Class: Buby
- Defined in:
- lib/buby.rb,
move more to BurpExtender side
Buby is a mash-up of the commercial security testing web proxy PortSwigger Burp Suite(tm) allowing you to add scripting to Burp. Burp is driven from and tied to JRuby with a Java extension using the BurpExtender API.
The Buby class is an abstract implementation of a BurpExtender ruby handler. Included are several abstract event handlers used from the BurpExtender java implementation:
evt_command_line_args (removed in 1.5.01)
evt_application_closing (deprecated)
Buby also supports the newer event handlers available in Burp 1.2.09 and up:
This class also exposes several methods to access Burp functionality and user interfaces through the IBurpExtenderCallbacks interface (note, several abbreviated aliases also exist for each):
Buby also provides front-end ruby methods for the various callback methods supported by Burp. New callbacks have been cropping up in newer Burp versions frequently.
Available since Burp 1.2.09:
Available since Burp 1.2.15:
Available since Burp 1.2.17:
If you wish to access any of the IBurpExtenderCallbacks methods directly. You can use ‘burp_callbacks’ to obtain a reference.
Burp and Burp Suite are trademarks of PortSwigger(ltd)
Copyright 2013 PortSwigger Ltd. All rights reserved.
See for license terms.
This JRuby library and the accompanying Java and JRuby BurpExtender implementations were written by Timur Duehr @ Matasano Security. The original version of this library and implementation was written by Eric Monti @ Matasano Security. Matasano Security claims no professional or legal affiliation with PortSwigger LTD.
However, the authors would like to express their personal and professional respect and admiration to Burp’s authors and appreciation to PortSwigger for the availability of the IBurpExtender extension API and its continued improvement. The availability of this interface goes a long way to helping make Burp Suite a truly first-class application.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Extender, HttpRequestResponseHelper, Implants, Parameter, ScanIssueHelper, Version Classes: BubyArrayWrapper, ContextMenuFactory, Cookie, HttpListener, HttpRequestResponseList, IntruderPayloadGenerator, IntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory, IntruderPayloadProcessor, MessageEditorController, MessageEditorTab, MessageEditorTabFactory, ProxyListener, ScanIssue, ScanIssuesList, ScannerCheck, ScannerInsertionPoint, ScannerInsertionPointProvider, ScannerListener, ScopeChangeListener, SessionHandlingAction, Tab
Constant Summary collapse
moving to proper version module
latest tested version of burp
This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future. be removed next version
::File.(::File.dirname(__FILE__)) + ::File::SEPARATOR
- PATH =
This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future. be removed next version
::File.dirname(LIBPATH) + ::File::SEPARATOR
Flag used to identify Burp Suite as a whole.
Flag used to identify the Burp Target tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Proxy tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Spider tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Scanner tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Intruder tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Repeater tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Sequencer tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Decoder tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Comparer tool.
Flag used to identify the Burp Extender tool.
Class Method Summary collapse
.burp_loaded? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the Java namespace to see if Burp has been loaded.
.legacy_mode? ⇒ Class?
determines if we’re running in legacy mode.
- .libpath(*args) ⇒ Object deprecated private Deprecated.
.load_burp(jar_path) ⇒ Object
Attempts to load burp with require and confirm it provides the required class in the Java namespace.
- .path(*args) ⇒ Object deprecated private Deprecated.
- .require_all_libs_relative_to(fname, dir = nil) ⇒ Object deprecated private Deprecated.
.start(extender = nil, h_class = nil, init_args = nil, args = nil) ⇒ Object
Starts burp using a supplied handler class.
.start_burp(extender = nil, h_class = nil, init_args = nil, args = nil) ⇒ Object
Use Buby.start instead
Instance Method Summary collapse
#_check_and_callback(meth, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
This method is a __send__ callback gate for the IBurpExtenderCallbacks reference.
#_check_cb ⇒ Object
Internal method to check for the existence of the burp_callbacks reference before doing anything with it.
#activate!(extender) ⇒ Object
Makes this handler the active Ruby handler object for the BurpExtender Java runtime.
#addScanIssue(issue) ⇒ Object
(also: #add_scan_issue)
This method is used to register a new Scanner issue.
#addSuiteTab(tab) ⇒ Object
(also: #add_suite_tab)
This method is used to add a custom tab to the main Burp Suite window.
#addToSiteMap(item) ⇒ Object
(also: #add_to_site_map)
This method can be used to add an item to Burp’s site map with the specified request/response details.
#application_closing ⇒ Object
This method is called by BurpExtender right before closing the application.
#applyMarkers(httpRequestResponse, requestMarkers, responseMarkers) ⇒ IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers
(also: #apply_markers)
This method is used to apply markers to an HTTP request or response, at offsets into the message that are relevant for some particular purpose.
#burp_callbacks ⇒ Object
Returns the internal reference to the IBupExtenderCallbacks instance.
#burp_extender ⇒ Object
Returns the internal reference to the BurpExtender instance.
#createMessageEditor(controller = nil, editable = true) ⇒ IMessageEditor
(also: #create_message_editor)
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp’s HTTP message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
#createTextEditor ⇒ ITextEditor
(also: #create_text_editor)
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp’s plain text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
#customizeUiComponent(component) ⇒ Object
(also: #customize_ui_component)
This method is used to customize UI components in line with Burp’s UI style, including font size, colors, table line spacing, etc.
#doActiveScan(*args) ⇒ IScanQueueItem
(also: #do_active_scan, #active_scan)
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active vulnerability scan.
#doPassiveScan(*args) ⇒ IScanQueueItem
(also: #do_passive_scan, #passive_scan)
Send an HTTP request and response to the Burp Scanner tool to perform a passive vulnerability scan.
- #evt_application_closing ⇒ Object deprecated Deprecated.
#evt_command_line_args(args) ⇒ Object
nothing calls this anymore
- #evt_extender_init(ext) ⇒ Object deprecated Deprecated.
#evt_http_message(tool_name, is_request, message_info) ⇒ Object
This is the called by the legacy interface, use #process_http_message instead
#evt_proxy_message(msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, message, action) ⇒ Object
Legacy - Use #process_proxy_message or ProxyListener
- #evt_proxy_message_raw(msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, message, action) ⇒ Object deprecated Deprecated.
- #evt_register_callbacks(cb, alert = true) ⇒ IBurpExtenderCallbacks deprecated Deprecated.
- #evt_scan_issue(issue) ⇒ Object deprecated Deprecated.
#excludeFromScope(*args) ⇒ void
(also: #exclude_from_scope, #exclude_scope)
Exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide scope.
#exitSuite(prompt_user = false) ⇒ void
(also: #exit_suite, #close)
Shuts down Burp programatically.
#extender_initialize(ext) ⇒ void
This method is called by the BurpExtender implementations upon initialization of the BurpExtender instance for Burp.
#extension_unloaded ⇒ Object
This method is called by BurpExtender right before unloading the extension.
#generateScanReport(format, issues, file) ⇒ void
(also: #generate_scan_report)
This method is used to generate a report for the specified Scanner issues.
#getBurpVersion ⇒ Array<String>
(also: #burp_version, #get_burp_version)
This method can be used to determine the version of the loaded burp at runtime.
#getCommandLineArguments ⇒ Array<String>
(also: #get_command_line_arguments, #command_line_arguments)
This method returns the command line arguments that were passed to Burp on startup.
#getContextMenuFactories ⇒ Array<IContextMenuFactory>
(also: #get_context_menu_factories, #context_menu_factories)
This method is used to retrieve the context menu factories that are registered by the extension.
#getCookieJarContents ⇒ Array<ICookie>
(also: #get_cookie_jar_contents, #cookie_jar_contents)
This method is used to retrieve the contents of Burp’s session handling cookie jar.
#getExtensionStateListeners ⇒ Array<IExtensionStateListener>
(also: #get_extension_state_listeners, #extension_state_listeners)
This method is used to retrieve the extension state listeners that are registered by the extension.
#getHeaders(message) ⇒ Array<Array<String>>
(also: #headers, #get_headers)
or IExtensionHelpers.analyzeResponse() instead. -
#getHelpers ⇒ Object
(also: #helpers, #get_helpers)
This method is used to obtain an
object, which can be used by the extension to perform numerous useful tasks. -
#getHttpListeners ⇒ Array<IHttpListener>
(also: #get_http_listeners, #http_listeners)
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP listeners that are registered by the extension.
#getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories ⇒ Array<IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory>
(also: #get_intruder_payload_generator_factories, #intruder_payload_generator_factories)
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload generator factories that are registered by the extension.
#getIntruderPayloadProcessors ⇒ Array<IIntruderPayloadProcessor>
(also: #get_intruder_payload_processors, #intruder_payload_processors)
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload processors that are registered by the extension.
