Module: ChunkyPNG::Color
The Color module defines methods for handling colors. Within the ChunkyPNG library, the concepts of pixels and colors are both used, and they are both represented by a Integer.
Pixels/colors are represented in RGBA components. Each of the four components is stored with a depth of 8 bits (maximum value = 255 = MAX). Together, these components are stored in a 4-byte Integer.
A color will always be represented using these 4 components in memory. When the image is encoded, a more suitable representation can be used (e.g. rgb, grayscale, palette-based), for which several conversion methods are provided in this module.
Constant Summary collapse
- MAX =
Returns The maximum value of each color component.
Returns All the predefined color names in HTML.
{ :aliceblue => 0xf0f8ff00, :antiquewhite => 0xfaebd700, :aqua => 0x00ffff00, :aquamarine => 0x7fffd400, :azure => 0xf0ffff00, :beige => 0xf5f5dc00, :bisque => 0xffe4c400, :black => 0x00000000, :blanchedalmond => 0xffebcd00, :blue => 0x0000ff00, :blueviolet => 0x8a2be200, :brown => 0xa52a2a00, :burlywood => 0xdeb88700, :cadetblue => 0x5f9ea000, :chartreuse => 0x7fff0000, :chocolate => 0xd2691e00, :coral => 0xff7f5000, :cornflowerblue => 0x6495ed00, :cornsilk => 0xfff8dc00, :crimson => 0xdc143c00, :cyan => 0x00ffff00, :darkblue => 0x00008b00, :darkcyan => 0x008b8b00, :darkgoldenrod => 0xb8860b00, :darkgray => 0xa9a9a900, :darkgrey => 0xa9a9a900, :darkgreen => 0x00640000, :darkkhaki => 0xbdb76b00, :darkmagenta => 0x8b008b00, :darkolivegreen => 0x556b2f00, :darkorange => 0xff8c0000, :darkorchid => 0x9932cc00, :darkred => 0x8b000000, :darksalmon => 0xe9967a00, :darkseagreen => 0x8fbc8f00, :darkslateblue => 0x483d8b00, :darkslategray => 0x2f4f4f00, :darkslategrey => 0x2f4f4f00, :darkturquoise => 0x00ced100, :darkviolet => 0x9400d300, :deeppink => 0xff149300, :deepskyblue => 0x00bfff00, :dimgray => 0x69696900, :dimgrey => 0x69696900, :dodgerblue => 0x1e90ff00, :firebrick => 0xb2222200, :floralwhite => 0xfffaf000, :forestgreen => 0x228b2200, :fuchsia => 0xff00ff00, :gainsboro => 0xdcdcdc00, :ghostwhite => 0xf8f8ff00, :gold => 0xffd70000, :goldenrod => 0xdaa52000, :gray => 0x80808000, :grey => 0x80808000, :green => 0x00800000, :greenyellow => 0xadff2f00, :honeydew => 0xf0fff000, :hotpink => 0xff69b400, :indianred => 0xcd5c5c00, :indigo => 0x4b008200, :ivory => 0xfffff000, :khaki => 0xf0e68c00, :lavender => 0xe6e6fa00, :lavenderblush => 0xfff0f500, :lawngreen => 0x7cfc0000, :lemonchiffon => 0xfffacd00, :lightblue => 0xadd8e600, :lightcoral => 0xf0808000, :lightcyan => 0xe0ffff00, :lightgoldenrodyellow => 0xfafad200, :lightgray => 0xd3d3d300, :lightgrey => 0xd3d3d300, :lightgreen => 0x90ee9000, :lightpink => 0xffb6c100, :lightsalmon => 0xffa07a00, :lightseagreen => 0x20b2aa00, :lightskyblue => 0x87cefa00, :lightslategray => 0x77889900, :lightslategrey => 0x77889900, :lightsteelblue => 0xb0c4de00, :lightyellow => 0xffffe000, :lime => 0x00ff0000, :limegreen => 0x32cd3200, :linen => 0xfaf0e600, :magenta => 0xff00ff00, :maroon => 0x80000000, :mediumaquamarine => 0x66cdaa00, :mediumblue => 0x0000cd00, :mediumorchid => 0xba55d300, :mediumpurple => 0x9370d800, :mediumseagreen => 0x3cb37100, :mediumslateblue => 0x7b68ee00, :mediumspringgreen => 0x00fa9a00, :mediumturquoise => 0x48d1cc00, :mediumvioletred => 0xc7158500, :midnightblue => 0x19197000, :mintcream => 0xf5fffa00, :mistyrose => 0xffe4e100, :moccasin => 0xffe4b500, :navajowhite => 0xffdead00, :navy => 0x00008000, :oldlace => 0xfdf5e600, :olive => 0x80800000, :olivedrab => 0x6b8e2300, :orange => 0xffa50000, :orangered => 0xff450000, :orchid => 0xda70d600, :palegoldenrod => 0xeee8aa00, :palegreen => 0x98fb9800, :paleturquoise => 0xafeeee00, :palevioletred => 0xd8709300, :papayawhip => 0xffefd500, :peachpuff => 0xffdab900, :peru => 0xcd853f00, :pink => 0xffc0cb00, :plum => 0xdda0dd00, :powderblue => 0xb0e0e600, :purple => 0x80008000, :red => 0xff000000, :rosybrown => 0xbc8f8f00, :royalblue => 0x4169e100, :saddlebrown => 0x8b451300, :salmon => 0xfa807200, :sandybrown => 0xf4a46000, :seagreen => 0x2e8b5700, :seashell => 0xfff5ee00, :sienna => 0xa0522d00, :silver => 0xc0c0c000, :skyblue => 0x87ceeb00, :slateblue => 0x6a5acd00, :slategray => 0x70809000, :slategrey => 0x70809000, :snow => 0xfffafa00, :springgreen => 0x00ff7f00, :steelblue => 0x4682b400, :tan => 0xd2b48c00, :teal => 0x00808000, :thistle => 0xd8bfd800, :tomato => 0xff634700, :turquoise => 0x40e0d000, :violet => 0xee82ee00, :wheat => 0xf5deb300, :white => 0xffffff00, :whitesmoke => 0xf5f5f500, :yellow => 0xffff0000, :yellowgreen => 0x9acd3200 }
