Class: Bio::Ngs::Bwa::Bwasw
- Inherits:
- Object
- Bio::Ngs::Bwa::Bwasw
- Includes:
- Command::Wrapper
- Defined in:
- lib/bio/appl/ngs/bwa.rb
Usage: bwa bwasw [options] <target.prefix> <query.fa> [query2.fa]
Options: -a INT score for a match [1]
-b INT mismatch penalty [3]
-q INT gap open penalty [5]
-r INT gap extension penalty [2]
-t INT number of threads [1]
-w INT band width [50]
-m FLOAT mask level [0.50]
-T INT score threshold divided by a [30]
-s INT maximum seeding interval size [3]
-z INT Z-best [1]
-N INT # seeds to trigger reverse alignment [5]
-c FLOAT coefficient of length-threshold adjustment [5.5]
-H in SAM output, use hard clipping rather than soft
-f FILE file to output results to instead of stdout
Method Summary
Methods included from Command::Wrapper
#class_name, #default_options, included, #initialize, #normalize_params, #options, #options=, #output, #params, #params=, #path, #path=, #pipe_ahead, #pipe_ahead=, #pipe_ahead?, #program, #reset_params, #run, #sub_program, #thor_task, #to_cmd_ary, #use_aliases?