Class: Brandish::Processors::HTML::Style

Common::Asset show all
Highlight, Sass, Vanilla
Defined in:


A Style asset. This is a CSS asset.


  • "highlight-rouge", "highlight-rouge-file" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Rouge library, and outputs it to the "output" pair (or "highlight/rouge/<theme>.css" by default).
  • "highlight-pygments","highlight-pygments-file"- A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Pygments library, and outputs it to the"output"pair (or"highlight/pygments/.css"` by default).
  • "highlight-rouge-inline" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the Rouge library, and uses it like an inline style.
  • "highlight-pygments-inline" - A command. Retrieves the given theme from the pygments library, and uses it like an inline style.
  • "sass", "sass-file", "scss", "scss-file" - A command. These take a file and processes it, and outputs it to the output path given by #load_file_paths. There is no difference between any of these engine types - the engine assumes the actual syntax of the file from the file extension.
  • "sass-inline" - A block. This takes the block's contents, performs Brandish::Parser::Node::Root#flatten on it, and processes the content as Sass. This is then included as an inline stylesheet.
  • "scss-inline" - A block. Similar to"sass-inline"`, except it processes the content as SCSS.
  • "file" - A command. Takes a file, and copies it over to the destination, based on the values given in #load_file_paths.
  • "remote", "remote-file" - A command. Takes a URI (supports http, https, and ftp), and outputs the directory into the "output" pair (or a uri path assumed from the URI).
  • "inline" - A block. This performs Brandish::Parser::Node::Root#flatten on the body, and pushes the result as an inline style.
  • "remote-inline" - A command. Similar to "remote"; however, this takes the remote styles as an inline style.


  • "src", "file", "name", or "link" - Required. At least one of these options are required. They all perform the same function. This defines the name or path of the asset to add or process.
  • "type" - Required. The type of the asset to process. This defines how the asset is handled.
  • "theme" - Required (for highlight-* engines only). The theme to find for styling.
  • "scope" - Required (for highlight-* engines only). The CSS scope for styling.
  • "output" - Optional (for highlight-* engines or for "remote"/"remote-file" that output to a file only). The output path for the CSS file.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Highlight, Sass, Vanilla

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Common::Asset

engine, engines, #load_asset_file, #perform

Methods included from Common::Asset::Paths

#asset_load_paths, #load_file_paths, #output_assets_path, #uri_path

Methods included from Brandish::Processor::Block

included, #perform, #process_block

Methods included from Brandish::Processor::Command

included, #perform, #process_command

Methods inherited from Brandish::Processor::Base

#accept, #call, #initialize, #postprocess, #process_block, #process_command, #process_root, #process_text, register, #setup

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Brandish::Processor::Base

Instance Method Details


This method is abstract.

The extension for this kind of asset. This defaults to no extension.


  • (::String)

# File 'lib/brandish/processors/html/style.rb', line 76

def asset_kind_extension


This method is abstract.

The asset path for this kind of asset.


  • (::String)

# File 'lib/brandish/processors/html/style.rb', line 71

def asset_kind_path