Module: Brandish::Processors::HTML::Style::Highlight

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The libraries that these engines depend on are not required in by default; if any of these engines are used, the requisite libraries would have to be required by the brandish.config.rb file.

A Style engine for highlighting libraries. This supports Rouge and Pygments.


  • "highlight-rouge", "highlight-rouge-file" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Rouge library, and outputs it to the "output" pair (or "highlight/rouge/<theme>.css" by default).
  • "highlight-pygments","highlight-pygments-file"- A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Pygments library, and outputs it to the"output"pair (or"highlight/pygments/.css"` by default).
  • "highlight-rouge-inline" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Rouge library, and uses it like an inline style.
  • "highlight-pygments-inline" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the pygments library, and uses it like an inline style.