Class: Discordrb::Channel
- Inherits:
- Object
- Discordrb::Channel
- Includes:
- IDObject
- Defined in:
- lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb
A Discord channel, including data like the topic
Constant Summary collapse
Map of channel types
{ text: 0, dm: 1, voice: 2, group: 3, category: 4, news: 5, store: 6, news_thread: 10, public_thread: 11, private_thread: 12, stage_voice: 13, directory: 14, forum: 15 }.freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#archive_timestamp ⇒ Time?
The timestamp of when this threads status last changed.
#archived ⇒ true, ...
Whether or not this thread is archived.
#auto_archive_duration ⇒ Integer?
How long after the last message before a thread is automatically archived.
#bitrate ⇒ Integer
The bitrate (in bps) of the channel.
#invitable ⇒ true, false
For private threads, determines whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread.
#join_timestamp ⇒ Time?
When the current user joined this thread.
#locked ⇒ true, ...
(also: #locked?)
Whether this thread is locked or not.
#member_count ⇒ Integer?
An approximate count of members in a thread.
#member_flags ⇒ Integer?
Member flags for this thread, used for notifications.
#message_count ⇒ Integer?
An approximate count of messages sent in a thread.
#name ⇒ String
This channel's name.
#nsfw ⇒ true, false
(also: #nsfw?)
If this channel is marked as nsfw.
#owner_id ⇒ Integer?
The ID of the owner of the group channel or nil if this is not a group channel.
#parent_id ⇒ Integer?
The ID of the parent channel, if this channel is inside a category.
#position ⇒ Integer
The channel's position on the channel list.
#rate_limit_per_user ⇒ Integer
(also: #slowmode_rate)
The amount of time (in seconds) users need to wait to send in between messages.
#recipients ⇒ Array<Recipient>?
The array of recipients of the private messages, or nil if this is not a Private channel.
#topic ⇒ String
The channel's topic.
#type ⇒ Integer
The type of this channel.
#user_limit ⇒ Integer
(also: #limit)
The amount of users that can be in the channel.
Attributes included from IDObject
Threads collapse
#add_member(member) ⇒ Object
Add a member to the thread.
#join_thread ⇒ Object
Join this thread.
#leave_thread ⇒ Object
Leave this thread.
#members ⇒ Object
Members in the thread.
- #remove_member(member) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_group_users(user_ids) ⇒ Channel
(also: #add_group_user)
Adds a user to a group channel.
#await(key, attributes = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Will be changed to blocking behavior in v4.0. Use #await! instead.
#await!(attributes = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a blocking Await for a message in this channel.
#category ⇒ Channel?
(also: #parent)
The category channel, if this channel is in a category.
#category=(channel) ⇒ Object
(also: #parent=)
Sets this channels parent category.
#category? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a category channel.
#children ⇒ Array<Channel>
(also: #channels)
Returns the children of this channel, if it is a category.
#create_group(user_ids) ⇒ Channel
Creates a Group channel.
#create_webhook(name, avatar = nil, reason = nil) ⇒ Webhook
Creates a webhook in this channel.
#default_channel? ⇒ true, false
(also: #default?)
Whether or not this channel is the default channel.
#define_overwrite(thing, allow = 0, deny = 0, reason: nil) ⇒ Object
Defines a permission overwrite for this channel that sets the specified thing to the specified allow and deny permission sets, or change an existing one.
#delete(reason = nil) ⇒ Object
Permanently deletes this channel.
#delete_message(message) ⇒ Object
Deletes a message on this channel.
#delete_messages(messages, strict = false, reason = nil) ⇒ Integer
Deletes a collection of messages.
#delete_overwrite(target, reason = nil) ⇒ Object
Deletes a permission overwrite for this channel.
#group? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a group channel.
#history(amount, before_id = nil, after_id = nil, around_id = nil) ⇒ Array<Message>
Retrieves some of this channel's message history.
