Class: Brow::Client

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Client

Public: Create a new instance of a client.

options - The Hash of options.

:url - The URL where all batches of data should be transported.
:max_queue_size - The maximum number of calls to be remain queued.
:logger - The Logger to use to log useful information about what is
          going on.
:queue - The Queue to use to store data until it can be batched up and
         transported to the API.
:worker - The Worker that will pop items off the queue, batch them up
          and transport them to the API.
:transport - The Transport to use to transport batches to the API.
:headers - The Hash of headers to include when transporting batches to
           the API. These could be used for auth or whatever.
:retries - The Integer number of times the transport should retry a call
           before giving up.
:read_timeout - The number of seconds to wait when reading data before
                giving up.
:open_timeout - The number of seconds to wait when opening a connection
                to the API.
:backoff_policy - The BackoffPolicy to use to determine when the next
                  retry should occur when the transport fails to send a
                  batch of data to the API.
:min_timeout_ms - The minimum number of milliseconds to wait before
                  retrying a failed call to the API.
:max_timeout_ms - The maximum number of milliseconds to wait before
                  retrying a failed call to the API.
:multiplier - The value to multily the current interval with for each
              retry attempt.
:randomization_factor - The value to use to create a range of jitter
              around the retry interval.
:batch - The MessageBatch used to batch up several events to be
         transported in one call to the API.
:shutdown_timeout - The number of seconds to wait for the worker thread
                    to join when shutting down.
:shutdown_automatically - Should the worker shutdown automatically or
                          manually. If true, shutdown is automatic. If
                          false, you'll need to handle this on your own.
:max_size - The maximum number of items a batch can contain before it
            should be transported to the API. Only used if not :batch
            is provided.
:on_error - The Proc that handles error calls from the API.

# File 'lib/brow/client.rb', line 52

def initialize(options = {})
  options = Brow::Utils.symbolize_keys(options)
  @worker = options.fetch(:worker) { }

Instance Attribute Details

#workerObject (readonly)


# File 'lib/brow/client.rb', line 58

def worker

Instance Method Details

#push(data) ⇒ Object

Public: Enqueues an event to eventually be transported to backend service.

data - The Hash of data.

Returns Boolean of whether the data was added to the queue.

# File 'lib/brow/client.rb', line 65

def push(data)