Class: Spotlight::CatalogController
- Inherits:
- Object
- ApplicationController
- CatalogController
- Spotlight::CatalogController
- Includes:
- Blacklight::Catalog, Catalog, Spotlight::Concerns::ApplicationController, Spotlight::Concerns::CatalogSearchContext
- Defined in:
- app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb
Spotlight’s catalog controller. Note that this subclasses the host application’s CatalogController to get its configuration, partial overrides, etc rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #admin ⇒ Object
#autocomplete ⇒ Object
“id_ng” and “full_title_ng” should be defined in the Solr core’s schema.xml.
- #edit ⇒ Object
- #make_private ⇒ Object
- #make_public ⇒ Object
- #manifest ⇒ Object
- #show ⇒ Object
- #update ⇒ Object
Methods included from Catalog
#add_facet_visibility_field, #render_curator_actions?
Methods included from SearchHelper
#search_service, #search_service_context
Methods included from Base
#autocomplete_json_response, #autocomplete_json_response_for_document, #blacklight_config, #controller_tracking_method
Methods included from Config
Methods included from Spotlight::Concerns::ApplicationController
#enabled_in_spotlight_view_type_configuration?, #field_enabled?
Methods included from Controller
#blacklight_config, #current_exhibit, #current_masthead, #current_masthead=, #current_site, #default_url_options, #exhibit_masthead?, #exhibit_search_action_url, #exhibit_search_facet_path, #resource_masthead?, #search_action_url, #search_facet_path, #search_state, #set_exhibit_locale_scope, #set_locale
Instance Method Details
#admin ⇒ Object
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 81 def admin t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.header'), exhibit_dashboard_path(@exhibit) t(:'spotlight.curation.sidebar.items'), admin_exhibit_catalog_path(@exhibit) (@response,) = search_service.search_results @filters = params[:f] || [] respond_to do |format| format.html end end |
#autocomplete ⇒ Object
“id_ng” and “full_title_ng” should be defined in the Solr core’s schema.xml. It’s expected that these fields will be set up to have EdgeNGram filter setup within their index analyzer. This will ensure that this method returns results when a partial match is passed in the “q” parameter.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 69 def autocomplete @response, = search_service.search_results do |builder| builder.with(builder.blacklight_params.merge(search_field: Spotlight::Engine.config.autocomplete_search_field, public: true, rows: 100)) end respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { docs: autocomplete_json_response(@response.documents) } end end end |
#edit ⇒ Object
92 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 92 def edit; end |
#make_private ⇒ Object
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 103 def make_private @document.make_private!(current_exhibit) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_back(fallback_location: [spotlight, current_exhibit, @document]) } format.json { render json: true } end end |
#make_public ⇒ Object
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 113 def make_public @document.make_public!(current_exhibit) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_back(fallback_location: [spotlight, current_exhibit, @document]) } format.json { render json: true } end end |
#manifest ⇒ Object
123 124 125 126 127 128 129 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 123 def manifest if @document.uploaded_resource? render json:, self).iiif_manifest_json else head :not_found end end |
#show ⇒ Object
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 57 def show super authenticate_user! && (:curate, current_exhibit) if @document.private? current_exhibit (@document) end |
#update ⇒ Object
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 |
# File 'app/controllers/spotlight/catalog_controller.rb', line 94 def update @document.update(current_exhibit, solr_document_params) try_solr_commit! redirect_to polymorphic_path([current_exhibit, @document]) end |