Module: VestalVersions::ClassMethods

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#versioned(options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object

versioned associates an ActiveRecord model with many versions. When the object is updated, a new version containing the changes is created. There are several options available to the versioned method, most of which are passed to the has_many association itself:

  • :class_name: The class name of the version model to use for the association. By default, this is set to “VestalVersions::Version”, representing the built-in version class. By specifying this option, you can override the version class, to include custom version behavior. It’s recommended that a custom version inherit from VestalVersions::Version.

  • :dependent: Also common to has_many associations, this describes the behavior of version records when the parent object is destroyed. This defaults to :delete_all, which will permanently remove all associated versions without triggering any destroy callbacks. Other options are :destroy which removes the associated versions with callbacks, or :nullify which leaves the version records in the database, but dissociates them from the parent object by setting the foreign key columns to nil values. Setting this option to :tracking will perform a soft delete on destroy and create a new version record preserving details of this record for later restoration.

  • :except: An update will trigger version creation as long as at least one column outside those specified here was updated. Also, upon version creation, the columns specified here will be excluded from the change history. This is useful when dealing with unimportant, constantly changing, or sensitive information. This option accepts a symbol, string or an array of either, representing column names to exclude. It is completely optional and defaults to nil, allowing all columns to be versioned. This option is also ignored if the only option is used.

  • :extend: This option allows you to extend the has_many association proxy with a module or an array of modules. Any methods defined in those modules become available on the versions association. The VestalVersions::Versions module is essential to the functionality of vestal_versions and so is prepended to any additional modules that you might specify here.

  • :if: Accepts a symbol, a proc or an array of either to be evaluated when the parent object is updated to determine whether a new version should be created. to_proc is called on any symbols given and the resulting procs are called, passing in the object itself. If an array is given, all must be evaluate to true in order for a version to be created.

  • :only: An update will trigger version creation as long as at least one updated column falls within those specified here. Also, upon version creation, only the columns specified here will be included in the change history. This option accepts a symbol, string or an array of either, representing column names to include. It is completely optional and defaults to nil, allowing all columns to be versioned. This option takes precedence over the except option if both are specified.

  • :unless: Accepts a symbol, a proc or an array of either to be evaluated when the parent object is updated to determine whether version creation should be skipped. to_proc is called on any symbols given and the resulting procs are called, passing in the object itself. If an array is given and any element evaluates as true, the version creation will be skipped.

# File 'lib/vestal_versions.rb', line 81

def versioned(options = {}, &block)
  return if versioned?

  include Options
  include Changes
  include Creation
  include Users
  include Reversion
  include Reset
  include Conditions
  include Control
  include Tagging
  include Reload
  include Deletion

  has_many :versions, options, &block