Class: Bio::Ngs::Bwa::Aln
- Inherits:
- Object
- Bio::Ngs::Bwa::Aln
- Includes:
- Command::Wrapper
- Defined in:
- lib/bio/appl/ngs/bwa.rb
Usage: bwa aln [options] <prefix> <in.fq>
Options: -n NUM max #diff (int) or missing prob under 0.02 err rate (float) [0.04]
-o INT maximum number or fraction of gap opens [1]
-e INT maximum number of gap extensions, -1 for disabling long gaps [-1]
-i INT do not put an indel within INT bp towards the ends [5]
-d INT maximum occurrences for extending a long deletion [10]
-l INT seed length [32]
-k INT maximum differences in the seed [2]
-m INT maximum entries in the queue [2000000]
-t INT number of threads [1]
-M INT mismatch penalty [3]
-O INT gap open penalty [11]
-E INT gap extension penalty [4]
-R INT stop searching when there are >INT equally best hits [30]
-q INT quality threshold for read trimming down to 35bp [0]
-f FILE file to write output to instead of stdout
-B INT length of barcode
-L log-scaled gap penalty for long deletions
-N non-iterative mode: search for all n-difference hits (slooow)
-I the input is in the Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ-like format
-b the input read file is in the BAM format
-0 use single-end reads only (effective with -b)
-1 use the 1st read in a pair (effective with -b)
-2 use the 2nd read in a pair (effective with -b)
-Y filter Casava-filtered sequences
Method Summary
Methods included from Command::Wrapper
#class_name, #default_options, included, #initialize, #normalize_params, #options, #options=, #output, #params, #params=, #path, #path=, #pipe_ahead, #pipe_ahead=, #pipe_ahead?, #program, #reset_params, #run, #sub_program, #thor_task, #to_cmd_ary, #use_aliases?