#getMessageEditorTabFactories ⇒ Array<IMessageEditorTabFactory>
(also: #get_message_editor_tab_factories, #message_editor_tab_factories)
This method is used to retrieve the message editor tab factories that are registered by the extension.
#getParameters(request) ⇒ Array<Array<String{ name, value, type }>>
(also: #parameters, #get_parameters)
Use IExtensionHelpers.analyzeRequest() instead.
#getProxyHistory ⇒ HttpRequestResponseList
(also: #proxy_history, #get_proxy_history)
Returns a Java array of IHttpRequestResponse objects pulled directly from the Burp proxy history.
#getProxyListeners ⇒ Array<IProxyListener>
(also: #get_proxy_listeners, #proxy_listeners)
This method is used to retrieve the Proxy listeners that are registered by the extension.
#getScanIssues(urlprefix = nil) ⇒ ScanIssuesList
(also: #scan_issues, #get_scan_issues)
This method returns all of the current scan issues for URLs matching the specified literal prefix.
#getScannerChecks ⇒ Array<IScannerCheck>
(also: #get_scanner_checks, #scanner_checks)
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner checks that are registered by the extension.
#getScannerInsertionPointProviders ⇒ Array<IScannerInsertionPointProvider>
(also: #get_scanner_insertion_point_providers, #scanner_insertion_point_providers)
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner insertion point providers that are registered by the extension.
#getScannerListeners ⇒ Array<IScannerListener>
(also: #get_scanner_listeners)
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner listeners that are registered by the extension.
#getScopeChangeListeners ⇒ Array<IScopeChangeListener>
(also: #get_scope_change_listeners, #scope_change_listeners)
This method is used to retrieve the scope change listeners that are registered by the extension.
#getSessionHandlingActions ⇒ Array<ISessionHandlingAction>
(also: #get_session_handling_actions, #session_handling_actions)
This method is used to retrieve the session handling actions that are registered by the extension.
#getSiteMap(urlprefix = nil) ⇒ HttpRequestResponseList
(also: #site_map, #get_site_map)
Returns a Java array of IHttpRequestResponse objects pulled directly from the Burp site map for all urls matching the specified literal prefix.
#getStderr ⇒ OutputStream
(also: #stderr, #get_stderr)
This method is used to obtain the current extension’s standard error stream.
#getStdout ⇒ OutputStream
(also: #stdout, #get_stdout)
This method is used to obtain the current extension’s standard output stream.
#getToolName(toolFlag) ⇒ String
(also: #get_tool_name)
This method is used to obtain the descriptive name for the Burp tool identified by the tool flag provided.
#harvest_cookies_from_history(cookie = nil, urlrx = nil, statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
Harvest cookies from a session’s proxy history.
#includeInScope(*args) ⇒ void
(also: #include_in_scope, #include_scope)
Include the specified URL in the Suite-wide scope.
#initialize(other = nil) ⇒ Buby
#isInScope(*args) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #is_in_scope, #in_scope?)
Query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide scope.
#issueAlert(msg) ⇒ void
(also: #issue_alert, #alert)
Display a message in the Burp Suite alerts tab.
- #legacy_mode? ⇒ Boolean
#loadConfig(config) ⇒ void
(also: #load_config, #config=)
This method causes Burp to load a new configuration from the Map of name/value Strings provided.
#loadExtensionSetting(name) ⇒ String
(also: #load_extension_setting)
This method is used to load configuration settings for the extension that were saved using the method
. -
#makeHttpRequest(*args) ⇒ String
(also: #make_http_request, #make_request)
Issue an arbitrary HTTP request and retrieve its response.
#method_missing(meth, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
so things will just work for most new interface changes.
#new_scan_issue(issue) ⇒ void
This method is invoked when a new issue is added to Burp Scanner’s results.
#printError(error) ⇒ void
(also: #print_error)
This method prints a line of output to the current extension’s standard error stream.
#printOutput(output) ⇒ void
(also: #print_output)
This method prints a line of output to the current extension’s standard output stream.
#process_http_message(toolFlag, messageIsRequest, messageInfo) ⇒ void
This method is invoked when an HTTP request is about to be issued, and when an HTTP response has been received.
#process_proxy_message(messageIsRequest, message) ⇒ void
This method is invoked when an HTTP message is being processed by the Proxy.
#register_callbacks(callbacks, alert = true) ⇒ IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is called by BurpExtender on startup to register Burp’s IBurpExtenderCallbacks interface object.
#registerContextMenuFactory(factory = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_context_menu_factory)
This method is used to register a factory for custom context menu items.
#registerExtensionStateListener(listener = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_extension_state_listener)
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to the extension’s state.
#registerHttpListener(listener = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_http_listener)
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses made by any Burp tool.
#registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_intruder_payload_generator_factory)
This method is used to register a factory for Intruder payloads.
#registerIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_intruder_payload_processor)
This method is used to register a custom Intruder payload processor.
#registerMenuItem(menuItemCaption, menuItemHandler = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_menu_item)
Use #registerContextMenuFactory instead.
#registerMessageEditorTabFactory(factory = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_message_editor_tab_factory)
This method is used to register a factory for custom message editor tabs.
#registerProxyListener(listener = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_proxy_listener)
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses being processed by the Proxy tool.
#registerScannerCheck(check = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_scanner_check)
This method is used to register a custom Scanner check.
#registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_scanner_insertion_point_provider)
This method is used to register a provider of Scanner insertion points.
#registerScannerListener(listener = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_scanner_listener)
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of new issues that are reported by the Scanner tool.
#registerScopeChangeListener(listener = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to Burp’s suite-wide target scope.
#registerSessionHandlingAction(action) ⇒ Object
(also: #register_session_handling_action)
This method is used to register a custom session handling action.
#removeContextMenuFactory(factory) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_context_menu_factory)
This method is used to remove a context menu factory that has been registered by the extension.
#removeExtensionStateListener(listener) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_extension_state_listener)
This method is used to remove an extension state listener that has been registered by the extension.
#removeHttpListener(listener) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_http_listener)
This method is used to remove an HTTP listener that has been registered by the extension.
#removeIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory) ⇒ Object
(also: #remove_intruder_payload_generator_factory)
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload generator factory that has been registered by the extension.
#removeIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_intruder_payload_processor)
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload processor that has been registered by the extension.
#removeMessageEditorTabFactory(factory) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_message_editor_tab_factory)
This method is used to remove a message editor tab factory that has been registered by the extension.
#removeProxyListener(listener) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_proxy_listener)
This method is used to remove a Proxy listener that has been registered by the extension.
#removeScannerCheck(check) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_scanner_check)
This method is used to remove a Scanner check that has been registered by the extension.
#removeScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_scanner_insertion_point_provider)
This method is used to remove a Scanner insertion point provider that has been registered by the extension.
#removeScannerListener(listener) ⇒ Object
(also: #remove_scanner_listener)
This method is used to remove a Scanner listener that has been registered by the extension.
#removeScopeChangeListener(listener) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_scope_change_listener)
This method is used to remove a scope change listener that has been registered by the extension.
#removeSessionHandlingAction(action) ⇒ void
(also: #remove_session_handling_action)
This method is used to remove a session handling action that has been registered by the extension.
#removeSuiteTab(tab) ⇒ Object
(also: #remove_suite_tab)
This method is used to remove a previously-added tab from the main Burp Suite window.
#restoreState(filename) ⇒ void
(also: #restore_state)
Restores Burp session state from a previously saved state file.
#saveBuffersToTempFiles(httpRequestResponse) ⇒ IHttpRequestResponsePersisted
(also: #save_buffers_to_temp_files)
This method is used to save the request and response of an
object to temporary files, so that they are no longer held in memory. -
#saveConfig ⇒ java.util.Map
(also: #save_config, #config)
This method causes Burp to save all of its current configuration as a Map of name/value Strings.
#saveExtensionSetting(name, value) ⇒ Object
(also: #save_extension_setting)
This method is used to save configuration settings for the extension in a persistent way that survives reloads of the extension and of Burp Suite.
#saveState(filename) ⇒ void
(also: #save_state)
Saves the current Burp session to a state file.
#saveToTempFile(buffer) ⇒ ITempFile
(also: #save_to_temp_file)
This method is used to create a temporary file on disk containing the provided data.
#search_proxy_history(statefile = nil, urlrx = nil) ⇒ Object
Searches the proxy history for the url’s matched by the specified regular expression (returns them all if urlrx is nil).
#sendToComparer(data, use_req = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: #send_to_comparer, #comparer)
This method can be used to send data to the Comparer tool.
#sendToIntruder(*args) ⇒ void
(also: #send_to_intruder, #intruder)
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
#sendToRepeater(*args) ⇒ void
(also: #send_to_repeater, #repeater)
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
#sendToSpider(url) ⇒ Object
(also: #send_to_spider, #spider)
Send a seed URL to the Burp Spider tool.
