Top Level Namespace

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: DirectoryMonitor Classes: Options

Constant Summary collapse

ProgName =

Define the strings we display to the user for version identification and the help message.

File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME, File.extname($PROGRAM_NAME))
Version =
"#{ProgName} (#{DirectoryMonitor::VERSION})"
  #{Version} -- Watch a directory for changes
      Executes a shell-command when files change. If the shell-command contains
      a double-percent, %%, it is replaced with a space delimited list of path
      names for the changed files. When used with the --loop option, the shell-
      command is executed repeatedly, once for each changed file. In this case,
      %%, if present, is replaced with one path name at a time.

      The --suffix option limits the watched files to only those matching a
      regular expression, anchored at the end of the file name. Note that this
      is a RegEx, not a glob wildcard; therfore, to match a file name that
      contains a period, for example, .txt, the period must be escaped with a
      backslash. See the examples.

      File deletions are not detected.

      watch -l -d 10 \"echo File %% has changed\"
      # Every 10 seconds, display each changed file on a separate line.
      watch -s "\\.rb|\\.yaml" rake
      # Every 5 seconds, run a rake task if any ruby or Yaml file changes.

      #{ProgName} [-fhlvV] [-d <float>] [-st <str>] <shell-command>