Class: Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::SingleStrandComplement

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A single strand of restriction enzyme sequence pattern with a 3’ to 5’ orientation.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from SingleStrand

#cut_locations, #cut_locations_in_enzyme_notation, #stripped

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from SingleStrand

#initialize, #palindromic?, #pattern, #with_cut_symbols, #with_spaces

Methods included from StringFormatting

#add_spacing, #left_padding, #right_padding, #strip_cuts_and_padding, #strip_padding

Methods included from CutSymbol

#cut_symbol, #escaped_cut_symbol, #re_cut_symbol, #re_cut_symbol_adjacent, #set_cut_symbol

Methods inherited from Sequence::NA

#at_content, #at_skew, #codon_usage, #cut_with_enzyme, #dna, #dna!, #forward_complement, #forward_complement!, #gc_content, #gc_percent, #gc_skew, #illegal_bases, #initialize, #molecular_weight, #names, #pikachu, randomize, #reverse_complement, #reverse_complement!, #rna, #rna!, #splicing, #to_midi, #to_re, #translate

Methods included from Sequence::Common

#+, #<<, #composition, #concat, #normalize!, #randomize, #seq, #splice, #subseq, #to_fasta, #to_s, #total, #window_search

Methods inherited from String

#fill, #fold, #skip, #step, #to_aaseq, #to_naseq

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::SingleStrand

Instance Method Details


Orientation of the strand, 3’ to 5’

# File 'lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/single_strand_complement.rb', line 19

def orientation; [3, 5]; end