#inspect ⇒ Object
The default
method is overwritten to give more useful output. -
#invites ⇒ Array<Invite>
Requests a list of Invites to the channel.
#leave_group ⇒ Object
(also: #leave)
Leaves the group.
#link ⇒ String
(also: #jump_link)
A URL that a user can use to navigate to this channel in the client.
#load_message(message_id) ⇒ Message?
(also: #message)
Returns a single message from this channel's history by ID.
#make_invite(max_age = 0, max_uses = 0, temporary = false, unique = false, reason = nil) ⇒ Invite
(also: #invite)
Creates a new invite to this channel.
#member_overwrites ⇒ Overwrite
Any member-type permission overwrites on this channel.
#mention ⇒ String
A string that will mention the channel as a clickable link on Discord.
#news? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a news channel.
#news_thread? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a news thread.
#permission_overwrites(type = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: #overwrites)
This channel's permission overwrites.
#permission_overwrites=(overwrites) ⇒ Object
Bulk sets this channels permission overwrites.
#pins ⇒ Array<Message>
Requests all pinned messages in a channel.
#pm? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a PM channel.
#private? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a PM or group channel.
#private_thread? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a private thread.
#prune(amount, strict = false, reason = nil) {|message| ... } ⇒ Integer
Delete the last N messages on this channel.
#public_thread? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a public thread.
#recipient ⇒ Recipient?
The recipient of the private messages, or nil if this is not a PM channel.
#remove_group_users(user_ids) ⇒ Channel
(also: #remove_group_user)
Removes a user from a group channel.
#role_overwrites ⇒ Overwrite
Any role-type permission overwrites on this channel.
#send_embed(message = '', embed = nil, attachments = nil, tts = false, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) {|embed| ... } ⇒ Message
Convenience method to send a message with an embed.
#send_file(file, caption: nil, tts: false, filename: nil, spoiler: nil) ⇒ Object
Sends a file to this channel.
#send_message(content, tts = false, embed = nil, attachments = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) ⇒ Message
(also: #send)
Sends a message to this channel.
#send_multiple(content) ⇒ Object
Sends multiple messages to a channel.
#send_temporary_message(content, timeout, tts = false, embed = nil, attachments = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) ⇒ Object
Sends a temporary message to this channel.
#server ⇒ Server?
The server this channel is on.
#slowmode? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel has slowmode enabled.
#sort_after(other = nil, lock_permissions = false) ⇒ Object
Sorts this channel's position to follow another channel.
#split_send(content) ⇒ Object
Splits a message into chunks whose length is at most the Discord character limit, then sends them individually.
#start_thread(name, auto_archive_duration, message: nil, type: 11) ⇒ Channel
Start a thread.
#start_typing ⇒ Object
Starts typing, which displays the typing indicator on the client for five seconds.
#store? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a store channel.
#sync_overwrites ⇒ Object
(also: #sync)
Syncs this channels overwrites with its parent category.
#synchronized? ⇒ true, ...
(also: #synced?)
Whether this channels permissions match the permission overwrites of the category that it's in, or nil if it is not in a category.
#text? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a text channel.
#text_channels ⇒ Array<Channel>
Returns the text channels in this category, if it is a category channel.
#thread? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a thread.
#users ⇒ Array<Member>
The list of users currently in this channel.
#voice? ⇒ true, false
Whether or not this channel is a voice channel.
#voice_channels ⇒ Array<Channel>
Returns the voice channels in this category, if it is a category channel.
#webhooks ⇒ Array<Webhook>
Requests a list of Webhooks on the channel.
Methods included from IDObject
#==, #creation_time, synthesise
Instance Attribute Details
permalink #archive_timestamp ⇒ Time? (readonly)
Returns The timestamp of when this threads status last changed.
80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 80 def @archive_timestamp end |
permalink #archived ⇒ true, ... (readonly)
Returns Whether or not this thread is archived.
