Method: CyberSource::RiskV1DecisionsPost201ResponseConsumerAuthenticationInformation#eci

Defined in:


Note This field applies only to non-U.S-issued cards. For enroll, Numeric electronic commerce indicator (ECI) returned only for Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, and Discover transactions when the card is not enrolled. For more information, see "Interpreting the Reply," page 22. If you are not using the CyberSource payment services, you must send this value to your payment processor in the subsequent request for card authorization. This field contains one of these values: - ‘06`: The card can be enrolled. Liability shift. - `07`: The card cannot be enrolled. No liability shift. For validate, Numeric electronic commerce indicator (ECI) returned only for Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, and Discover transactions. The field is absent when authentication fails. You must send this value to your payment processor in the subsequent request for card authorization. This field contains one of these values: - `05`: Successful authentication - `06`: Authentication attempted - `07`: Failed authentication (No response from the merchant because of a problem.)

# File 'lib/cybersource_rest_client/models/risk_v1_decisions_post201_response_consumer_authentication_information.rb', line 74

def eci