#setExtensionName(name) ⇒ void
(also: #extension_name=, #set_extension_name)
This method is used to set the display name for the current extension, which will be displayed within the user interface for the Extender tool.
#setProxyInterceptionEnabled(enabled) ⇒ void
(also: #proxy_interception_enabled, #proxy_interception=)
This method sets the interception mode for Burp Proxy.
#start(extender = nil, args = []) ⇒ Object
Prepares the java BurpExtender implementation with a reference to self as the module handler and launches burp suite.
#start_burp ⇒ Object
Use Buby#start instead
#unloadExtension ⇒ Object
(also: #unload_extension)
This method is used to unload the extension from Burp Suite.
#updateCookieJar(cookie) ⇒ Object
(also: #update_cookie_jar)
This method is used to update the contents of Burp’s session handling cookie jar.
#with_proxy_history(statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which can load a given burp state file and lets its caller to perform actions inside of a block on the proxy history contained in the loaded session.
#with_site_map(urlprefix = nil, statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which can load a given burp state file and lets its caller to perform actions inside of a block on the site map contained in the loaded session.
#with_statefile(statefile = nil) {|_self| ... } ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which loads a given burp statefile and lets its caller perform actions via burp while its loaded on it inside of a block.
Constructor Details
#initialize(other = nil) ⇒ Buby
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 122 def initialize(other=nil) if other raise TypeError, "argument must be another kind of Buby, got #{other.class}" unless other.is_a? Buby @burp_extender = other.burp_extender @burp_callbacks = other.burp_callbacks end end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(meth, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
so things will just work for most new interface changes.
2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2121 def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if _check_cb.respond_to?(meth) warn 'this method may not be implemented fully, punting' self.class.class_exec do |meth| define_method(meth) do |*argv, &blck| _check_and_callback(meth, *argv, &blck) end end __send__ meth, *args, &block else super end end |
Class Method Details
.burp_loaded? ⇒ Boolean
Checks the Java namespace to see if Burp has been loaded.
2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2280 def self.burp_loaded? @burp_loaded ||= begin Java.burp.StartBurp true rescue NameError false end end |
.legacy_mode? ⇒ Class?
determines if we’re running in legacy mode
2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2291 def self.legacy_mode? @legacy ||= begin Java.burp.BurpExtender rescue NameError false end @legacy end |
.libpath(*args) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns the library path for the module. If any arguments are given, they will be joined to the end of the libray path using File.join
2312 2313 2314 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2312 def self.libpath( *args ) args.empty? ? LIBPATH : ::File.join(LIBPATH, args.flatten) end |
.load_burp(jar_path) ⇒ Object
Attempts to load burp with require and confirm it provides the required class in the Java namespace.
Returns: true/false depending on whether the required jar provides us the required class
Raises: may raise the usual require exceptions if jar_path is bad.
2274 2275 2276 2277 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2274 def self.load_burp(jar_path) require jar_path return burp_loaded? end |
.path(*args) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Returns the lpath for the module. If any arguments are given, they will be joined to the end of the path using File.join
2322 2323 2324 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2322 def self.path( *args ) args.empty? ? PATH : ::File.join(PATH, args.flatten) end |
.require_all_libs_relative_to(fname, dir = nil) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Utility method used to require all files ending in .rb that lie in the directory below this file that has the same name as the filename passed in. Optionally, a specific directory name can be passed in such that the filename does not have to be equivalent to the directory.
2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2333 def self.require_all_libs_relative_to( fname, dir = nil ) dir ||= ::File.basename(fname, '.*') search_me = ::File.( ::File.join(::File.dirname(fname), dir, '**', '*.rb')) Dir.glob(search_me).sort.each {|rb| require rb} end |
.start(extender = nil, h_class = nil, init_args = nil, args = nil) ⇒ Object
Starts burp using a supplied handler class
2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2254 def self.start(extender = nil, h_class=nil, init_args=nil, args=nil) h_class ||= self init_args ||= [] args ||= []*init_args).start_burp(extender, args) end |
.start_burp(extender = nil, h_class = nil, init_args = nil, args = nil) ⇒ Object
Use Buby.start instead
2263 2264 2265 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2263 def self.start_burp(extender = nil, h_class = nil, init_args = nil, args = nil) self.start(extender, h_class, init_args, args) end |
Instance Method Details
#_check_and_callback(meth, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
This method is a __send__ callback gate for the IBurpExtenderCallbacks reference. It first checks to see if a method is available before calling with the specified arguments, and raises an exception if it is unavailable.
meth = string or symbol name of method
args = variable length array of arguments to pass to meth
676 677 678 679 680 681 682 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 676 def _check_and_callback(meth, *args, &block) begin _check_cb.__send__ meth, *args, &block rescue NoMethodError raise "#{meth} is not available in your version of Burp" end end |
#_check_cb ⇒ Object
Internal method to check for the existence of the burp_callbacks reference before doing anything with it.
149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 149 def _check_cb @burp_callbacks or raise "Burp callbacks have not been set" end |
#activate!(extender) ⇒ Object
Makes this handler the active Ruby handler object for the BurpExtender Java runtime. (there can be only one!)
133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 133 def activate!(extender) extender.handler = self end |
#addScanIssue(issue) ⇒ Object Also known as: add_scan_issue
Wherever possible, extensions should implement custom Scanner checks using IScannerCheck
and report issues via those checks, so as to integrate with Burp’s user-driven workflow, and ensure proper consolidation of duplicate reported issues. This method is only designed for tasks outside of the normal testing workflow, such as importing results from other scanning tools.
This method is used to register a new Scanner issue.
1685 1686 1687 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1685 def addScanIssue(issue) _check_and_callback(:addScanIssue, issue) end |
#addSuiteTab(tab) ⇒ Object Also known as: add_suite_tab
This method is used to add a custom tab to the main Burp Suite window.
1490 1491 1492 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1490 def addSuiteTab(tab) _check_and_callback(:addSuiteTab, tab) end |
#addToSiteMap(item) ⇒ Object Also known as: add_to_site_map
This method can be used to add an item to Burp’s site map with the specified request/response details. This will overwrite the details of any existing matching item in the site map.
This method is only available with Burp 1.3.09+
830 831 832 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 830 def addToSiteMap(item) _check_and_callback(:addToSiteMap, item) end |
#application_closing ⇒ Object
This method is called by BurpExtender right before closing the application. Implementations can use this method to perform cleanup tasks such as closing files or databases before exit.
2072 2073 2074 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2072 def application_closing pp([:got_app_close]) if $DEBUG end |
#applyMarkers(httpRequestResponse, requestMarkers, responseMarkers) ⇒ IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers Also known as: apply_markers
Bring IHttpRequestResponse helper up to date
This method is used to apply markers to an HTTP request or response, at offsets into the message that are relevant for some particular purpose. Markers are used in various situations, such as specifying Intruder payload positions, Scanner insertion points, and highlights in Scanner issues.
1658 1659 1660 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1658 def applyMarkers(httpRequestResponse, requestMarkers, responseMarkers) _check_and_callback(:applyMarkers, httpRequestResponse, requestMarkers, responseMarkers).tap{|obj| Buby::HttpRequestResponseHelper.implant(obj)} end |
#burp_callbacks ⇒ Object
Returns the internal reference to the IBupExtenderCallbacks instance. This reference gets set from Java through the evt_register_callbacks method. It is exposed to allow you to access the IBurpExtenderCallbacks instance directly if you so choose.
145 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 145 def burp_callbacks; @burp_callbacks; end |
#burp_extender ⇒ Object
Returns the internal reference to the BurpExtender instance. This reference gets set from Java through the evt_extender_init method.
139 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 139 def burp_extender; @burp_extender; end |
#createMessageEditor(controller = nil, editable = true) ⇒ IMessageEditor Also known as: create_message_editor
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp’s HTTP message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
1531 1532 1533 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1531 def createMessageEditor(controller = nil, editable = true) Buby::Implants::MessageEditor.implant _check_and_callback(:createMessageEditor, controller, editable) end |
#createTextEditor ⇒ ITextEditor Also known as: create_text_editor
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp’s plain text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
1566 1567 1568 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1566 def createTextEditor _check_and_callback(:createTextEditor) end |
#customizeUiComponent(component) ⇒ Object Also known as: customize_ui_component
This method is used to customize UI components in line with Burp’s UI style, including font size, colors, table line spacing, etc.
1510 1511 1512 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1510 def customizeUiComponent(component) _check_and_callback(:customizeUiComponent, component) end |
#doActiveScan(host, port, useHttps, request, insertionPointOffsets = nil) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doActiveScan(request, insertionPointOffsets = nil) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doActiveScan(service, request, insertionPointOffsets = nil) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doActiveScan(url, insertionPointOffsets = nil) ⇒ IScanQueueItem Also known as: do_active_scan, active_scan
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active vulnerability scan. If the request is not within the current active scanning scope, the user will be asked if they wish to proceed with the scan.