74 75 76 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 74 def archived @archived end |
permalink #auto_archive_duration ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns How long after the last message before a thread is automatically archived.
77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 77 def auto_archive_duration @auto_archive_duration end |
permalink #bitrate ⇒ Integer
Returns the bitrate (in bps) of the channel.
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 50 def bitrate @bitrate end |
permalink #invitable ⇒ true, false (readonly)
Returns For private threads, determines whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread.
94 95 96 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 94 def invitable @invitable end |
permalink #join_timestamp ⇒ Time? (readonly)
Returns When the current user joined this thread.
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 87 def @join_timestamp end |
permalink #locked ⇒ true, ... (readonly) Also known as: locked?
Returns Whether this thread is locked or not.
83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 83 def locked @locked end |
permalink #member_count ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns An approximate count of members in a thread. Stops counting at 50.
71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 71 def member_count @member_count end |
permalink #member_flags ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns Member flags for this thread, used for notifications.
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 90 def member_flags @member_flags end |
permalink #message_count ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns An approximate count of messages sent in a thread. Stops counting at 50.
68 69 70 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 68 def @message_count end |
permalink #name ⇒ String
Returns this channel's name.
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 29 def name @name end |
permalink #nsfw ⇒ true, false Also known as: nsfw?
Returns if this channel is marked as nsfw.
60 61 62 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 60 def nsfw @nsfw end |
permalink #owner_id ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns the ID of the owner of the group channel or nil if this is not a group channel. If this channel is a thread, this is the member that started the thread.
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 41 def owner_id @owner_id end |
permalink #parent_id ⇒ Integer? (readonly)
Returns the ID of the parent channel, if this channel is inside a category. If this channel is a thread, this is the text channel it is a child to.
33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 33 def parent_id @parent_id end |
permalink #position ⇒ Integer
Returns the channel's position on the channel list.
57 58 59 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 57 def position @position end |
permalink #rate_limit_per_user ⇒ Integer Also known as: slowmode_rate
Returns the amount of time (in seconds) users need to wait to send in between messages.
64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 64 def rate_limit_per_user @rate_limit_per_user end |
permalink #recipients ⇒ Array<Recipient>? (readonly)
Returns the array of recipients of the private messages, or nil if this is not a Private channel.
44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 44 def recipients @recipients end |
permalink #topic ⇒ String
Returns the channel's topic.
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 47 def topic @topic end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #add_group_users(user_ids) ⇒ Channel Also known as: add_group_user
Adds a user to a group channel.
771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 771 def add_group_users(user_ids) raise 'Attempted to add a user to a non-group channel!' unless group? user_ids = [user_ids] unless user_ids.is_a? Array user_ids.each do |user_id| API::Channel.add_group_user(@bot.token, @id, user_id.resolve_id) end self end |
permalink #add_member(member) ⇒ Object
Add a member to the thread
878 879 880 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 878 def add_member(member) @bot.add_thread_member(@id, member) end |
permalink #await(key, attributes = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Will be changed to blocking behavior in v4.0. Use #await! instead.
Add an Await for a message in this channel. This is identical in functionality to adding a
Events::MessageEvent await with the in
attribute as this channel.
722 723 724 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 722 def await(key, attributes = {}, &block) @bot.add_await(key, Discordrb::Events::MessageEvent, { in: @id }.merge(attributes), &block) end |
permalink #await!(attributes = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a blocking Await for a message in this channel. This is identical in functionality to adding a
Events::MessageEvent await with the in
attribute as this channel.
729 730 731 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 729 def await!(attributes = {}, &block) @bot.add_await!(Discordrb::Events::MessageEvent, { in: @id }.merge(attributes), &block) end |
permalink #category ⇒ Channel? Also known as: parent
Returns the category channel, if this channel is in a category.
