Module: Camping
- Defined in:
- lib/camping/tools.rb,
Firewatch is Camping’s logger. It wraps Rack::CommonLogger, and gives a mechanism to Redirect logs.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Base, CommandsHelpers, Controllers, Helpers, Models, Session, Tools, Views Classes: Commands, Cookies, Firewatch, Generators, H, Loader, Server
Constant Summary collapse
- C =
- S = rescue nil
- P =
"<h1>Cam\ping Problem!</h1><h2>%s</h2>"
- U =
- Apps =
Our array of Apps
- SK =
Key for r.session
- G =
Our array of Gear
- O =
Our Hash of Options
- X =
- Reloader =
Class Method Summary collapse
.call(e) ⇒ Array
Ruby web servers use this method to enter the Camping realm.
.gear ⇒ Object
Helper method to list gear.
.goes(m, g = TOPLEVEL_BINDING) ⇒ Object
When you are running multiple applications, you may want to create independent modules for each Camping application.
.make_camp ⇒ Object
Create method to setup routes for Camping upon reload.
.method_missing(m, c, *a) ⇒ Object
The Camping scriptable dispatcher.
.options ⇒ Object
A hash where you can set different settings.
.pack(*a, &b) ⇒ Object
Add gear to your app:.
.prx ⇒ String
An internal method used to return the current app’s url_prefix.
.routes ⇒ Object
Helper method for getting routes from the controllers.
.set(k, v) ⇒ Object
Shortcut for setting options:.
.use(*a, &b) ⇒ Object
Injects a middleware:.
- .version ⇒ Object
Class Method Details
.call(e) ⇒ Array
Ruby web servers use this method to enter the Camping realm. The e
argument is the environment variables hash as per the Rack specification. Array with [status, headers, body] is expected at the output.
728 729 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 728 def call e;k,m,*a=X.D e["PATH_INFO"],e['REQUEST_METHOD']. downcase,e;,m,prx).service(*a).to_a;rescue;r500(:I,k,m,$!,:env=>e).to_a end |
.gear ⇒ Object
Helper method to list gear
854 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 854 def gear;G end |
.goes(m, g = TOPLEVEL_BINDING) ⇒ Object
When you are running multiple applications, you may want to create independent modules for each Camping application. Camping::goes defines a top level constant with the whole MVC rack inside:
require 'camping'
Camping.goes :Nuts
module Nuts::Controllers; ... end
module Nuts::Models; ... end
module Nuts::Views; ... end
Additionally, you can pass a Binding as the second parameter, which enables you to create a Camping-based application within another module.
Here’s an example of name spacing your web interface and code for a worker process together:
module YourApplication
Camping.goes :Web, binding()
module Web
module Worker
All the applications will be available in Camping::Apps.
Camping offers a shortcut for adding thin files, and templates to your apps. Add them at the end of the same ruby file that you call ‘Camping.goes`:
require 'camping'
Camping.goes :Nuts
module Nuts::Controllers; ... end
module Nuts::Models; ... end
module Nuts::Views; ... end
@@ /style.css
* { margin: 0; padding: 0 }
@@ /
<H1>Hello friends! Nice to meet you.<H1>
@@ index.erb
Hello <%= @world %>
Also sets the apps Meta Data. Can be found at O
@app: String - The app in question @parent: String - @root: String - @line_number: Int - The line number that the app was declared @file: String - The file location for this
931 932 933 934 935 936 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 931 def goes m,g=TOPLEVEL_BINDING;sp=caller[0].split('`')[0].split(":");fl,ln= sp[0]+' <Cam\ping App> ',sp[1].to_i;Apps<< a=eval(S.gsub(/Camping/,m.to_s),g,fl,1);caller[0]=~/:/,$`)=~/^__END__/&&(b=$'.split(/^@@\s*(.+?)\s*\r?\n/m) ).shift rescue nil;a.set :_t,H[*b||[]] a.set :_meta, H[file: fl, line_number: ln, parent: self, root: (name != "Cam\ping" ? '/' + CampTools.to_snake(name) : '/')];C.configure(a)end |
.make_camp ⇒ Object
Create method to setup routes for Camping upon reload.