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 193 def doActiveScan(*args) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless (1..5).include?(args.size) host, port, https, req, ip_off = *args if args.size < 4 case args.first when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless args.size < 3 req, ip_off = *args host = port = req.port https = req.protocol when Java::Burp::IHttpService raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless args.size serv, req, ip_off = *args https = serv.getProtocol host = serv.getHost port = serv.getPort req = req.request else url = (req.kind_of?(URI) || req.kind_of?(Java::JavaNet::URL)) ? req : req = helpers.buildHttpRequest req host = port = url.port https = url.respond_to? :scheme ? url.scheme : url.protocol end end https = case https.to_s.downcase when 'https' true when 'http' false else !!https end port ||= https ? 443 : 80 port = https ? 443 : 80 if port < 0 host = if host.respond_to? :host req = req.request if req.respond_to? :request req = req.to_java_bytes if req.respond_to? :to_java_bytes scanq = if getBurpVersion _check_and_callback :doActiveScan, host, port, https, req, ip_off else _check_and_callback :doActiveScan, host, port, https, req end Buby::Implants::ScanQueueItem.implant scanq end |
#doPassiveScan(host, port, useHttps, request, response) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doPassiveScan(host, port, useHttps, request_response) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doPassiveScan(service, request, response) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doPassiveScan(service, request_response) ⇒ IScanQueueItem #doPassiveScan(request) ⇒ IScanQueueItem Also known as: do_passive_scan, passive_scan
Send an HTTP request and response to the Burp Scanner tool to perform a passive vulnerability scan.
277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 277 def doPassiveScan(*args) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..4)" unless (1..4).include?(args.size) host, port, https, req, resp = *args case args.size when 1 req = args.first host = req.getHost port = req.getPort https = req.getProtocol resp = req.getResponse when 2, 3 serv, req = *args host = serv.getHost port = serv.getPort https = req.getProtocol resp = (resp && resp.getResponse) || req.getResponse when 4 resp = req.response else # nop end https = case https.to_s.downcase when 'https' true when 'http' false else !!https end port ||= https ? 443 : 80 port = https ? 443 : 80 if port < 0 host = if host.respond_to? :host req = req.request if req.respond_to? :request req = req.to_java_bytes if req.respond_to? :to_java_bytes resp = resp.response if resp.respond_to? :response resp = resp.to_java_bytes if resp.respond_to? :to_java_bytes Buby::Implants::ScanQueueItem.implant(_check_and_callback(:doPassiveScan, host, port, https, req, resp)) end |
#evt_application_closing ⇒ Object
This method is called by BurpExtender right before closing the application. Implementations can use this method to perform cleanup tasks such as closing files or databases before exit.
2065 2066 2067 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2065 def evt_application_closing pp([:got_app_close]) if $DEBUG end |
#evt_command_line_args(args) ⇒ Object
nothing calls this anymore
This method is called by the BurpExtender implementation Burp startup. The args parameter contains main()‘s argv command-line arguments array.
Note: This maps to the ‘setCommandLineArgs’ method in the java implementation of BurpExtender.
The return value is ignored.
1726 1727 1728 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1726 def evt_command_line_args args pp([:got_args, args]) if $DEBUG end |
#evt_extender_init(ext) ⇒ Object
This method is called by the BurpExtender java implementation upon initialization of the BurpExtender instance for Burp. The args parameter is passed with a instance of the newly initialized BurpExtender instance so that implementations can access and extend its public interfaces.
The return value is ignored.
1700 1701 1702 1703 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1700 def evt_extender_init ext @burp_extender = ext pp([:got_extender, ext]) if $DEBUG end |
#evt_http_message(tool_name, is_request, message_info) ⇒ Object
This is the called by the legacy interface, use #process_http_message instead
Bring IHttpRequestResponse helper up to date
Changed in Burp 1.5.01+
This method is invoked whenever any of Burp’s tools makes an HTTP request or receives a response. This is effectively a generalised version of the pre-existing evt_proxy_message method, and can be used to intercept and modify the HTTP traffic of all Burp tools.
IMPORTANT: This event handler is only used in Burp version 1.2.09 and higher.
Note: this method maps to the processHttpMessage BurpExtender Java method.
This method should be overridden if you wish to implement functionality relating to generalized requests and responses from any BurpSuite tool.
You may want to use evt_proxy_message if you only intend to work on proxied messages. Note, however, the IHttpRequestResponse Java object is not used in evt_proxy_message and gives evt_http_message a somewhat nicer interface to work with.
tool_name = a string name of the tool that generated the message
is_request = boolean true = request / false = response
message_info = an instance of the IHttpRequestResponse Java class with methods for accessing and manipulating various attributes of the message.
2000 2001 2002 2003 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2000 def (tool_name, is_request, ) HttpRequestResponseHelper.implant() pp([:got_evt_http_message, tool_name, is_request, ]) if $DEBUG end |
#evt_proxy_message(msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, message, action) ⇒ Object
Legacy - Use #process_proxy_message or ProxyListener
This method is called by BurpExtender while proxying HTTP messages and before passing them through the Burp proxy. Implementations can use this method to implement arbitrary processing upon HTTP requests and responses such as interception, logging, modification, and so on.
The ‘is_req’ parameter indicates whether it is a response or request.
Note: This method maps to the ‘processProxyMessage’ method in the java implementation of BurpExtender.
See also, evt_proxy_message_raw which is actually called before this in the BurpExtender processProxyMessage handler.
Below are the parameters descriptions based on the IBurpExtender javadoc. Where applicable, decriptions have been modified for local parameter naming and other ruby-specific details added.
msg_ref: An identifier which is unique to a single request/response pair. This can be used to correlate details of requests and responses and perform processing on the response message accordingly. This number also corresponds to the Burp UI’s proxy “history” # column.
is_req: (true/false) Flags whether the message is a client request or a server response.
rhost: The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
rport: The port of the remote HTTP server.
is_https: Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
http_meth: The method verb used in the client request.
url: The requested URL. Set in both the request and response.
resourceType: The filetype of the requested resource, or nil if the resource has no filetype.
status: The HTTP status code returned by the server. This value is nil for request messages.
req_content_type: The content-type string returned by the server. This value is nil for request messages.
message: The full HTTP message. **Ruby note:
For convenience, the message is received and returned as a ruby String object. Internally within Burp it is handled as a java byte[] array. See also the notes about the return object below.
action: An array containing a single integer, allowing the implementation to communicate back to Burp Proxy a non-default interception action for the message. The default value is ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES (or 0). Possible values include:
Refer to the source comments for more details.
Return Value:
Implementations should return either (a) the same object received
in the message paramater, or (b) a different object containing a
modified message.
**IMPORTANT RUBY NOTE: Always be sure to return a new object if making modifications to messages.
Explanation: The (a) and (b) convention above is followed rather literally during type conversion on the return value back into the java BurpExtender.
When determining whether a change has been made in the message or not, the decision is made based on whether the object returned is the same as the object submitted in the call to evt_proxy_message.
So, for example, using in-place modification of the message using range substring assignments or destructive method variations like String.sub!() and String.gsub! alone won’t work because the same object gets returned to BurpExtender.
In short, this means that if you want modifications to be made, be sure to return a different String than the one you got in your handler.
So for example this code won’t do anything at all:
.sub!(/^GET /, "HEAD ")
Nor this:
[0..4] = "HEAD "
But this will
return message.sub(/^GET /, "HEAD ")
And so will this
[0..4] = "HEAD "
return .dup
1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1936 def msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, , action pp([ (is_req)? :got_proxy_request : :got_proxy_response, [:msg_ref, msg_ref], [:is_req, is_req], [:rhost, rhost], [:rport, rport], [:is_https, is_https], [:http_meth, http_meth], [:url, url], [:resourceType, resourceType], [:status, status], [:req_content_type, req_content_type], [:message, ], [:action, action[0]] ]) if $DEBUG return end |
#evt_proxy_message_raw(msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, message, action) ⇒ Object
Seems we need to specifically render our ‘message’ to a string here in ruby. Otherwise there’s flakiness when converting certain binary non-ascii sequences. As long as we do it here, it should be fine.
Note: This method maps to the ‘processProxyMessage’ method in the java implementation of BurpExtender.
This method just handles the conversion to and from evt_proxy_message which expects a message string
1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1804 def msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, , action pp [:evt_proxy_message_raw_hit, msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, , action ] if $DEBUG str_msg = String.from_java_bytes() ret = (msg_ref, is_req, rhost, rport, is_https, http_meth, url, resourceType, status, req_content_type, str_msg, action) = ret.to_java_bytes if ret.object_id != str_msg.object_id return end |
#evt_register_callbacks(cb, alert = true) ⇒ IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is called by BurpExtender on startup to register Burp’s IBurpExtenderCallbacks interface object.