233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 233 def category if @parent_id end |
permalink #category=(channel) ⇒ Object Also known as: parent=
Sets this channels parent category
242 243 244 245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 242 def category=(channel) channel = raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot set parent category to a channel that isn\'t a category' unless channel.category? update_channel_data(parent_id: end |
permalink #category? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a category channel.
198 199 200 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 198 def category? @type == 4 end |
permalink #children ⇒ Array<Channel> Also known as: channels
Returns the children of this channel, if it is a category. Otherwise returns an empty array.
381 382 383 384 385 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 381 def children return [] unless category? { |c| c.parent_id == id } end |
permalink #create_group(user_ids) ⇒ Channel
Creates a Group channel
760 761 762 763 764 765 766 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 760 def create_group(user_ids) raise 'Attempted to create group channel on a non-pm channel!' unless pm? response = API::Channel.create_group(@bot.token, @id, user_ids.shift) channel =, @bot) channel.add_group_users(user_ids) end |
permalink #create_webhook(name, avatar = nil, reason = nil) ⇒ Webhook
Creates a webhook in this channel
813 814 815 816 817 818 819 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 813 def create_webhook(name, avatar = nil, reason = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'Tried to create a webhook in a non-server channel' unless server raise ArgumentError, 'Tried to create a webhook in a non-text channel' unless text? response = API::Channel.create_webhook(@bot.token, @id, name, avatar, reason), @bot) end |
permalink #default_channel? ⇒ true, false Also known as: default?
Returns whether or not this channel is the default channel.
412 413 414 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 412 def default_channel? server.default_channel == self end |
permalink #define_overwrite(overwrite) ⇒ Object #define_overwrite(thing, allow, deny) ⇒ Object
Defines a permission overwrite for this channel that sets the specified thing to the specified allow and deny permission sets, or change an existing one.
572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 572 def define_overwrite(thing, allow = 0, deny = 0, reason: nil) unless thing.is_a? Overwrite allow_bits = allow.respond_to?(:bits) ? allow.bits : allow deny_bits = deny.respond_to?(:bits) ? deny.bits : deny thing = thing, allow: allow_bits, deny: deny_bits end API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id,, thing.allow.bits, thing.deny.bits, thing.type, reason) end |
permalink #delete(reason = nil) ⇒ Object
Permanently deletes this channel
509 510 511 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 509 def delete(reason = nil) API::Channel.delete(@bot.token, @id, reason) end |
permalink #delete_message(message) ⇒ Object
Deletes a message on this channel. Mostly useful in case a message needs to be deleted when only the ID is known
503 504 505 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 503 def () API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, .resolve_id) end |
permalink #delete_messages(messages, strict = false, reason = nil) ⇒ Integer
Deletes a collection of messages
704 705 706 707 708 709 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 704 def (, strict = false, reason = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'Can only delete between 2 and 100 messages!' unless .count.between?(2, 100) .map!(&:resolve_id) bulk_delete(, strict, reason) end |
permalink #delete_overwrite(target, reason = nil) ⇒ Object
Deletes a permission overwrite for this channel
586 587 588 589 590 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 586 def delete_overwrite(target, reason = nil) raise 'Tried deleting a overwrite for an invalid target' unless target.is_a?(Member) || target.is_a?(User) || target.is_a?(Role) || target.is_a?(Profile) || target.is_a?(Recipient) || target.respond_to?(:resolve_id) API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, target.resolve_id, reason) end |
permalink #group? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a group channel.
193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 193 def group? @type == 3 end |
permalink #history(amount, before_id = nil, after_id = nil, around_id = nil) ⇒ Array<Message>
Retrieves some of this channel's message history.
632 633 634 635 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 632 def history(amount, before_id = nil, after_id = nil, around_id = nil) logs = API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, amount, before_id, after_id, around_id) JSON.parse(logs).map { ||, @bot) } end |
permalink #inspect ⇒ Object
The default inspect
method is overwritten to give more useful output.
