Module: Brick::Rails::FormBuilder
- Defined in:
- lib/brick/rails/form_builder.rb
Constant Summary collapse
{ datetime: 'datetimepicker', timestamp: 'datetimepicker', time: 'timepicker', date: 'datepicker' }
Instance Method Summary collapse
#brick_field(method, html_options = {}, val = nil, col = nil, bt = nil, bt_class = nil, bt_name = nil, bt_pair = nil) ⇒ Object
Render an editable field When it’s one of these types, will set an appropriate instance variable truthy accordingly: @_text_fields_present - To include trix editor @_date_fields_present - To include flatpickr date / time editor @_json_fields_present - To include JSONEditor.
Instance Method Details
#brick_field(method, html_options = {}, val = nil, col = nil, bt = nil, bt_class = nil, bt_name = nil, bt_pair = nil) ⇒ Object
Render an editable field When it’s one of these types, will set an appropriate instance variable truthy accordingly:
@_text_fields_present - To include trix editor
@_date_fields_present - To include flatpickr date / time editor
@_json_fields_present - To include JSONEditor
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# File 'lib/brick/rails/form_builder.rb', line 9 def brick_field(method, = {}, val = nil, col = nil, bt = nil, bt_class = nil, bt_name = nil, bt_pair = nil) model = self.object.class col ||= model.columns_hash[method] out = +'<table><tr><td>' [:class] = 'dimmed' unless val is_revert = true template = instance_variable_get(:@template) if bt bt_class ||= bt[1].first.first bt_name ||= bt[1].map { |x| }.join('/') bt_pair ||= bt[1].first [:prompt] = "Select #{bt_name}" out <<, bt[3], { value: val || '^^^brick_NULL^^^' }, ) bt_obj = nil begin bt_obj = bt_class&.find_by(bt_pair[1] => val) rescue ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound => e # %%% Would be cool to indicate to the user that a subclass is missing. # Its name starts at: e.message.index('failed to locate the subclass: ') + 31 end bt_link = if bt_obj bt_path = template.send( "#{bt_class.base_class._brick_index(:singular)}_path".to_sym, bt_obj.send(bt_class.primary_key.to_sym) ) template.link_to('⇛', bt_path, { class: 'show-arrow' }) elsif val "<span class=\"orphan\">Orphaned ID: #{val}</span>".html_safe end out << bt_link if bt_link elsif model._brick_monetized_attributes&.include?(method) out << self.text_field(method.to_sym, .merge({ value: })) else col_type = if model.json_column?(col) || val.is_a?(Array) :json elsif col&.sql_type == 'geography' col.sql_type else col&.type end case (col_type ||= col&.sql_type) when :string, :text, :citext, :enum # Support for the activerecord-mysql-enum gem spit_out_text_field = nil if ::Brick::Rails.is_bcrypt?(val) # || .readonly? is_revert = false out << ::Brick::Rails.hide_bcrypt(val, nil, 1000) elsif col_type == :string if model.respond_to?(:uploaders) && model.uploaders.key?( && (url = self.object.send( # Carrierwave image? out << "<img src=\"#{url}\" title=\"#{val}\">" elsif model.respond_to?(:enumerized_attributes) && (opts = (attr = model.enumerized_attributes[method])&.).present? = attr.kind_of?(Enumerize::Multiple) ? .merge({ multiple: true, size: opts.length + 1 }) : out <<, [["(No #{method} chosen)", '^^^brick_NULL^^^']] + opts, { value: val || '^^^brick_NULL^^^' }, ) else spit_out_text_field = true end elsif col_type == :enum if col.respond_to?(:limit) && col.limit.present? out <<, [["(No #{method} chosen)", '^^^brick_NULL^^^']] + col.limit, { value: val.to_s || '^^^brick_NULL^^^' }, ) else spit_out_text_field = true end else template.instance_variable_set(:@_text_fields_present, true) out << self.hidden_field(method.to_sym, ) out << "<trix-editor input=\"#{self.field_id(method)}\"></trix-editor>" end if spit_out_text_field # %%% Need to update the max-width with javascript when page width is adjusted? .merge!(style: 'min-width: 154px;field-sizing: content;') # max-width: auto; out << self.text_field(method.to_sym, ) end when :boolean out << self.check_box(method.to_sym) when :integer, :decimal, :float if model.respond_to?(:attribute_types) && (enum_type = model.attribute_types[method]).is_a?(ActiveRecord::Enum::EnumType) opts = enum_type.send(:mapping)&.each_with_object([]) { |v, s| s << [v.first, v.first] } || [] out <<, [["(No #{method} chosen)", '^^^brick_NULL^^^']] + opts, { value: val || '^^^brick_NULL^^^' }, ) else digit_pattern = col_type == :integer ? '(?:-|)\d*' : '(?:-|)\d*(?:\.\d*|)' # Used to do this for float / decimal: self.number_field method.to_sym out << self.text_field(method.to_sym, { pattern: digit_pattern, class: 'check-validity' }) end when *DT_PICKERS.keys template.instance_variable_set(:@_date_fields_present, true) out << self.text_field(method.to_sym, { class: DT_PICKERS[col_type] }) when :uuid is_revert = false # Postgres naturally uses the +uuid_generate_v4()+ function from the uuid-ossp extension # If it's not yet enabled then: create extension \"uuid-ossp\"; # ActiveUUID gem created a new :uuid type out << val if val when :ltree # In Postgres labels of data stored in a hierarchical tree-like structure # If it's not yet enabled then: create extension ltree; out << val if val when :binary is_revert = false if val out << if ::Brick.is_geography?(val) ::Brick::Rails.display_value('geography', val) else ::Brick::Rails.display_binary(val) end end when :file, :files if attached = begin self.object.send(method) rescue end # Show any existing image(s) existing = [] got_one = nil (attached.respond_to?(:attachments) ? attached. : [attached]).each do || next unless (blob = .blob) existing << blob.key out << "#{blob.filename}<br>" url = begin self.object.send(method)&.url rescue StandardError => e # Another possible option: # Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path(attachment, only_path: true) Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_storage_proxy_path(, only_path: true) end out << if url "<img src=\"#{url}\" title=\"#{val}\">" else # Convert the raw binary to a Base64 image ::Brick::Rails.display_binary(.download, 500_000) end got_one = true out << '<br>' end out << 'Update: ' if got_one end out << self.hidden_field("_brick_attached_#{method}", value: existing.join(',')) unless existing.blank? # Render a "Choose File(s)" input element args = [method.to_sym] args << { multiple: true } if col&.type == :files out << self.file_field(*args) when :primary_key is_revert = false when :json, :jsonb template.instance_variable_set(:@_json_fields_present, true) if val.is_a?(String) val_str = val else eheij = ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.escape_html_entities_in_json ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.escape_html_entities_in_json = false if eheij val_str = val&.to_json ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.escape_html_entities_in_json = eheij end # Because there are so danged many quotes in JSON, escape them specially by converting to backticks. # (and previous to this, escape backticks with our own goofy code of ^^br_btick__ ) out << (json_field = self.hidden_field(method.to_sym, { class: 'jsonpicker', value: val_str&.gsub('`', '^^br_btick__')&.tr('\"', '`')&.html_safe })) out << "<div id=\"_br_json_#{self.field_id(method)}\"></div>" else is_revert = false out << (::Brick::Rails.display_value(col_type, val)&.html_safe || '') end end if is_revert out << "</td> " out << '<td><svg class="revert" width="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><use xlink:href="#revertPath" /></svg>' end out << "</td></tr></table> " out.html_safe end |