This maps to the ‘registerExtenderCallbacks’ method in the Java implementation of BurpExtender.
The return value is ignored.
1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1741 def evt_register_callbacks cb, alert = true cb.issueAlert("[JRuby::#{self.class}] registered callback") if alert pp([:got_evt_register_callbacks, cb]) if $DEBUG @burp_callbacks = cb end |
#evt_scan_issue(issue) ⇒ Object
move implant to new way…
This method is invoked whenever Burp Scanner discovers a new, unique issue, and can be used to perform customised reporting or logging of detected issues.
IMPORTANT: This event handler is only used in Burp version 1.2.09 and higher.
Note: this method maps to the BurpExtender Java method.
issue = an instance of the IScanIssue Java class with methods for viewing information on the scan issue that was generated.
2039 2040 2041 2042 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2039 def evt_scan_issue(issue) ScanIssueHelper.implant(issue) pp([:got_scan_issue, issue]) if $DEBUG end |
#excludeFromScope(url) ⇒ void #excludeFromScope(req) ⇒ void #excludeFromScope(req_info) ⇒ void #excludeFromScope(serv, req) ⇒ void Also known as: exclude_from_scope, exclude_scope
This method returns an undefined value.
Exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide scope.
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 339 def excludeFromScope(*args) url, req = args case args.size when 1 case url when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse, Java::Burp::IRequestInfo url = url.getUrl else url = unless url.is_a? Java::JavaNet::URL end when 2 url = getHelpers.__analyzeRequest(url, req).getUrl else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1,2)" end _check_and_callback :excludeFromScope, url end |
#exitSuite(prompt_user = false) ⇒ void Also known as: exit_suite, close
This method returns an undefined value.
Shuts down Burp programatically. If the method returns the user cancelled the shutdown prompt.
793 794 795 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 793 def exitSuite(prompt_user=false) _check_and_callback(:exitSuite, prompt_user) end |
#extender_initialize(ext) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is called by the BurpExtender implementations upon initialization of the BurpExtender instance for Burp. The args parameter is passed with a instance of the newly initialized BurpExtender instance so that implementations can access and extend its public interfaces.
1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1712 def extender_initialize ext @burp_extender = ext @tool_names = {} pp([:got_extender, ext]) if $DEBUG end |
#extension_unloaded ⇒ Object
This method is called by BurpExtender right before unloading the extension. Implementations can use this method to perform cleanup tasks such as closing files or databases before exit.
2079 2080 2081 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2079 def extension_unloaded pp([:got_extension_unloaded]) if $DEBUG end |
#generateScanReport(format, issues, file) ⇒ void Also known as: generate_scan_report
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to generate a report for the specified Scanner issues. The report format can be specified. For all other reporting options, the default settings that appear in the reporting UI wizard are used.
2112 2113 2114 2115 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2112 def generateScanReport(format, issues, file) file = file if file.kind_of?(String) _check_and_callback(:generateScanReport, format, issues, file) end |
#getBurpVersion ⇒ Array<String> Also known as: burp_version, get_burp_version
This method can be used to determine the version of the loaded burp at runtime.
883 884 885 886 887 888 889 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 883 def getBurpVersion begin _check_and_callback(:getBurpVersion) rescue nil end end |
#getCommandLineArguments ⇒ Array<String> Also known as: get_command_line_arguments, command_line_arguments
This method returns the command line arguments that were passed to Burp on startup.
2095 2096 2097 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2095 def getCommandLineArguments _check_and_callback(:getCommandLineArguments) end |
#getContextMenuFactories ⇒ Array<IContextMenuFactory> Also known as: ,
This method is used to retrieve the context menu factories that are registered by the extension.
1214 1215 1216 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1214 def getContextMenuFactories _check_and_callback(:getContextMenuFactories) end |
#getCookieJarContents ⇒ Array<ICookie> Also known as: ,
This method is used to retrieve the contents of Burp’s session handling cookie jar. Extensions that provide an ISessionHandlingAction
can query and update the cookie jar in order to handle unusual session handling mechanisms.
1579 1580 1581 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1579 def getCookieJarContents _check_and_callback(:getCookieJarContents).tap{|arr| Buby::Implants::Cookie.implant(arr.first)} end |
#getExtensionStateListeners ⇒ Array<IExtensionStateListener> Also known as: get_extension_state_listeners, extension_state_listeners
This method is used to retrieve the extension state listeners that are registered by the extension.
996 997 998 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 996 def getExtensionStateListeners _check_and_callback(:getExtensionStateListeners) end |
#getHeaders(message) ⇒ Array<Array<String>> Also known as: headers, get_headers
Use IExtensionHelpers.analyzeRequest
or IExtensionHelpers.analyzeResponse() instead.
This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09+ and is deprecated in 1.5.01+
Parses a raw HTTP message (request or response ) and returns an associative array containing the headers as they are structured in the ‘Headers’ tab in the Burp request/response viewer UI.
This method parses the specified request and returns details of each HTTP header.
782 783 784 785 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 782 def getHeaders() = .to_java_bytes if .is_a? String _check_and_callback(:getHeaders, ) end |
#getHelpers ⇒ Object Also known as: helpers, get_helpers
This method is used to obtain an IExtensionHelpers
object, which can be used by the extension to perform numerous useful tasks.
building and analyzing HTTP requests.
912 913 914 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 912 def getHelpers @helpers ||= Buby::Implants::ExtensionHelpers.implant(_check_and_callback(:getHelpers)) end |
#getHttpListeners ⇒ Array<IHttpListener> Also known as: get_http_listeners, http_listeners
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP listeners that are registered by the extension.
1040 1041 1042 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1040 def getHttpListeners _check_and_callback(:getHttpListeners) end |
#getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories ⇒ Array<IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory> Also known as: get_intruder_payload_generator_factories, intruder_payload_generator_factories
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload generator factories that are registered by the extension.
1388 1389 1390 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1388 def getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories _check_and_callback(:getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories) end |
#getIntruderPayloadProcessors ⇒ Array<IIntruderPayloadProcessor> Also known as: get_intruder_payload_processors, intruder_payload_processors
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload processors that are registered by the extension.
1428 1429 1430 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1428 def getIntruderPayloadProcessors _check_and_callback(:getIntruderPayloadProcessors) end |
#getMessageEditorTabFactories ⇒ Array<IMessageEditorTabFactory> Also known as: get_message_editor_tab_factories, message_editor_tab_factories
This method is used to retrieve the message editor tab factories that are registered by the extension.
1262 1263 1264 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1262 def getMessageEditorTabFactories _check_and_callback(:getMessageEditorTabFactories) end |
#getParameters(request) ⇒ Array<Array<String{ name, value, type }>> Also known as: parameters, get_parameters
Use IExtensionHelpers.analyzeRequest() instead.
This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09+ and is deprecated in 1.5.01+
Parses a raw HTTP request message and returns an associative array containing parameters as they are structured in the ‘Parameters’ tab in the Burp request UI.
This method parses the specified request and returns details of each request parameter.
761 762 763 764 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 761 def getParameters(request) request = request.to_java_bytes if request.is_a? String _check_and_callback(:getParameters, request) end |
#getProxyHistory ⇒ HttpRequestResponseList Also known as: proxy_history, get_proxy_history
Bring IHttpRequestResponse helper up to date
Returns a Java array of IHttpRequestResponse objects pulled directly from the Burp proxy history.
689 690 691 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 689 def getProxyHistory end |
#getProxyListeners ⇒ Array<IProxyListener> Also known as: get_proxy_listeners, proxy_listeners
This method is used to retrieve the Proxy listeners that are registered by the extension.
1083 1084 1085 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1083 def getProxyListeners _check_and_callback(:getProxyListeners) end |
#getScanIssues(urlprefix = nil) ⇒ ScanIssuesList Also known as: scan_issues, get_scan_issues
This method returns all of the current scan issues for URLs matching the specified literal prefix. The prefix can be nil to match all issues.
714 715 716 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 714 def getScanIssues(urlprefix=nil) _check_and_callback(:getScanIssues, urlprefix && urlprefix.to_s) ) end |
#getScannerChecks ⇒ Array<IScannerCheck> Also known as: get_scanner_checks, scanner_checks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner checks that are registered by the extension.
1345 1346 1347 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1345 def getScannerChecks _check_and_callback(:getScannerChecks) end |
#getScannerInsertionPointProviders ⇒ Array<IScannerInsertionPointProvider> Also known as: get_scanner_insertion_point_providers, scanner_insertion_point_providers
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner insertion point providers that are registered by the extension.
