroupIngress", call_params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#modify_image_attribute(image_id, operation_type = nil, vars = {}) ⇒ Object
Modify an image’s attributes. It is recommended that you use modify_image_launch_perm_add_users, modify_image_launch_perm_remove_users, etc. instead of modify_image_attribute because the signature of modify_image_attribute may change with EC2 service changes.
operation_type : currently, only 'Add' & 'Remove' are supported.
:user_group : currently, only 'all' is supported.
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 336 def modify_image_attribute(image_id, operation_type = nil, vars = {}) params = {'ImageId' => image_id } params.update(hash_params_with_suffix("LaunchPermission.#{operation_type}", 'UserId', vars[:user_id].to_a)) if vars[:user_id] params.update(hash_params_with_suffix("LaunchPermission.#{operation_type}", 'Group', vars[:user_group].to_a)) if vars[:user_group] params.update(hash_params('ProductCode', vars[:product_code])) if vars[:product_code] params.update('Description.Value' => vars[:description].to_s) if vars[:description] link = generate_request("ModifyImageAttribute", params) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#modify_image_description(image_id, description = '') ⇒ Object
Change image description
ec2.modify_image_description('ami-e444444d','My new AMI') #=> true
394 395 396 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 394 def modify_image_description(image_id, description='') modify_image_attribute(image_id, nil, :description => description) end |
#modify_image_launch_perm_add_groups(image_id, user_group = ['all']) ⇒ Object
Add image launch permissions for users groups (currently only ‘all’ is supported, which gives public launch permissions). Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.modify_image_launch_perm_add_groups('ami-e444444d') #=> true
370 371 372 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 370 def modify_image_launch_perm_add_groups(image_id, user_group=['all']) modify_image_attribute(image_id, 'Add', :user_group => user_group.to_a) end |
#modify_image_launch_perm_add_users(image_id, user_id = []) ⇒ Object
Grant image launch permissions to users. Parameter userId
is a list of user AWS account ids. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.modify_image_launch_perm_add_users('ami-e444444d',['000000000777','000000000778']) #=> true
353 354 355 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 353 def modify_image_launch_perm_add_users(image_id, user_id=[]) modify_image_attribute(image_id, 'Add', :user_id => user_id.to_a) end |
#modify_image_launch_perm_remove_groups(image_id, user_group = ['all']) ⇒ Object
Remove image launch permissions for users groups (currently only ‘all’ is supported, which gives public launch permissions).
ec2.modify_image_launch_perm_remove_groups('ami-e444444d') #=> true
378 379 380 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 378 def modify_image_launch_perm_remove_groups(image_id, user_group=['all']) modify_image_attribute(image_id, 'Remove', :user_group => user_group.to_a) end |
#modify_image_launch_perm_remove_users(image_id, user_id = []) ⇒ Object
Revokes image launch permissions for users. userId
is a list of users AWS accounts ids. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.modify_image_launch_perm_remove_users('ami-e444444d',['000000000777','000000000778']) #=> true
361 362 363 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 361 def modify_image_launch_perm_remove_users(image_id, user_id=[]) modify_image_attribute(image_id, 'Remove', :user_id => user_id.to_a) end |
#modify_image_product_code(image_id, product_code = []) ⇒ Object
Add product code to image
ec2.modify_image_product_code('ami-e444444d','0ABCDEF') #=> true
386 387 388 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 386 def modify_image_product_code(image_id, product_code=[]) modify_image_attribute(image_id, nil, :product_code => product_code.to_a) end |
#monitor_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
597 598 599 600 601 602 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 597 def monitor_instances(list=[]) link = generate_request("MonitorInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#reboot_instances(list) ⇒ Object
Reboot an EC2 instance. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.reboot_instances(['i-f222222d','i-f222222e']) #=> true
685 686 687 688 689 690 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 685 def reboot_instances(list) link = generate_request("RebootInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#register_image(image_location) ⇒ Object
Register new image at Amazon. Returns new image id or an exception.
