Module: Bio::GFFbrowser::Helpers::Gff3Sequence
- Includes:
- Logger
- Defined in:
- lib/bio/db/gff/gffsequence.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#assemble(sequence, startpos, reclist, options = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true, :fix=>false, :debug=>false }) ⇒ Object
Patch a sequence together from a Sequence string and an array of records.
#assembleAA(sequence, startpos, reclist, options = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true }) ⇒ Object
Patch a sequence together from a Sequence string and an array of records and translate in the correct direction and frame.
#description(id, component, rec) ⇒ Object
Create a description for output.
Methods included from Logger
#debug, #error, #info, #log_sys_info, #warn
Instance Method Details
#assemble(sequence, startpos, reclist, options = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true, :fix=>false, :debug=>false }) ⇒ Object
Patch a sequence together from a Sequence string and an array of records. Note that rec positions are 1-based coordinates, relative to the landmark given in column 1 - in this case the sequence as it is passed in. The following options are available:
:reverse : do reverse if reverse is indicated (default true)
:complement : do complement if reverse is indicated (default true)
:phase : do set CDS phase (default false, normally ignore)
:trim : make sure sequence is multiple of 3 nucleotide bps (default true)
special options:
:raw : raw sequence (all above false)
:codonize : codon sequence (reverse, complement, and trim are true)
:fix : fix errors (default false)
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# File 'lib/bio/db/gff/gffsequence.rb', line 37 def assemble sequence, startpos, reclist, = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true, :fix=>false, :debug=>false } # default to nil, if not passed in do_debug = [:debug] do_phase = [:phase] do_fix = [:fix] # default to true, if not passed in do_reverse = ([:reverse] == false ? false : true) do_trim = ([:trim] == false ? false : true) do_complement = ([:complement] == false ? false : true) if [:raw] do_phase = false do_reverse = false do_trim = false do_complement = false elsif [:codonize] do_phase = false do_reverse = true do_trim = true do_complement = true end sectionlist = Sections::sort(reclist) rec0 = sectionlist.first.rec # we assume ORF is always read in the same direction orf_reverse = (rec0.strand == '-') orf_frame = startpos - 1 orf_frameshift = orf_frame % 3 sectionlist = sectionlist.reverse if orf_reverse if do_debug debug .to_s debug [:reverse,do_reverse].to_s debug [:complement,do_complement].to_s debug [:trim,do_trim].to_s debug [:orf_reverse, orf_reverse, rec0.strand].to_s end if sequence.kind_of?(Bio::FastaFormat) # BioRuby conversion sequence = sequence.seq end # Generate array of sequences seq = { | section | rec = section.rec s = sequence[(section.begin-1)..(section.end-1)] if do_reverse and orf_reverse s = s.reverse end if do_phase and rec.phase phase = rec.phase.to_i s = s[phase..-1] end s } seq = seq.join if do_complement and do_reverse and orf_reverse ntseq = seq = ntseq.forward_complement.upcase end # This is the place to fix sequences (e.g. the Wormbase bug) if do_fix or @options[:fix] or @options[:fix_wormbase] if @options[:fix_wormbase] and'gene1')==0 # Wormbase gene1 only, so ignore rest else test_frame = 0 ntseq = aaseq = ntseq.translate if aaseq.count('*') > 1 test_frame = 1 seq = seq[1..-1] ntseq = aaseq = ntseq.translate if aaseq.count('*') > 1 test_frame = 2 seq = seq[1..-1] ntseq = aaseq = ntseq.translate raise 'Validation problem ' if aaseq.count('*') > 1 end end if test_frame > 0 warn,"Frame adjusted to #{test_frame} (fix)" end end end if do_trim reduce = seq.size % 3 seq = seq[0..(seq.size-1-reduce)] if reduce != 0 end if @options[:validate] ntseq = aaseq = ntseq.translate raise "Validate translation problem #{}\n#{seq}" if aaseq.count('*') > 1 end retval = seq retval end |
#assembleAA(sequence, startpos, reclist, options = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true }) ⇒ Object
Patch a sequence together from a Sequence string and an array of records and translate in the correct direction and frame. The options are the same as for assemble
, except :trim defaults to true.
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# File 'lib/bio/db/gff/gffsequence.rb', line 137 def assembleAA sequence, startpos, reclist, = { :phase=>false, :reverse=>true, :trim=>true, :complement=>true } seq = assemble(sequence, startpos, reclist, ) ntseq = ntseq.translate end |
#description(id, component, rec) ⇒ Object
Create a description for output
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# File 'lib/bio/db/gff/gffsequence.rb', line 144 def description id, component, rec sections = Sections::sort(rec) id+' Sequence:'+component.seqname+"_#{component.start}:#{component.end} ("+ { |s| "#{s.first}:#{s.last}" }.join(', ') +")" end |