1307 1308 1309 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1307 def getScannerInsertionPointProviders _check_and_callback(:getScannerInsertionPointProviders) end |
#getScannerListeners ⇒ Array<IScannerListener> Also known as: get_scanner_listeners
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner listeners that are registered by the extension.
1126 1127 1128 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1126 def getScannerListeners _check_and_callback(:getScannerListeners) end |
#getScopeChangeListeners ⇒ Array<IScopeChangeListener> Also known as: get_scope_change_listeners, scope_change_listeners
This method is used to retrieve the scope change listeners that are registered by the extension.
1166 1167 1168 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1166 def getScopeChangeListeners _check_and_callback(:getScopeChangeListeners) end |
#getSessionHandlingActions ⇒ Array<ISessionHandlingAction> Also known as: get_session_handling_actions, session_handling_actions
This method is used to retrieve the session handling actions that are registered by the extension.
1469 1470 1471 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1469 def getSessionHandlingActions _check_and_callback(:getSessionHandlingActions) end |
#getSiteMap(urlprefix = nil) ⇒ HttpRequestResponseList Also known as: site_map, get_site_map
Bring IHttpRequestResponse helper up to date
Returns a Java array of IHttpRequestResponse objects pulled directly from the Burp site map for all urls matching the specified literal prefix. The prefix can be nil to return all objects.
702 703 704 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 702 def getSiteMap(urlprefix=nil), urlprefix && urlprefix.to_s)) end |
#getStderr ⇒ OutputStream Also known as: stderr, get_stderr
This method is used to obtain the current extension’s standard error stream. Extensions should write all error messages to this stream, allowing the Burp user to configure how that output is handled from within the UI.
938 939 940 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 938 def getStderr @stderr ||= _check_and_callback(:getStderr) end |
#getStdout ⇒ OutputStream Also known as: stdout, get_stdout
double check
This method is used to obtain the current extension’s standard output stream. Extensions should write all output to this stream, allowing the Burp user to configure how that output is handled from within the UI.
925 926 927 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 925 def getStdout @stdout ||= _check_and_callback(:getStdout) end |
#getToolName(toolFlag) ⇒ String Also known as: get_tool_name
This method is used to obtain the descriptive name for the Burp tool identified by the tool flag provided.
1670 1671 1672 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1670 def getToolName(toolFlag) @tool_names[toolFlag] ||= _check_and_callback(:getToolName, toolFlag) end |
#harvest_cookies_from_history(cookie = nil, urlrx = nil, statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
Harvest cookies from a session’s proxy history.
cookie = optional: name of cookie to harvest
urlrx = optional: regular expression to match urls against
statefile = optional: filename for a burp session file to temporarily load
and harvest from.
Takes an optional block as additional ‘select’ criteria for cookies. The block return value of true/false will determine whether a cookie string is selected.
2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2217 def (=nil, urlrx=nil, statefile=nil) ret = [] search_proxy_history(statefile, urlrx) do |hrr| if (resp = hrr.response) ret += helpers.analyzeResponse(resp) do |c| (.nil? or c.match()) && (not block_given? or yield(c)) end end end return ret end |
#includeInScope(url) ⇒ void #includeInScope(req) ⇒ void #includeInScope(req_info) ⇒ void #includeInScope(serv, req) ⇒ void Also known as: include_in_scope, include_scope
This method returns an undefined value.
Include the specified URL in the Suite-wide scope.
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 375 def includeInScope(*args) url, req = args case args.size when 1 case url when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse, Java::Burp::IRequestInfo url = url.getUrl else url = unless url.is_a? Java::JavaNet::URL end when 2 url = getHelpers.__analyzeRequest(url, req).getUrl else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1,2)" end _check_and_callback :includeInScope, url end |
#isInScope(url) ⇒ Boolean #isInScope(req) ⇒ Boolean #isInScope(req_info) ⇒ Boolean #isInScope(serv, req) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: is_in_scope, in_scope?
Query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide scope.
407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 407 def isInScope(*args) url, req = args case args.size when 1 case url when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse, Java::Burp::IRequestInfo url = url.getUrl else url = unless url.is_a? Java::JavaNet::URL end when 2 url = getHelpers.__analyzeRequest(url, req).getUrl else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1,2)" end _check_and_callback :isInScope, url end |
#issueAlert(msg) ⇒ void Also known as: issue_alert, alert
This method returns an undefined value.
Display a message in the Burp Suite alerts tab.
430 431 432 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 430 def issueAlert(msg) _check_and_callback :issueAlert, msg.to_s end |
#legacy_mode? ⇒ Boolean
2300 2301 2302 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2300 def legacy_mode? self.class.legacy_mode? end |
#loadConfig(config) ⇒ void Also known as: load_config, config=
This method returns an undefined value.
This method causes Burp to load a new configuration from the Map of name/value Strings provided. Any settings not specified in the Map will be restored to their default values. To selectively update only some settings and leave the rest unchanged, you should first call saveConfig
to obtain Burp’s current configuration, modify the relevant items in the Map, and then call loadConfig
with the same Map.
This method is only available with Burp 1.3.09+
861 862 863 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 861 def loadConfig(config) _check_and_callback(:loadConfig, config) end |
#loadExtensionSetting(name) ⇒ String Also known as: load_extension_setting
This method is used to load configuration settings for the extension that were saved using the method saveExtensionSetting()
1556 1557 1558 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1556 def loadExtensionSetting(name) _check_and_callback(:loadExtensionSetting, name) end |
#makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, request) ⇒ String #makeHttpRequest(request) ⇒ String #makeHttpRequest(url) ⇒ String #makeHttpRequest(service, request) ⇒ String Also known as: make_http_request, make_request
Issue an arbitrary HTTP request and retrieve its response
455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 455 def makeHttpRequest(*args) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1,2,4)" unless [1,2,4].include?(args.size) host, port, https, req, serv = args case args.size when 1 case host when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse req = host serv = req.getHttpService else host = host.to_s unless host.kind_of?(Java::JavaNet::URL) port = host.port https = host.protocol req = getHelpers.__buildHttpRequest host https = case https.to_s.downcase when 'https' true when 'http' false else !!https end port ||= https ? 443 : 80 port = https ? 443 : 80 if port < 0 host = if host.respond_to? :host serv = getHelpers.buildHttpService(host, port, https) end when 2 serv, req = args when 4 # nop else raise ArgumentError end req = req.request if req.respond_to? :request req = req.to_java_bytes if req.respond_to? :to_java_bytes ret = if serv _check_and_callback(:makeHttpRequest, serv, req) else String.from_java_bytes _check_and_callback(:makeHttpRequest, host, port, https, req) end end |
#new_scan_issue(issue) ⇒ void
This maps to the newScanIssue callback in IScannerListener implemented by the BurpExtender side.
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is invoked when a new issue is added to Burp Scanner’s results.
2056 2057 2058 2059 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2056 def new_scan_issue(issue) pp [:got_newScanIssue, issue] if $DEBUG ScanIssueHelper.implant issue end |
#printError(error) ⇒ void Also known as: print_error
This method returns an undefined value.
This method prints a line of output to the current extension’s standard error stream.
962 963 964 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 962 def printError(error) _check_and_callback(:printError, error) end |
#printOutput(output) ⇒ void Also known as: print_output
This method returns an undefined value.
This method prints a line of output to the current extension’s standard output stream.
951 952 953 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 951 def printOutput(output) _check_and_callback(:printOutput, output) end |
#process_http_message(toolFlag, messageIsRequest, messageInfo) ⇒ void
This is the 1.5.01+ version of this callback
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is invoked when an HTTP request is about to be issued, and when an HTTP response has been received.
2020 2021 2022 2023 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2020 def (toolFlag, , ) HttpRequestResponseHelper.implant() pp([:got_process_http_message, toolFlag, , ]) if $DEBUG end |
#process_proxy_message(messageIsRequest, message) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is invoked when an HTTP message is being processed by the Proxy.
1965 1966 1967 1968 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1965 def (, ) pp [:got_processProxyMessage] if $debug Buby::Implants::InterceptedProxyMessage.implant end |
#register_callbacks(callbacks, alert = true) ⇒ IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is called by BurpExtender on startup to register Burp’s IBurpExtenderCallbacks interface object.
This maps to the ‘registerExtenderCallbacks’ method in the Java implementation of BurpExtender.
1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1756 def register_callbacks callbacks, alert = true callbacks.issueAlert("[JRuby::#{self.class}] registered callback") if alert pp([:got_register_callbacks, callbacks]) if $DEBUG evt_register_callbacks(callbacks, false) if respond_to? :evt_register_callbacks @burp_callbacks = callbacks end |
#registerContextMenuFactory(factory) ⇒ Object #registerContextMenuFactory(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as:
This method is used to register a factory for custom context menu items. When the user invokes a context menu anywhere within Burp, the factory will be passed details of the invocation event, and asked to provide any custom context menu items that should be shown.