ec2.register_image('bucket/key/manifest') #=> 'ami-e444444d'
278 279 280 281 282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 278 def register_image(image_location) link = generate_request("RegisterImage", 'ImageLocation' => image_location.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#release_address(public_ip) ⇒ Object
Release an elastic IP address associated with your account. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.release_address('') #=> true
1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1125 def release_address(public_ip) link = generate_request("ReleaseAddress", "PublicIp" => public_ip.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#request_info(request, parser, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Sends request to Amazon and parses the response Raises AwsError if any banana happened todo: remove this and switch to using request_info2
175 176 177 178 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 175 def request_info(request, parser, ={}) #:nodoc: conn = get_conn(self.class.connection_name, @params, @logger) request_info_impl(conn, @@bench, request, parser, ) end |
#reset_image_attribute(image_id, attribute = 'launchPermission') ⇒ Object
Reset image attribute. Currently, only ‘launchPermission’ is supported. Returns true
or an exception.
ec2.reset_image_attribute('ami-e444444d') #=> true
316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 316 def reset_image_attribute(image_id, attribute='launchPermission') link = generate_request("ResetImageAttribute", 'ImageId' => image_id, 'Attribute' => attribute) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#revoke_security_group_IP_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol = 'tcp', cidr_ip = '') ⇒ Object
Remove permission from a security group. Returns true
or an exception. protocol
is one of :‘tcp’|‘udp’|‘icmp’ (‘tcp’ is default).
ec2.revoke_security_group_IP_ingress('my_awesome_group', 80, 82, 'udp', '') #=> true
986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 986 def revoke_security_group_IP_ingress(name, from_port, to_port, protocol='tcp', cidr_ip='') link = generate_request("RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'IpProtocol' => protocol.to_s, 'FromPort' => from_port.to_s, 'ToPort' => to_port.to_s, 'CidrIp' => cidr_ip.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#revoke_security_group_named_ingress(name, owner, group) ⇒ Object
Revoke named ingress for security group.
ec2.revoke_security_group_named_ingress('my_awesome_group', aws_user_id, 'another_group_name') #=> true
955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 955 def revoke_security_group_named_ingress(name, owner, group) link = generate_request("RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", 'GroupName' => name.to_s, 'SourceSecurityGroupName' => group.to_s, 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId' => owner.to_s.gsub(/-/, '')) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, group_ids, key_name, user_data = '', addressing_type = nil, instance_type = nil, kernel_id = nil, ramdisk_id = nil, availability_zone = nil, block_device_mappings = nil) ⇒ Object
DEPRECATED, USE launch_instances instead.
Launch new EC2 instances. Returns a list of launched instances or an exception.
ec2.run_instances('ami-e444444d',1,1,['my_awesome_group'],'my_awesome_key', 'Woohoo!!!', 'public') #=>
[{:aws_image_id => "ami-e444444d",
:aws_reason => "",
:aws_state_code => "0",
:aws_owner => "000000000888",
:aws_instance_id => "i-123f1234",
:aws_reservation_id => "r-aabbccdd",
:aws_state => "pending",
:dns_name => "",
:ssh_key_name => "my_awesome_key",
:aws_groups => ["my_awesome_group"],
:private_dns_name => "",
:aws_instance_type => "m1.small",
:aws_launch_time => "2008-1-1T00:00:00.000Z"
:aws_ramdisk_id => "ari-8605e0ef"
:aws_kernel_id => "aki-9905e0f0",
:ami_launch_index => "0",
:aws_availability_zone => "us-east-1b"
487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 487 def run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, group_ids, key_name, user_data='', addressing_type = nil, instance_type = nil, kernel_id = nil, ramdisk_id = nil, availability_zone = nil, block_device_mappings = nil) launch_instances(image_id, {:min_count => min_count, :max_count => max_count, :user_data => user_data, :group_ids => group_ids, :key_name => key_name, :instance_type => instance_type, :addressing_type => addressing_type, :kernel_id => kernel_id, :ramdisk_id => ramdisk_id, :availability_zone => availability_zone, :block_device_mappings => block_device_mappings }) end |
#start_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Start EBS-backed EC2 instances. Returns a list of instance state changes or an exception.