890 891 892 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 890 def inspect "<Channel name=#{@name} id=#{@id} topic=\"#{@topic}\" type=#{@type} position=#{@position} server=#{@server || @server_id}>" end |
permalink #invites ⇒ Array<Invite>
Requests a list of Invites to the channel.
832 833 834 835 836 837 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 832 def invites raise 'Tried to request invites from a non-server channel' unless server invites = JSON.parse(API::Channel.invites(@bot.token, @id)) { |invite_data|, @bot) } end |
permalink #join_thread ⇒ Object
Join this thread.
862 863 864 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 862 def join_thread @bot.join_thread(@id) end |
permalink #leave_group ⇒ Object Also known as: leave
Leaves the group.
799 800 801 802 803 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 799 def leave_group raise 'Attempted to leave a non-group channel!' unless group? API::Channel.leave_group(@bot.token, @id) end |
permalink #leave_thread ⇒ Object
Leave this thread
867 868 869 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 867 def leave_thread @bot.leave_thread(@id) end |
permalink #link ⇒ String Also known as: jump_link
Returns a URL that a user can use to navigate to this channel in the client.
936 937 938 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 936 def link "{@server_id || '@me'}/#{}" end |
permalink #load_message(message_id) ⇒ Message? Also known as: message
Returns a single message from this channel's history by ID.
648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 648 def () raise ArgumentError, 'message_id cannot be nil' if .nil? response = API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, ), @bot) rescue Discordrb::Errors::UnknownMessage nil end |
permalink #make_invite(max_age = 0, max_uses = 0, temporary = false, unique = false, reason = nil) ⇒ Invite Also known as: invite
Creates a new invite to this channel.
740 741 742 743 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 740 def make_invite(max_age = 0, max_uses = 0, temporary = false, unique = false, reason = nil) response = API::Channel.create_invite(@bot.token, @id, max_age, max_uses, temporary, unique, reason), @bot) end |
permalink #member_overwrites ⇒ Overwrite
Returns any member-type permission overwrites on this channel.
402 403 404 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 402 def member_overwrites :member end |
permalink #members ⇒ Object
Members in the thread.
872 873 874 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 872 def members @bot.thread_members[@id].collect { |id| @server_id ? @bot.member(@server_id, id) : @bot.user(id) } end |
permalink #mention ⇒ String
Returns a string that will mention the channel as a clickable link on Discord.
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 102 def mention "<##{@id}>" end |
permalink #news? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a news channel.
203 204 205 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 203 def news? @type == 5 end |
permalink #news_thread? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a news thread.
213 214 215 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 213 def news_thread? @type == 10 end |
permalink #permission_overwrites ⇒ Hash<Integer => Overwrite> #permission_overwrites(type) ⇒ Array<Overwrite> Also known as: overwrites
This channel's permission overwrites
335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 335 def (type = nil) return @permission_overwrites unless type { |e| e.type == type } end |
permalink #permission_overwrites=(overwrites) ⇒ Object
Bulk sets this channels permission overwrites
345 346 347 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 345 def (overwrites) update_channel_data(permission_overwrites: overwrites) end |
permalink #pins ⇒ Array<Message>
Requests all pinned messages in a channel.
661 662 663 664 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 661 def pins msgs = API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id) JSON.parse(msgs).map { |msg|, @bot) } end |
permalink #pm? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a PM channel.
183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 183 def pm? @type == 1 end |
permalink #private? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a PM or group channel.
97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 97 def private? pm? || group? end |
permalink #private_thread? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a private thread.
223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 223 def private_thread? @type == 12 end |
permalink #prune(amount, strict = false, reason = nil) {|message| ... } ⇒ Integer
Delete the last N messages on this channel.
676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 676 def prune(amount, strict = false, reason = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'Can only delete between 1 and 100 messages!' unless amount.between?(1, 100) = if block history(amount).select(&block).map(&:id) else history_ids(amount) end case .size when 0 0 when 1 API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, .first, reason) 1 else bulk_delete(, strict, reason) end end |
permalink #public_thread? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a public thread.