1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1199 def registerContextMenuFactory(factory = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerContextMenuFactory, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerContextMenuFactory, factory) end end |
#registerExtensionStateListener(listener) ⇒ Object #registerExtensionStateListener(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_extension_state_listener
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to the extension’s state. Note: Any extensions that start background threads or open system resources (such as files or database connections) should register a listener and terminate threads / close resources when the extension is unloaded.
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 980 def registerExtensionStateListener(listener = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerExtensionStateListener, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerExtensionStateListener, listener) end end |
#registerHttpListener(listener) ⇒ Object #registerHttpListener(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_http_listener
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses made by any Burp tool. Extensions can perform custom analysis or modification of these messages by registering an HTTP listener.
1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1025 def registerHttpListener(listener = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerHttpListener, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerHttpListener, listener) end end |
#registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory = nil, &block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_intruder_payload_generator_factory
Test - block version may work here
This method is used to register a factory for Intruder payloads. Each registered factory will be available within the Intruder UI for the user to select as the payload source for an attack. When this is selected, the factory will be asked to provide a new instance of an IIntruderPayloadGenerator
object, which will be used to generate payloads for the attack.
1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1373 def registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory, factory) end end |
#registerIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_intruder_payload_processor
Test - block version may work here
This method is used to register a custom Intruder payload processor. Each registered processor will be available within the Intruder UI for the user to select as the action for a payload processing rule.
1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1413 def registerIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerIntruderPayloadProcessor, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerIntruderPayloadProcessor, processor) end end |
#registerMenuItem(menuItemCaption, menuItemHandler = nil, &block) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Use #registerContextMenuFactory instead.
This method is only available with Burp 1.3.07+ and is deprecated in 1.5.01.
This method can be used to register a new menu item which will appear on the various context menus that are used throughout Burp Suite to handle user-driven actions.
the menu item.
809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 809 def registerMenuItem(, = nil, &block) ret = if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerMenuItem, , &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerMenuItem, , ) end issueAlert("Handler #{} registered for \"#{}\"") ret end |
#registerMessageEditorTabFactory(factory) ⇒ Object #registerMessageEditorTabFactory(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_message_editor_tab_factory
This method is used to register a factory for custom message editor tabs. For each message editor that already exists, or is subsequently created, within Burp, the factory will be asked to provide a new instance of an IMessageEditorTab
object, which can provide custom rendering or editing of HTTP messages.
1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1247 def registerMessageEditorTabFactory(factory = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerMessageEditorTabFactory, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerMessageEditorTabFactory, factory) end end |
#registerProxyListener(listener) ⇒ Object #registerHttpListener(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_proxy_listener
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses being processed by the Proxy tool. Extensions can perform custom analysis or modification of these messages, and control in-UI message interception, by registering a proxy listener.
1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1068 def registerProxyListener(listener = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerProxyListener, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerProxyListener, listener) end end |
#registerScannerCheck(check = nil, &block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_scanner_check
This method is used to register a custom Scanner check. When performing scanning, Burp will ask the check to perform active or passive scanning on the base request, and report any Scanner issues that are identified.
1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1330 def registerScannerCheck(check = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerScannerCheck, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerScannerCheck, check) end end |
#registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider) ⇒ Object #registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_scanner_insertion_point_provider
This method is used to register a provider of Scanner insertion points. For each base request that is actively scanned, Burp will ask the provider to provide any custom scanner insertion points that are appropriate for the request.
1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1292 def registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerScannerInsertionPointProvider, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerScannerInsertionPointProvider, provider) end end |
#registerScannerListener(listener) ⇒ Object #registerScannerListener(&block) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_scanner_listener
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of new issues that are reported by the Scanner tool. Extensions can perform custom analysis or logging of Scanner issues by registering a Scanner listener.
1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1111 def registerScannerListener(listener = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerScannerListener, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerScannerListener, listener) end end |
#registerScopeChangeListener(listener) ⇒ Object #registerScopeChangeListener(&block) ⇒ Object
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to Burp’s suite-wide target scope.
1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1152 def registerScopeChangeListener(listener = nil, &block) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerScopeChangeListener, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerScopeChangeListener, listener) end end |
#registerSessionHandlingAction(action) ⇒ Object Also known as: register_session_handling_action
Test - block version may work here
This method is used to register a custom session handling action. Each registered action will be available within the session handling rule UI for the user to select as a rule action. Users can choose to invoke an action directly in its own right, or following execution of a macro.
1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1454 def registerSessionHandlingAction(action) if block_given? _check_and_callback(:registerSessionHandlingAction, &block) else _check_and_callback(:registerSessionHandlingAction, action) end end |
#removeContextMenuFactory(factory) ⇒ void Also known as:
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a context menu factory that has been registered by the extension.
1226 1227 1228 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1226 def removeContextMenuFactory(factory) _check_and_callback(:removeContextMenuFactory, factory) end |
#removeExtensionStateListener(listener) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_extension_state_listener
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove an extension state listener that has been registered by the extension.
1009 1010 1011 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1009 def removeExtensionStateListener(listener) _check_and_callback(:removeExtensionStateListener, listener) end |
#removeHttpListener(listener) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_http_listener
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove an HTTP listener that has been registered by the extension.
1052 1053 1054 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1052 def removeHttpListener(listener) _check_and_callback(:removeHttpListener, listener) end |
#removeIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory) ⇒ Object Also known as: remove_intruder_payload_generator_factory
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload generator factory that has been registered by the extension.
1400 1401 1402 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1400 def removeIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(factory) _check_and_callback(:removeIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory, factory) end |
#removeIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_intruder_payload_processor
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload processor that has been registered by the extension.
1441 1442 1443 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1441 def removeIntruderPayloadProcessor(processor) _check_and_callback(:removeIntruderPayloadProcessor, processor) end |
#removeMessageEditorTabFactory(factory) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_message_editor_tab_factory
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a message editor tab factory that has been registered by the extension.
1275 1276 1277 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1275 def removeMessageEditorTabFactory(factory) _check_and_callback(:removeMessageEditorTabFactory, factory) end |
#removeProxyListener(listener) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_proxy_listener
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a Proxy listener that has been registered by the extension.
1095 1096 1097 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1095 def removeProxyListener(listener) _check_and_callback(:removeProxyListener, listener) end |
#removeScannerCheck(check) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_scanner_check
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a Scanner check that has been registered by the extension.
1357 1358 1359 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1357 def removeScannerCheck(check) _check_and_callback(:removeScannerCheck, check) end |
#removeScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_scanner_insertion_point_provider
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a Scanner insertion point provider that has been registered by the extension.
1319 1320 1321 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1319 def removeScannerInsertionPointProvider(provider) _check_and_callback(:removeScannerInsertionPointProvider, provider) end |
#removeScannerListener(listener) ⇒ Object Also known as: remove_scanner_listener
This method is used to remove a Scanner listener that has been registered by the extension.
1138 1139 1140 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1138 def removeScannerListener(listener) _check_and_callback(:removeScannerListener, listener) end |
#removeScopeChangeListener(listener) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_scope_change_listener
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a scope change listener that has been registered by the extension.
1179 1180 1181 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1179 def removeScopeChangeListener(listener) _check_and_callback(:removeScopeChangeListener, listener) end |
#removeSessionHandlingAction(action) ⇒ void Also known as: remove_session_handling_action
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to remove a session handling action that has been registered by the extension.
1481 1482 1483 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1481 def removeSessionHandlingAction(action) _check_and_callback(:removeSessionHandlingAction, action) end |
#removeSuiteTab(tab) ⇒ Object Also known as: remove_suite_tab
This method is used to remove a previously-added tab from the main Burp Suite window.
1500 1501 1502 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1500 def removeSuiteTab(tab) _check_and_callback(:removeSuiteTab, tab) end |
#restoreState(filename) ⇒ void Also known as: restore_state
This method returns an undefined value.
Restores Burp session state from a previously saved state file. See also: saveState
IMPORTANT: This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09 and higher.
729 730 731 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 729 def restoreState(filename) _check_and_callback(:restoreState, end |
#saveBuffersToTempFiles(httpRequestResponse) ⇒ IHttpRequestResponsePersisted Also known as: save_buffers_to_temp_files
move HttpRequestResponse to new Implants method…
This method is used to save the request and response of an IHttpRequestResponse
object to temporary files, so that they are no longer held in memory. Extensions can used this method to convert IHttpRequestResponse
objects into a form suitable for long-term storage.