ec2.start_instances(['i-f222222d', 'i-f222222e']) #=>
[{:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222d",
:aws_current_state_code => 0,
:aws_current_state => "pending",
:aws_prev_state_code => 80,
:aws_prev_state => "stopped"},
{:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222e",
:aws_current_state_code => 0,
:aws_current_state => "pending",
:aws_prev_state_code => 80,
:aws_prev_state => "stopped"}]
660 661 662 663 664 665 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 660 def start_instances(list=[]) link = generate_request("StartInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#stop_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Stop EBS-backed EC2 instances. Returns a list of instance state changes or an exception.
ec2.stop_instances(['i-f222222d', 'i-f222222e']) #=>
[{:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222d",
:aws_current_state_code => 64,
:aws_current_state => "stopping",
:aws_prev_state_code => 16,
:aws_prev_state => "running"},
{:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222e",
:aws_current_state_code => 64,
:aws_current_state => "stopping",
:aws_prev_state_code => 16,
:aws_prev_state => "running"}]
639 640 641 642 643 644 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 639 def stop_instances(list=[]) link = generate_request("StopInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#terminate_instances(list = []) ⇒ Object
Terminates EC2 instances. Returns a list of termination params or an exception.
ec2.terminate_instances(['i-f222222d','i-f222222e']) #=>
[{:aws_shutdown_state => "shutting-down",
:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222d",
:aws_shutdown_state_code => 32,
:aws_prev_state => "running",
:aws_prev_state_code => 16},
{:aws_shutdown_state => "shutting-down",
:aws_instance_id => "i-f222222e",
:aws_shutdown_state_code => 32,
:aws_prev_state => "running",
:aws_prev_state_code => 16}]
618 619 620 621 622 623 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 618 def terminate_instances(list=[]) link = generate_request("TerminateInstances", hash_params('InstanceId', list.to_a)) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end |
#try_create_snapshot(volume_id, connect_timeout = nil, read_timeout = nil) ⇒ Object
Create a snapshot of specified volume, but with the normal retry algorithms disabled. This method will return immediately upon error. The user can specify connect and read timeouts (in s) for the connection to AWS. If the user does not specify timeouts, try_create_snapshot uses the default values in Rightscale::HttpConnection.
ec2.try_create_snapshot('vol-898a6fe0') #=>
{:aws_volume_id => "vol-fd9f7a94",
:aws_started_at => Tue Jun 24 18:40:40 UTC 2008,
:aws_progress => "",
:aws_status => "pending",
:aws_id => "snap-d56783bc"}
1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 |
# File 'lib/ec2/ec2.rb', line 1384 def try_create_snapshot(volume_id, connect_timeout = nil, read_timeout = nil) # For safety in the ensure block...we don't want to restore values # if we never read them in the first place orig_reiteration_time = nil orig_http_params = nil orig_reiteration_time = Aws::AWSErrorHandler::reiteration_time Aws::AWSErrorHandler::reiteration_time = 0 orig_http_params = Rightscale::HttpConnection::params() new_http_params = orig_http_params.dup new_http_params[:http_connection_retry_count] = 0 new_http_params[:http_connection_open_timeout] = connect_timeout if !connect_timeout.nil? new_http_params[:http_connection_read_timeout] = read_timeout if !read_timeout.nil? Rightscale::HttpConnection::params = new_http_params link = generate_request("CreateSnapshot", "VolumeId" => volume_id.to_s) request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception ensure Aws::AWSErrorHandler::reiteration_time = orig_reiteration_time if orig_reiteration_time Rightscale::HttpConnection::params = orig_http_params if orig_http_params end |