Module: Brandish::Processors::HTML::Style::Sass

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The libraries that these engines depend on are not required in by default; if any of these engines are used, the requisite libraries would have to be required by the brandish.config.rb file.

A set of styling engines that provide access to Sass/SCSS.


  • "sass", "sass-file", "scss", "scss-file" - A command. These take a file and processes it, and outputs it to the output path given by #load_file_paths. There is no difference between any of these engine types - the engine assumes the actual syntax of the file from the file extension.
  • "sass-inline" - A block. This takes the block's contents, performs Brandish::Parser::Node::Root#flatten on it, and processes the content as Sass. This is then included as an inline stylesheet.
  • "scss-inline" - A block. Similar to"sass-inline"`, except it processes the content as SCSS.