Module: Bulkrax::FileFactory

Extended by:
Included in:
ObjectFactory, ValkyrieObjectFactory
Defined in:


NOTE: Historically (e.g. Bulkrax v7.0.0 and earlier) we mixed in all of the FileFactory methods into ObjectFactory. However, with the introduction of ValkyrieObjectFactory we needed to account for branching logic.

This refactor where we expose the bare minimum interface of file interaction should help with encapsulation.

The refactor pattern was to find FileFactory methods used by the ObjectFactory and delegate those to the new InnerWorkings class. Likewise within the InnerWorkings we wanted to delegate to the given object_factory the methods that the InnerWorkings need.

Futher, by preserving the FileFactory as a mixed in module, downstream implementers will hopefully experience less of an impact regarding this change.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: InnerWorkings