697 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 697 def make_camp;X.M prx; end |
.method_missing(m, c, *a) ⇒ Object
The Camping scriptable dispatcher. Any unhandled method call to the app module will be sent to a controller class, specified as an argument.
#=> #<Blog::Controllers::Index ... >
The controller object contains all the @cookies, @body, @headers, etc. formulated by the response.
You can also feed environment variables and query variables as a hash, the final argument., :input => {'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'camping'})
#=> #<Blog::Controllers::Login @user=... >
Blog.get(:Info, :env => {'HTTP_HOST' => 'wagon'})
#=> #<Blog::Controllers::Info @headers={'HTTP_HOST'=>'wagon'} ...>
753 754 755 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 753 def method_missing m,c,*a;h=Hash===a[-1]?a.pop : {};e=H[Rack::MockRequest. env_for('',h.delete(:env)||{})];k=X.const_get(c).new(e,m.to_s,prx);h.each{|i,v| k.send"#{i}=",v};k.service(*a)end |
.options ⇒ Object
A hash where you can set different settings.
859 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 859 def ;O;end |
.pack(*a, &b) ⇒ Object
Add gear to your app:
module Blog
pack Camping::Gear::CSRF
Why have plugins in the first place if we can just include and extend our modules and classes directly? To perform setup actions!
Sometimes you might have ClassMethods that you want to modify Camping with, This gives us a way to do that. In your gear:
module MyGear
module ClassMethods
# Define Class Methods here
def self.included(mod)
Optionally a plugin may have a setup method and a ClassMethods module:
module MyGear
def self.setup(s)
# Perform setup actions
module ClassMethods
# Define Class Methods here
Camping gear can also provide Helper methods to our controllers:
module MyGear
module HelperMethods
# Define Helper Methods here
# This is plumbing in our Gear to add our Helper methods.
class << self
def included(mod)
Helper methods are available in our controllers.
847 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 847 def pack*a,&b;G<< g=a.shift;include g;g.setup(self,*a,&b)end |
.prx ⇒ String
An internal method used to return the current app’s url_prefix. the prefix is processed to make sure that it’s not all wonky. excessive trailing and leading slashes are removed. A trailing slash is added.
717 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 717 def prx;@_prx||=CampTools.normalize_slashes(O[:url_prefix])end |
.routes ⇒ Object
Helper method for getting routes from the controllers. helps Camping::Server map routes to multiple apps. Usage:
Nuts.routes # returns routes for Nuts
709 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 709 def routes;(<<X.v).flatten end |
.set(k, v) ⇒ Object
Shortcut for setting options:
module Blog
set :secret, "Hello!"
868 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 868 def set k,v;O[k]=v end |
.use(*a, &b) ⇒ Object
Injects a middleware:
module Blog
use Rack::MethodOverride
use Rack::Session::Memcache, :key => "session"
This piece of code feels a bit confusing, but let’s walk through it. Rack apps all implement a Call method. This is how Ruby web servers call the app, or code that you’ve set up. In our case, our camping apps.
The Use method is setting up a new middleware, it shifts the first argument supplied to Use, which should be the Middleware name, then initializes it. That’s your new middleware. Rack based middleware accept a single argument to their initialize methods, which is an app. Optionally settings and a block are supplied.
So a new app is made, and its settings are supplied, then immediately sent to the new middleware we just added. But the cool part is where we call meta_def. meta_def takes a symbol and a block, and defines a class method into the current context. Our current context is our camping app. So when we call it below we’re redefining the call method to call the new middleware that we just added. The ‘m` variable below represents our newly created middleware object, that we initialized with our old app. and because we’re defining a new call method with a block, it’s captured in that block.
This creates a sequence of middleware that isn’t recorded anywhere, but nonetheless is set up in the proper order and called in the proper order.
793 |
# File 'lib/camping-unabridged.rb', line 793 def use*a,&b;,*a,&b);(:call){|e|};m;end |