"sendSMSTW" => [
[ "callFunc", "validateUserInput", "$P0", "$P1", "$P2", "$P3"],
[ "create", "$L0", "Object"],
[ "set", "$L0.method", "POST"],
[ "string.concat", "$L0.url", "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/", "$P0.accountSid", "/Messages.json"],
[ "string.urlEncode", "$P1", "$P1"],
[ "string.urlEncode", "$P2", "$P2"],
[ "string.urlEncode", "$P3", "$P3"],
[ "string.concat", "$L1", "From=", "$P1", "&To=", "$P2", "&Body=", "$P3"],
[ "stream.stringToStream", "$L3", "$L1"],
[ "set", "$L0.requestBody", "$L3"],
[ "create", "$L0.requestHeaders", "Object"],
[ "string.concat", "$L4", "$P0.accountSid", ":", "$P0.authToken"],
[ "string.base64encode", "$L5", "$L4"],
[ "string.concat", "$L0.requestHeaders.Authorization", "Basic ", "$L5"],
[ "set", "$L0.requestHeaders.Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
[ "create", "$L6", "Object"],
[ "http.requestCall", "$L6", "$L0"],
[ "callFunc", "validateResponse", "$P0", "$L6"],
[ "stream.streamToString", "$L7", "$L6.responseBody"],
[ "debug.out", "$L7"]
"validateUserInput" => [
[ "if==than", "$P1", nil, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "One of the arguments is 'null'. You need to assign a value to it.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "if==than", "$P2", nil, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "One of the arguments is 'null'. You need to assign a value to it.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "if==than", "$P3", nil, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "One of the arguments is 'null'. You need to assign a value to it.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P1"],
[ "if==than", "$L2", 0, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'From' number parameter is empty.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P2"],
[ "if==than", "$L2", 0, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'To' number parameter is empty.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P3"],
[ "if==than", "$L2", 0, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The message is empty.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P1"],
[ "if<than", "$L2", 21, 4],
[ "string.lastIndexOf", "$L0", "$P1", "+"],
[ "if!=than", "$L0", 0, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'From' phone number or ID is wrong. It should be either a phone number in E.164 format (e.g. +16175551212) or a MessagingServiceSid (e.g. MGec9516eb5a051a6b2901748b925a5a43).", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "if>than", "$L2", 34, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'From' phone number or ID is wrong. It should be either a phone number in E.164 format (e.g. +16175551212) or a MessagingServiceSid (e.g. MGec9516eb5a051a6b2901748b925a5a43).", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "string.lastIndexOf", "$L0", "$P2", "+"],
[ "if!=than", "$L0", 0, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'To' phone number isn't in E.164 format. Example: +16175551212", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P2"],
[ "if>than", "$L2", 16, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The 'To' phone number is too big, it should have maximum 15 digits. Example: +16175551212", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"],
[ "size", "$L2", "$P3"],
[ "if>than", "$L2", 1600, 2],
[ "create", "$L1", "Error", "The length of the message exceeds the 1600 allowed characters.", "IllegalArgument"],
[ "throwError", "$L1"]
"validateResponse" => [
[ "if>=than", "$P1.code", 400, 10],
[ "if==than", "$P1.code", 401, 2],
[ "create", "$L3", "Error", "Invalid credentials or access rights. Make sure that your application has read and write permission.", "Authentication"],
[ "throwError", "$L3"],
[ "if==than", "$P1.code", 503, 2],
[ "create", "$L3", "Error", "Service unavailable. Try again later.", "ServiceUnavailable"],
[ "throwError", "$L3"],
[ "json.parse", "$L0", "$P1.responseBody"],
[ "string.concat", "$L2", "$P1.code", " - ", "$L0.message"],
[ "create", "$L3", "Error", "$L2", "Http"],
[ "throwError", "$L3"]