Returns Black pixel/color.
rgb( 0, 0, 0)
Returns White pixel/color.
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Returns Fully transparent pixel/color.
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
Instance Method Summary collapse
#a(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the alpha channel value for the color value.
#alpha_decomposable?(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether an alpha channel value can successfully be composed given the resulting color, the mask color and a background color, all of which should be opaque.
#b(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the blue-component from the color value.
#blend(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer
Blends the foreground and background color by taking the average of the components.
#compose_precise(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer
Composes two colors with an alpha channel using floating point math.
#compose_quick(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer
(also: #compose)
Composes two colors with an alpha channel using integer math.
#decompose_alpha(color, mask, bg) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes the alpha channel value given the resulting color, the mask color and a background color, all of which should be opaque.
#decompose_alpha_component(channel, color, mask, bg) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes an alpha channel for either the r, g or b color channel.
#decompose_alpha_components(color, mask, bg) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Decomposes the alpha channels for the r, g and b color channel.
#decompose_color(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes a color, given a color, a mask color and a background color.
#fade(color, factor) ⇒ Integer
Lowers the intensity of a color, by lowering its alpha by a given factor.
#from_hex(hex_value, opacity = nil) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by converting it from a string in hex notation.
#from_rgb_stream(stream, pos = 0) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by unpacking an rgb triple from a string.
#from_rgba_stream(stream, pos = 0) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by unpacking an rgba triple from a string.
#fully_transparent?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
#g(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the green-component from the color value.
#grayscale(teint) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using a grayscale teint.
#grayscale?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
#grayscale_alpha(teint, a) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using a grayscale teint and alpha value.
#grayscale_teint(color) ⇒ Integer
Calculates the grayscale teint of an RGB color.
#html_color(color_name, opacity = nil) ⇒ Integer
Gets a color value based on a HTML color name.
#int8_mult(a, b) ⇒ Integer
Multiplies two fractions using integer math, where the fractions are stored using an integer between 0 and 255.
#interpolate_quick(fg, bg, alpha) ⇒ Object
Interpolates the foreground and background colors by the given alpha value.
#opaque!(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the opaque value of this color by removing the alpha channel.
#opaque?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully opaque.
#parse(source) ⇒ Integer
Parses a color value given a numeric or string argument.
#pass_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width, height) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of bytes used for an image pass.
#pixel_bitsize(color_mode, depth = 8) ⇒ Integer
Returns the size in bits of a pixel when it is stored using a given color mode.
#pixel_bytesize(color_mode, depth = 8) ⇒ Integer
Returns the size in bytes of a pixel when it is stored using a given color mode.