1630 1631 1632 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1630 def saveBuffersToTempFiles(httpRequestResponse) _check_and_callback(:saveBuffersToTempFiles, httpRequestResponse).tap{|obj| Buby::HttpRequestResponseHelper.implant(obj)} end |
#saveConfig ⇒ java.util.Map Also known as: save_config, config
This method causes Burp to save all of its current configuration as a Map of name/value Strings.
This method is only available with Burp 1.3.09+
842 843 844 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 842 def saveConfig _check_and_callback(:saveConfig).to_hash end |
#saveExtensionSetting(name, value) ⇒ Object Also known as: save_extension_setting
This method is used to save configuration settings for the extension in a persistent way that survives reloads of the extension and of Burp Suite. Saved settings can be retrieved using the method #loadExtensionSetting.
1544 1545 1546 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1544 def saveExtensionSetting(name, value) _check_and_callback(:saveExtensionSetting, name, value) end |
#saveState(filename) ⇒ void Also known as: save_state
This method returns an undefined value.
Saves the current Burp session to a state file. See also restoreState.
IMPORTANT: This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09 and higher.
742 743 744 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 742 def saveState(filename) _check_and_callback(:saveState, end |
#saveToTempFile(buffer) ⇒ ITempFile Also known as: save_to_temp_file
This method is used to create a temporary file on disk containing the provided data. Extensions can use temporary files for long-term storage of runtime data, avoiding the need to retain that data in memory. Not strictly needed in JRuby (use Tempfile class in stdlib instead) but might see use.
1614 1615 1616 1617 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1614 def saveToTempFile(buffer) buffer = buffer.to_java_bytes if buffer.respond_to? :to_java_bytes Buby::Implants::TempFile.implant(_check_and_callback(:saveToTempFile, buffer)) end |
#search_proxy_history(statefile = nil, urlrx = nil) ⇒ Object
Searches the proxy history for the url’s matched by the specified regular expression (returns them all if urlrx is nil).
A statefile to search in can optionally be specified or the existing state will be used if statefile is nil.
This method also accepts an optional block which is passed each of the matched history members.
2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2196 def search_proxy_history(statefile=nil, urlrx=nil) ret = [] with_proxy_history(statefile) do |r| if (not urlrx) or r.url.to_s =~ urlrx ret << r if (not block_given?) or yield(r) end end return ret end |
#sendToComparer(data) ⇒ Object #sendToComparer(data, use_req = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: send_to_comparer, comparer
This method can be used to send data to the Comparer tool.
586 587 588 589 590 591 592 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 586 def sendToComparer(data, use_req=nil) if data.kind_of? Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse data = use_req ? data.request : data.response end data = data.to_java_bytes if data.respond_to? :to_java_bytes _check_and_callback(:sendToComparer, data) end |
#sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req, ip_off = nil) ⇒ void #sendToIntruder(request, ip_off = nil) ⇒ void #sendToIntruder(service, request, ip_off = nil) ⇒ void Also known as: send_to_intruder, intruder
This method returns an undefined value.
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool
536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 536 def sendToIntruder(*args) host, port, https, req, ip_off = nil case args.first when String raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [4,5].include?(args.size) host, port, https, req, ip_off = *args when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [1,2].include?(args.size) req, ip_off = *args port = req.port https = req.protocol host = when Java::Burp::IHttpService raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [2,3].include?(args.size) serv, req, ip_off = *args port = serv.port https = serv.protocol host = else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" end https = case https.to_s.downcase when 'https' true when 'http' false else !!https end req = req.request if req.respond_to?(:request) req = req.to_java_bytes if req.respond_to?(:to_java_bytes) if self.getBurpVersion.to_a[1..-1].join(".") < "1.4.04" _check_and_callback :sendToIntruder, host, port, https, req else _check_and_callback :sendToIntruder, host, port, https, req, ip_off end end |
#sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req, tab = nil) ⇒ void #sendToRepeater(service, request, tab = nil) ⇒ void #sendToRepeater(request, tab = nil) ⇒ void Also known as: send_to_repeater, repeater
This method returns an undefined value.
Send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 620 def sendToRepeater(*args) host, port, https, req, tab = nil case args.first when String raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [4,5].include?(args.size) host, port, https, req, tab = *args when Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [1,2].include?(args.size) req, tab = *args port = req.port https = req.protocol host = when Java::Burp::IHttpService raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" unless [2,3].include?(args.size) serv, req, tab = *args port = serv.port https = serv.protocol host = else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number/type of arguments calling '#{__callee__}' (#{args.size} for 1..5)" end https = case https.to_s.downcase when 'https' true when 'http' false else !!https end req = req.request if req.kind_of?(Java::Burp::IHttpRequestResponse) req = req.to_java_bytes if req.respond_to?(:to_java_bytes) _check_and_callback :sendToRepeater, host, port, https, req, tab end |
#sendToSpider(url) ⇒ Object Also known as: send_to_spider, spider
Send a seed URL to the Burp Spider tool.
@param [String, URI,, IHttpRequestResponse] url The new seed URL to begin
spidering from.
@return [void]
662 663 664 665 666 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 662 def sendToSpider(url) url = url.url if url.respond_to? :url url = unless url.kind_of?(Java::JavaNet::URL) _check_and_callback :sendToSpider, url end |
#setExtensionName(name) ⇒ void Also known as: extension_name=, set_extension_name
This method returns an undefined value.
This method is used to set the display name for the current extension, which will be displayed within the user interface for the Extender tool.
899 900 901 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 899 def setExtensionName(name) _check_and_callback(:setExtensionName, name) end |
#setProxyInterceptionEnabled(enabled) ⇒ void Also known as: proxy_interception_enabled, proxy_interception=
This method returns an undefined value.
This method sets the interception mode for Burp Proxy.
875 876 877 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 875 def setProxyInterceptionEnabled(enabled) _check_and_callback(:setProxyInterceptionEnabled, enabled) end |
#start(extender = nil, args = []) ⇒ Object
Prepares the java BurpExtender implementation with a reference to self as the module handler and launches burp suite.
2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2234 def start(extender = nil, args = []) # so we don't get error when this file is loaded extender ||= legacy_mode? ? Java.burp.BurpExtender : Object.const_get(:BurpExtender) activate!(extender) Java.burp.StartBurp.main(args.to_java(:string)) if legacy_mode? return self end |
#start_burp ⇒ Object
Use Buby#start instead
Prepares the java BurpExtender implementation with a reference to self as the module handler and launches burp suite.
2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2243 def start(extender = nil, args = []) # so we don't get error when this file is loaded extender ||= legacy_mode? ? Java.burp.BurpExtender : Object.const_get(:BurpExtender) activate!(extender) Java.burp.StartBurp.main(args.to_java(:string)) if legacy_mode? return self end |
#unloadExtension ⇒ Object Also known as: unload_extension
This method is used to unload the extension from Burp Suite.
2085 2086 2087 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2085 def unloadExtension _check_and_callback(:unloadExtension) end |
#updateCookieJar(cookie) ⇒ Object Also known as:
This method is used to update the contents of Burp’s session handling cookie jar. Extensions that provide an ISessionHandlingAction
can query and update the cookie jar in order to handle unusual session handling mechanisms.
1599 1600 1601 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 1599 def updateCookieJar() _check_and_callback(:updateCookieJar, ) end |
#with_proxy_history(statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which can load a given burp state file and lets its caller to perform actions inside of a block on the proxy history contained in the loaded session.
If a statefile argument isn’t specified current burp session state is used.
Yields each entry in the proxy history to a block.
2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2155 def with_proxy_history(statefile=nil) with_statefile(statefile) do |this| this.proxy_history.each {|h| yield h } end end |
#with_site_map(urlprefix = nil, statefile = nil) ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which can load a given burp state file and lets its caller to perform actions inside of a block on the site map contained in the loaded session.
If a statefile argument isn’t specified current burp session state is used.
Yields each entry in the site map to a block.
2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2142 def with_site_map(urlprefix=nil, statefile=nil) with_statefile(statefile) do |this| this.site_map(urlprefix).each {|h| yield h } end end |
#with_statefile(statefile = nil) {|_self| ... } ⇒ Object
This is a convenience wrapper which loads a given burp statefile and lets its caller perform actions via burp while its loaded on it inside of a block. The old state is restored after the block completes.
It can safely be run with a nil statefile argument in which the current burp session state is used.
2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 |
# File 'lib/buby.rb', line 2167 def with_statefile(statefile=nil) if statefile # save current state: old_state=".#{$$}.#{}.state.bak" self.alert "Saving current state to temp statefile: #{old_state}" self.save_state(old_state) self.alert "Restoring state: #{statefile}" self.restore_state(statefile) end yield self if statefile # restore original state self.alert "Restoring temp statefile: #{old_state}" self.restore_state old_state self.alert "Deleting temp state file: #{old_state}" File.unlink old_state end end |