Module: Gear::Nancy::ClassMethods

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#delete(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 151

def delete(*routes, &block)  Nancy.make_camping_route('delete', routes, self, &block) end

#get(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

Helper methods added to your Camping app that facilitates

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 148

def get(*routes, &block)     Nancy.make_camping_route('get', routes, self, &block) end

#head(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 152

def head(*routes, &block)    Nancy.make_camping_route('head', routes, self, &block) end

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 154

def link(*routes, &block)    Nancy.make_camping_route('link', routes, self, &block) end

#patch(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 153

def patch(*routes, &block)   Nancy.make_camping_route('patch', routes, self, &block) end

#post(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 150

def post(*routes, &block)    Nancy.make_camping_route('post', routes, self, &block) end

#put(*routes, &block) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 149

def put(*routes, &block)     Nancy.make_camping_route('put', routes, self, &block) end


Turns this App into a proc to be consumed by one of the block based route generators An easy way to forward requests to an app. a references self, that’s then captured by the proc, which is a closure. because it’s a closure, and because it captures self, we can then call this proc anywhere we want.

The syntax: ‘a` is an implicit call to the `#call` method. the brackets are syntatic sugar to get this to work. The following code is equivalent:

e = [] # given e is a rack array.

This code is defined in the Nancy Camping Gear. Specifically in it’s ClassMethods module. ClassMethods is then extended onto our Camping app, Giving it the appearance of being a method of the module. In our cases Our modules are our Apps. The code:

def to_proc = method(:call).to_proc

First gets a ‘Method` object from the app, then converts it to a proc. In our case we just want call, so this makes the whole api pretty simple. def to_proc = method(:call).to_proc

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 182

def to_proc = method(:call).to_proc

# File 'lib/camping/gear/nancy.rb', line 155

def unlink(*routes, &block)  Nancy.make_camping_route('unlink', routes, self, &block) end