#r(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the red-component from the color value.
#rgb(r, g, b) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple.
#rgba(r, g, b, a) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple and an alpha value.
#samples_per_pixel(color_mode) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of sample values per pixel.
#scanline_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of bytes used per scanline.
#to_grayscale(color) ⇒ Integer
Converts a color to a fiting grayscale value.
#to_grayscale_alpha_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the grayscale teint and alpha channel values for this color.
#to_grayscale_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the grayscale teint value for this color.
#to_hex(color, include_alpha = true) ⇒ String
Returns a string representing this color using hex notation (i.e. #rrggbbaa).
#to_truecolor_alpha_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the separate RGBA values for this color.
#to_truecolor_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the separate RGB values for this color.
Instance Method Details
#a(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the alpha channel value for the color value.
197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 197 def a(value) value & 0x000000ff end |
#alpha_decomposable?(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) ⇒ Boolean
Checks whether an alpha channel value can successfully be composed given the resulting color, the mask color and a background color, all of which should be opaque.
394 395 396 397 398 399 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 394 def alpha_decomposable?(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) components = decompose_alpha_components(color, mask, bg) sum = components.inject(0) { |a,b| a + b } max = components.max * 3 return components.max <= 255 && components.min >= 0 && (sum + tolerance * 3) >= max end |
#b(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the blue-component from the color value.
189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 189 def b(value) (value & 0x0000ff00) >> 8 end |
#blend(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer
Blends the foreground and background color by taking the average of the components.
304 305 306 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 304 def blend(fg, bg) (fg + bg) >> 1 end |
#compose_precise(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer
Composes two colors with an alpha channel using floating point math.
This method uses more precise floating point math, but this precision is lost when the result is converted back to an integer. Because it is slower than the version based on integer math, that version is preferred.
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 281 def compose_precise(fg, bg) return fg if opaque?(fg) || fully_transparent?(bg) return bg if fully_transparent?(fg) fg_a = a(fg).to_f / MAX bg_a = a(bg).to_f / MAX a_com = (1.0 - fg_a) * bg_a new_r = (fg_a * r(fg) + a_com * r(bg)).round new_g = (fg_a * g(fg) + a_com * g(bg)).round new_b = (fg_a * b(fg) + a_com * b(bg)).round new_a = ((fg_a + a_com) * MAX).round rgba(new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a) end |
#compose_quick(fg, bg) ⇒ Integer Also known as: compose
Composes two colors with an alpha channel using integer math.
This version is faster than the version based on floating point math, so this compositing function is used by default.
259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 259 def compose_quick(fg, bg) return fg if opaque?(fg) || fully_transparent?(bg) return bg if fully_transparent?(fg) a_com = int8_mult(0xff - a(fg), a(bg)) new_r = int8_mult(a(fg), r(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, r(bg)) new_g = int8_mult(a(fg), g(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, g(bg)) new_b = int8_mult(a(fg), b(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, b(bg)) new_a = a(fg) + a_com rgba(new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a) end |
#decompose_alpha(color, mask, bg) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes the alpha channel value given the resulting color, the mask color and a background color, all of which should be opaque.
Make sure to call #alpha_decomposable? first to see if the alpha channel value can successfully decomposed with a given tolerance, otherwise the return value of this method is undefined.
413 414 415 416 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 413 def decompose_alpha(color, mask, bg) components = decompose_alpha_components(color, mask, bg) (components.inject(0) { |a,b| a + b } / 3.0).round end |
#decompose_alpha_component(channel, color, mask, bg) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes an alpha channel for either the r, g or b color channel.
424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 424 def decompose_alpha_component(channel, color, mask, bg) cc, mc, bc = send(channel, color), send(channel, mask), send(channel, bg) return 0x00 if bc == cc return 0xff if bc == mc return 0xff if cc == mc (((bc - cc).to_f / (bc - mc).to_f) * MAX).round end |
#decompose_alpha_components(color, mask, bg) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Decomposes the alpha channels for the r, g and b color channel.
439 440 441 442 443 444 445 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 439 def decompose_alpha_components(color, mask, bg) [ decompose_alpha_component(:r, color, mask, bg), decompose_alpha_component(:g, color, mask, bg), decompose_alpha_component(:b, color, mask, bg) ] end |
#decompose_color(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) ⇒ Integer
Decomposes a color, given a color, a mask color and a background color. The returned color will be a variant of the mask color, with the alpha channel set to the best fitting value. This basically is the reverse operation if alpha composition.
