Feature: Computation of UCSC bins In order to efficiently use indexes We will use the UCSC bin indexing system Per http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Bin_indexing_system

Scenario Outline: Compute smallest containing bin Given I have a region with start and end When I compute the smallest containing bin Then the bin should be

|    Start |      End |  Bin |
| 25079603 | 25079787 |  776 |
| 25128173 | 25128248 |  776 |
| 50312474 | 50312703 |  968 |
| 41905591 | 41906101 |  904 |
| 16670899 | 16673060 |  712 |
| 75495356 | 75495494 | 1160 |
| 92259501 | 92261053 | 1288 |
| 83834063 | 83838132 | 1224 |
|  7309597 |  7310411 |  640 |
|  6190410 |  6190999 |  632 |
# from https://github.com/polyatail/biopython/blob/af34c033d78c4c72dffbb500e513e568a2ba5e29/Tests/test_MafIO_index.py#L48