218 219 220 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 218 def public_thread? @type == 11 end |
permalink #recipient ⇒ Recipient?
Returns the recipient of the private messages, or nil if this is not a PM channel.
107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 107 def recipient @recipients.first if pm? end |
permalink #remove_group_users(user_ids) ⇒ Channel Also known as: remove_group_user
Removes a user from a group channel.
786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 786 def remove_group_users(user_ids) raise 'Attempted to remove a user from a non-group channel!' unless group? user_ids = [user_ids] unless user_ids.is_a? Array user_ids.each do |user_id| API::Channel.remove_group_user(@bot.token, @id, user_id.resolve_id) end self end |
permalink #remove_member(member) ⇒ Object
883 884 885 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 883 def remove_member(member) @bot.remove_thread_member(@id, member) end |
permalink #role_overwrites ⇒ Overwrite
Returns any role-type permission overwrites on this channel.
407 408 409 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 407 def role_overwrites :role end |
permalink #send_embed(message = '', embed = nil, attachments = nil, tts = false, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) {|embed| ... } ⇒ Message
Convenience method to send a message with an embed.
467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 467 def ( = '', = nil, = nil, tts = false, allowed_mentions = nil, = nil, components = nil) ||= view = yield(, view) if block_given? (, tts, , , allowed_mentions, , components || view.to_a) end |
permalink #send_file(file, caption: nil, tts: false, filename: nil, spoiler: nil) ⇒ Object
Sends a file to this channel. If it is an image, it will be embedded.
497 498 499 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 497 def send_file(file, caption: nil, tts: false, filename: nil, spoiler: nil) @bot.send_file(@id, file, caption: caption, tts: tts, filename: filename, spoiler: spoiler) end |
permalink #send_message(content, tts = false, embed = nil, attachments = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) ⇒ Message Also known as: send
Sends a message to this channel.
432 433 434 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 432 def (content, tts = false, = nil, = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, = nil, components = nil) @bot.(@id, content, tts, , , allowed_mentions, , components) end |
permalink #send_multiple(content) ⇒ Object
Sends multiple messages to a channel
478 479 480 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 478 def send_multiple(content) content.each { |e| (e) } end |
permalink #send_temporary_message(content, timeout, tts = false, embed = nil, attachments = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, message_reference = nil, components = nil) ⇒ Object
Sends a temporary message to this channel.
447 448 449 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 447 def (content, timeout, tts = false, = nil, = nil, allowed_mentions = nil, = nil, components = nil) @bot.(@id, content, timeout, tts, , , allowed_mentions, , components) end |
permalink #server ⇒ Server?
Returns the server this channel is on. If this channel is a PM channel, it will be nil.
167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 167 def server return @server if @server return nil if private? @server = @bot.server(@server_id) raise Discordrb::Errors::NoPermission, 'The bot does not have access to this server' unless @server @server end |
permalink #slowmode? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel has slowmode enabled.
419 420 421 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 419 def slowmode? @rate_limit_per_user != 0 end |
permalink #sort_after(other = nil, lock_permissions = false) ⇒ Object
Sorts this channel's position to follow another channel.