If the color cannot be decomposed, this method will return the fully transparent variant of the mask color.
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 376 def decompose_color(color, mask, bg, tolerance = 1) if alpha_decomposable?(color, mask, bg, tolerance) mask & 0xffffff00 | decompose_alpha(color, mask, bg) else mask & 0xffffff00 end end |
#fade(color, factor) ⇒ Integer
Lowers the intensity of a color, by lowering its alpha by a given factor.
357 358 359 360 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 357 def fade(color, factor) new_alpha = int8_mult(a(color), factor) (color & 0xffffff00) | new_alpha end |
#from_hex(hex_value, opacity = nil) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by converting it from a string in hex notation.
It supports colors with (#rrggbbaa) or without (#rrggbb) alpha channel. Color strings may include the prefix “0x” or “#”.
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 155 def from_hex(hex_value, opacity = nil) if HEX_COLOR_REGEXP =~ hex_value base_color = $1.hex << 8 opacity ||= $2 ? $2.hex : 0xff base_color | opacity else raise ArgumentError, "Not a valid hex color notation: #{hex_value.inspect}!" end end |
#from_rgb_stream(stream, pos = 0) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by unpacking an rgb triple from a string.
130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 130 def from_rgb_stream(stream, pos = 0) rgb(*stream.unpack("@#{pos}C3")) end |
#from_rgba_stream(stream, pos = 0) ⇒ Integer
Creates a color by unpacking an rgba triple from a string
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 140 def from_rgba_stream(stream, pos = 0) rgba(*stream.unpack("@#{pos}C4")) end |
#fully_transparent?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 228 def fully_transparent?(value) a(value) == 0x00000000 end |
#g(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the green-component from the color value.
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 181 def g(value) (value & 0x00ff0000) >> 16 end |
#grayscale(teint) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using a grayscale teint.
108 109 110 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 108 def grayscale(teint) teint << 24 | teint << 16 | teint << 8 | 0xff end |
#grayscale?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
220 221 222 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 220 def grayscale?(value) r(value) == b(value) && b(value) == g(value) end |
#grayscale_alpha(teint, a) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using a grayscale teint and alpha value.
116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 116 def grayscale_alpha(teint, a) teint << 24 | teint << 16 | teint << 8 | a end |
#grayscale_teint(color) ⇒ Integer
Calculates the grayscale teint of an RGB color.
336 337 338 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 336 def grayscale_teint(color) (r(color) * 0.3 + g(color) * 0.59 + b(color) * 0.11).round end |
#html_color(color_name, opacity = nil) ⇒ Integer
Gets a color value based on a HTML color name.
The color name is flexible. E.g. 'yellowgreen'
, 'Yellow green'
, 'YellowGreen'
and :yellow_green
will all return the same color value.
You can include a opacity level in the color name (e.g. 'red @ 0.5'
) or give an explicit opacity value as second argument. If no opacity value is given, the color will be fully opaque.
672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 672 def html_color(color_name, opacity = nil) if color_name.to_s =~ HTML_COLOR_REGEXP opacity ||= $2 ? ($2.to_f * 255.0).round : 0xff base_color_name = $1.gsub(/[^a-z]+/i, '').downcase.to_sym return PREDEFINED_COLORS[base_color_name] | opacity if PREDEFINED_COLORS.has_key?(base_color_name) end raise ArgumentError, "Unknown color name #{color_name}!" end |
#int8_mult(a, b) ⇒ Integer
Multiplies two fractions using integer math, where the fractions are stored using an integer between 0 and 255. This method is used as a helper method for compositing colors using integer math.
This is a quicker implementation of ((a * b) / 255.0).round.
245 246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 245 def int8_mult(a, b) t = a * b + 0x80 ((t >> 8) + t) >> 8 end |
#interpolate_quick(fg, bg, alpha) ⇒ Object
Interpolates the foreground and background colors by the given alpha value. This also blends the alpha channels themselves.
A blending factor of 255 will give entirely the foreground, while a blending factor of 0 will give the background.
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 318 def interpolate_quick(fg, bg, alpha) return fg if alpha >= 255 return bg if alpha <= 0 alpha_com = 255 - alpha new_r = int8_mult(alpha, r(fg)) + int8_mult(alpha_com, r(bg)) new_g = int8_mult(alpha, g(fg)) + int8_mult(alpha_com, g(bg)) new_b = int8_mult(alpha, b(fg)) + int8_mult(alpha_com, b(bg)) new_a = int8_mult(alpha, a(fg)) + int8_mult(alpha_com, a(bg)) return rgba(new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a) end |
#opaque!(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the opaque value of this color by removing the alpha channel.
