Module: Dependagrab::GHAPI
- Defined in:
- lib/dependagrab/gh_api.rb
Constant Summary collapse
File.join(File.('../../', File.dirname(__FILE__)), "static/gh_schema.json")
- HTTP =
Configure GraphQL endpoint using the basic HTTP network adapter. do def headers(context) # Optionally set any HTTP headers { "User-Agent": "dependagrab #{Dependagrab::VERSION}", }.tap do |h| if context[:api_token] h["Authorization"] = "bearer #{context[:api_token]}" end end end end
- Schema =
However, it’s smart to dump this to a JSON file and load from disk
Run it from a script or rake task GraphQL::Client.dump_schema(GHAPI::HTTP, “gh_schema.json”)
- Client = Schema, execute: HTTP)
- Query =
Client.parse <<-'GRAPHQL' query($repo: String!, $owner: String!, $after_cursor: String) { repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) { vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 20, after: $after_cursor) { pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } nodes { securityVulnerability { package { name ecosystem } vulnerableVersionRange firstPatchedVersion { identifier } advisory { cvss { vectorString score } cwes(first:100) { edges { node { cweId name } } } id ghsaId severity summary permalink description } } } } } } GRAPHQL