256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 256 def sort_after(other = nil, = false) raise TypeError, 'other must be one of Channel, NilClass, String, or Integer' unless other.is_a?(Channel) || other.nil? || other.respond_to?(:resolve_id) other = if other # Container for the API request payload move_argument = [] if other raise ArgumentError, 'Can only sort a channel after a channel of the same type!' unless other.category? || (@type == other.type) raise ArgumentError, 'Can only sort a channel after a channel in the same server!' unless other.server == server # Store `others` parent (or if `other` is a category itself) parent = if category? && other.category? # If we're sorting two categories, there is no new parent nil elsif other.category? # `other` is the category this channel will be moved into other else # `other`'s parent is the category this channel will be # moved into (if it exists) other.parent end end # Collect and sort the IDs within the context (category or not) that we # need to form our payload with ids = if parent parent.children else server.channels.reject(&:parent_id).select { |c| c.type == @type } end.sort_by(&:position).map(&:id) # Move our channel ID after the target ID by deleting it, # getting the index of `other`, and inserting it after. ids.delete(@id) if ids.include?(@id) index = other ? (ids.index { |c| c == } || -1) + 1 : 0 ids.insert(index, @id) # Generate `move_argument`, making the positions in order from how # we have sorted them in the above logic ids.each_with_index do |id, pos| # These keys are present in each element hash = { id: id, position: pos } # Conditionally add `lock_permissions` and `parent_id` if we're # iterating past ourselves if id == @id hash[:lock_permissions] = true if hash[:parent_id] = parent.nil? ? nil : end # Add it to the stack move_argument << hash end API::Server.update_channel_positions(@bot.token, @server_id, move_argument) end |
permalink #split_send(content) ⇒ Object
Splits a message into chunks whose length is at most the Discord character limit, then sends them individually. Useful for sending long messages, but be wary of rate limits!
484 485 486 487 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 484 def split_send(content) send_multiple(Discordrb.(content)) nil end |
permalink #start_thread(name, auto_archive_duration, message: nil, type: 11) ⇒ Channel
Start a thread.
846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 846 def start_thread(name, auto_archive_duration, message: nil, type: 11) = &.id || type = TYPES[type] || type data = if API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, , name, auto_archive_duration) else API::Channel.(@bot.token, @id, name, auto_archive_duration, type) end, @bot, @server) end |
permalink #start_typing ⇒ Object
Starts typing, which displays the typing indicator on the client for five seconds. If you want to keep typing you'll have to resend this every five seconds. (An abstraction for this will eventually be coming)
752 753 754 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 752 def start_typing API::Channel.start_typing(@bot.token, @id) end |
permalink #store? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a store channel.
208 209 210 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 208 def store? @type == 6 end |
permalink #sync_overwrites ⇒ Object Also known as: sync
Syncs this channels overwrites with its parent category
362 363 364 365 366 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 362 def sync_overwrites raise 'Cannot sync overwrites on a channel with no parent category' unless parent self. = parent. end |
permalink #synchronized? ⇒ true, ... Also known as: synced?
Returns whether this channels permissions match the permission overwrites of the category that it's in, or nil if it is not in a category.
371 372 373 374 375 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 371 def synchronized? return unless parent == parent. end |
permalink #text? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a text channel.
178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 178 def text? end |
permalink #text_channels ⇒ Array<Channel>
Returns the text channels in this category, if it is a category channel. Otherwise returns an empty array.
391 392 393 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 391 def text_channels end |
permalink #thread? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a thread.
228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 228 def thread? news_thread? || public_thread? || private_thread? end |
permalink #users ⇒ Array<Member>
The list of users currently in this channel. For a voice channel, it will return all the members currently in that channel. For a text channel, it will return all online members that have permission to read it.
611 612 613 614 615 616 617 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 611 def users if text? server.online_members(include_idle: true).select { |u| u. self } elsif voice? server.voice_states.filter_map { |id, voice_state| server.member(id) if !voice_state.voice_channel.nil? && == @id } end end |
permalink #voice? ⇒ true, false
Returns whether or not this channel is a voice channel.
188 189 190 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 188 def voice? @type == 2 end |
permalink #voice_channels ⇒ Array<Channel>
Returns the voice channels in this category, if it is a category channel. Otherwise returns an empty array.
397 398 399 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 397 def voice_channels end |
permalink #webhooks ⇒ Array<Webhook>
Requests a list of Webhooks on the channel.
823 824 825 826 827 828 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/data/channel.rb', line 823 def webhooks raise 'Tried to request webhooks from a non-server channel' unless server webhooks = JSON.parse(API::Channel.webhooks(@bot.token, @id)) { |webhook_data|, @bot) } end |