212 213 214 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 212 def opaque!(value) value | 0x000000ff end |
#opaque?(value) ⇒ true, false
Returns true if this color is fully opaque.
205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 205 def opaque?(value) a(value) == 0x000000ff end |
#parse(source) ⇒ Integer
Parses a color value given a numeric or string argument.
It supports color numbers, colors in hex notation and named HTML colors.
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 76 def parse(source) return source if source.kind_of?(Integer) case source.to_s when /^\d+$/; source.to_s.to_i when ChunkyPNG::Color::HEX_COLOR_REGEXP; ChunkyPNG::Color.from_hex(source.to_s) when ChunkyPNG::Color::HTML_COLOR_REGEXP; ChunkyPNG::Color.html_color(source.to_s) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to create a color from #{source.inspect}!" end end |
#pass_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width, height) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of bytes used for an image pass
739 740 741 742 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 739 def pass_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width, height) return 0 if width == 0 || height == 0 (scanline_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width) + 1) * height end |
#pixel_bitsize(color_mode, depth = 8) ⇒ Integer
Returns the size in bits of a pixel when it is stored using a given color mode.
720 721 722 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 720 def pixel_bitsize(color_mode, depth = 8) samples_per_pixel(color_mode) * depth end |
#pixel_bytesize(color_mode, depth = 8) ⇒ Integer
Returns the size in bytes of a pixel when it is stored using a given color mode.
711 712 713 714 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 711 def pixel_bytesize(color_mode, depth = 8) return 1 if depth < 8 (pixel_bitsize(color_mode, depth) + 7) >> 3 end |
#r(value) ⇒ Integer
Returns the red-component from the color value.
173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 173 def r(value) (value & 0xff000000) >> 24 end |
#rgb(r, g, b) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple.
101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 101 def rgb(r, g, b) r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | 0xff end |
#rgba(r, g, b, a) ⇒ Integer
Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple and an alpha value.
92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 92 def rgba(r, g, b, a) r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | a end |
#samples_per_pixel(color_mode) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of sample values per pixel.
697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 697 def samples_per_pixel(color_mode) case color_mode when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_INDEXED; 1 when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR; 3 when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA; 4 when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE; 1 when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA; 2 else raise ChunkyPNG::NotSupported, "Don't know the numer of samples for this colormode: #{color_mode}!" end end |
#scanline_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width) ⇒ Integer
Returns the number of bytes used per scanline.
729 730 731 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 729 def scanline_bytesize(color_mode, depth, width) ((pixel_bitsize(color_mode, depth) * width) + 7) >> 3 end |
#to_grayscale(color) ⇒ Integer
Converts a color to a fiting grayscale value. It will conserve the alpha channel.
This method will return a full color value, with the R, G, and B value set to the grayscale teint calcuated from the input color’s R, G and B values.
349 350 351 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 349 def to_grayscale(color) grayscale_alpha(grayscale_teint(color), a(color)) end |
#to_grayscale_alpha_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the grayscale teint and alpha channel values for this color.
This method expects the color to be grayscale, i.e. r,g and b value to be equal and uses only the B channel. If you need to convert a color to grayscale first, see #to_grayscale.
497 498 499 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 497 def to_grayscale_alpha_bytes(color) [b(color), a(color)] # assumption r == g == b end |
#to_grayscale_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the grayscale teint value for this color.
This method expects the r,g and b value to be equal, and the alpha channel will be discarded.
483 484 485 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 483 def to_grayscale_bytes(color) [b(color)] # assumption r == g == b end |
#to_hex(color, include_alpha = true) ⇒ String
Returns a string representing this color using hex notation (i.e. #rrggbbaa).
455 456 457 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 455 def to_hex(color, include_alpha = true) include_alpha ? ('#%08x' % color) : ('#%06x' % [color >> 8]) end |
#to_truecolor_alpha_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the separate RGBA values for this color.
463 464 465 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 463 def to_truecolor_alpha_bytes(color) [r(color), g(color), b(color), a(color)] end |
#to_truecolor_bytes(color) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns an array with the separate RGB values for this color. The alpha channel will be discarded.
472 473 474 |
# File 'lib/chunky_png/color.rb', line 472 def to_truecolor_bytes(color) [r(color), g(color), b(color)] end |