Class: BrickFTP::RESTfulAPI::UpdateUser

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Update a user


username string Username for the user. This is how the user will be displayed on the site. Maximum of 50 characters.
authentication_method enum Authentication method for this user. Can be one of the following: password, ldap, or oauth_google. Default is password.
password string Password for the user. This property is write-only. It cannot be retrieved via the API.
password_confirmation string Confirms the new password provided in the password field. This field is optional but will be validated if provided.
authenticate_until datetime If set, the user will be blocked from logging in after this date.
name string Real name of the user. For your reference. Maximum of 50 characters.
email string E-Mail address of the user. Maximum of 50 characters.
notes text You may use this property to store any additional information you require. There are no restrictions on its formatting.
group_ids comma-separated integers IDs of the Groups that this user is in.
ftp_permission boolean Allow user access via FTP/FTPS (port 21 or 990) interface. Default is true.
sftp_permission boolean Allow user access via SFTP (port 22) interface. Default is true.
dav_permission boolean Allow user access via WebDAV (port 443) interface. Default is true.
restapi_permission boolean Allow user access the REST API, via HTTP/HTTPS (port 80 or 443), and the desktop application. Default is true.
attachments_permission boolean Allow user to use Sharing tab in web interface to share files with anonymous users via a unique URL. Default is false.
self_managed boolean Allow user to change their password and user information via the web interface. Default is true.
require_password_change boolean Require user to change their password at their next login. Note: requires restapi_permission to be true, as password changes can only occur via the web interface. Default is false.
allowed_ips text List allowed IPs, one per line. You may specify a range in CIDR format, such as Leave blank to allow all IPs. If you are also restricting IP addresses on the Site tab, users matching in either place will be allowed to log in.
user_root string Folder to show as the root when this user logs in via the FTP interface. Make sure this folder exists, as it will not be automatically created. Does not apply to the web interface! This should not contain a leading slash, but must contain a trailing slash. Example: Users/jenny/. Limit of 250 characters.
time_zone string File modification times will be displayed in this time zone. Default is Eastern Time (US & Canada).
language string The language that BrickFTP will be displayed in, if the translation is available. Leave as default (null) to auto-detect or use the site setting.
grant_permission enum Value must be set to full, read, write, preview, read+write, or preview+write. The user will be granted that permission on their FTP root folder as defined by the user_root. This property is write-only. It cannot be retrieved via the User resource of the REST API, though may be obtained with the Permissions resource of the REST API.
ssl_required enum Whether or not SSL encryption is required on all connections for this user. Can be one of the following: use_system_setting, always_require, or never_require. Default is use_system_setting.
site_admin boolean If set to true, this user will be treated as a site-wide administrator. Default is false.
receive_admin_alerts boolean Enable this user to receive alerts sent to site administrators. This property will only be accepted/returned if site_admin is true. Default is false.
subscribe_to_newsletter boolean Add this user to the BrickFTP newsletter and our mailing list for notices about product updates. This property will only be accepted/returned if site_admin is true. Default is false.
can_create_new_users boolean If true, this user will be able to create other users within groups where they have administrator privileges. Default is false.
admin_group_ids comma-separated integers IDs of the Groups that this user is an administrator of.

See Also:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Params

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Command

included, #initialize

Instance Method Details

#call(id, params) ⇒ BrickFTP::Types::User


The allowed_ips may accept only blank value.

e.g. When set "" to allowed_ips, receive following message with 500 error:

An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details.

Updates the specified user.

For additional security, this method requires reauthentication when updating a password unless an API key is used.



# File 'lib/brick_ftp/restful_api/update_user.rb', line 94

def call(id, params)
  res = client.patch("/api/rest/v1/users/#{id}.json", params.to_h.compact)**res.symbolize_keys)