Class: Billingly::Customer
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveRecord::Base
- BaseCustomer
- Billingly::Customer
- Defined in:
- app/models/billingly/customer.rb
A Customer is Billingly’s main actor.
Customers have a Subscription to your service which entitles them to use it.
Customers are invoiced regularly to pay for their Subscription
Payments are received on a Customers behalf and credited to their account.
Invoices are generated periodically calculating charges a Customer incurred in.
Receipts are sent to Customers when their invoices are paid.
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from BaseCustomer
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from BaseCustomer
#active_subscription, #deactivated?, #deactivated_since, #deactivation_reason, #debtor?, #doing_trial?, #email, #invoices, #journal_entries, #payments, #subscriptions, #trial_days_left
Method Summary
Methods inherited from BaseCustomer
#add_to_journal, #can_subscribe_to?, #charge_pending_invoices, #credit_payment, #deactivate, #deactivate_debtor, #deactivate_left_voluntarily, #deactivate_trial_expired, debtors, #do_not_email?, #ledger, #on_subscription_success, #reactivate, #redeem_special_plan_code, #subscribe_to_plan