Module: Dry::BlackTie
- Defined in:
- lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb
rubocop:disable Style/MultilineBlockChain rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize rubocop:disable Style/MethodName
Constant Summary collapse
%i[req opt rest key keyrest keyreq block]
lambda do |klazz, (source, target)| klazz.class_eval do define_method(source, &Dry::DEFINE_METHOD.curry[target]) end end
lambda do |target, protocol| do |tp| if tp.self == protocol target.extend protocol tp.disable end end.enable end
lambda do |protocol| BlackTie.protocols[protocol].keys.reject { |k| k.to_s =~ /\A__.*__\z/ } end
"\n🚨️ DEPRECATED → %s\n" \ " ⮩ Implicit delegation to the target class will be removed in 1.0\n" \ " ⮩ due to the lack of the explicit implementation of %s#%s for %s\n" \ " ⮩ it will be delegated to the target class itself.\n" \ " ⮩ Consider using explicit `delegate:' declaration in `defimpl' or\n" \ " ⮩ use `implicit_inheritance: true' parameter in protocol definition.".freeze
"\n⚠️ TOO IMPLICIT → %s\n" \ " ⮩ Implicit declaration of `this' parameter in `defmethod'.\n" \ " ⮩ Whilst it’s allowed, we strongly encourage to explicitly declare it\n" \ ' ⮩ in call to %s#defmethod(%s).'.freeze
"\n⚠️ UNKNOWN TYPE → %s\n" \ " ⮩ Unknown parameter type [%s] in call to %s#defmethod(%s).\n" \ " ⮩ Is it a typo? Omit the type for `:req' or pass one of allowed types:\n" \ " ⮩ #{PARAM_TYPES.inspect}".freeze
"\n🚨️ DEPRECATED → %s\n" \ " ⮩ Wrong parameters declaration will be removed in 1.0\n" \ " ⮩ %s#%s was implemented for %s with unexpected parameters.\n" \ " ⮩ Consider implementing interfaces exactly as they were declared.\n" \ ' ⮩ Expected: %s'.freeze
Class Method Summary collapse
- .defimpl(protocol = nil, target: nil, delegate: [], map: {}, &λ) ⇒ Object
- .implementations ⇒ Object
- .Logger ⇒ Object
- .normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) ⇒ Object
- .proto_caller ⇒ Object
- .protocols ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
Class Method Details
.defimpl(protocol = nil, target: nil, delegate: [], map: {}, &λ) ⇒ Object
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 114 def defimpl(protocol = nil, target: nil, delegate: [], map: {}, &λ) raise if target.nil? || !block_given? && delegate.empty? && map.empty? mds = normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) do mds.each(&DELEGATE_METHOD.curry[singleton_class]) singleton_class.class_eval(&λ) if block_given? # block takes precedence end.tap do |mod| protocol ? mod.extend(protocol) : POSTPONE_EXTEND.(mod, protocol = self) mod.methods(false).tap do |meths| (NORMALIZE_KEYS.(protocol) - meths).each_with_object(meths) do |m, acc| if BlackTie.protocols[protocol][:__implicit_inheritance__] mod.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method m do |this, *♿_args, **♿_kwargs, &♿_λ| # [AM] [v1] [FIXME] for modern rubies `if` is redundant if ♿_kwargs.empty? super(this, *♿_args, &♿_λ) else super(this, *♿_args, **♿_kwargs, &♿_λ) end end end else BlackTie.Logger.warn( format(IMPLICIT_DELEGATE_DEPRECATION, Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, protocol.inspect, m, target) ) DELEGATE_METHOD.(mod.singleton_class, [m] * 2) end acc << m end end.each do |m| target = [target] unless target.is_a?(Array) target.each do |tgt| params = mod.method(m).parameters.reject { |_, v| v.to_s[/\A♿_/] } proto = BlackTie.protocols[protocol] ok = || ((proto[m] == {} || proto[:__implicit_inheritance__]) && [[:req], [:rest]].include?( || [proto[m], params].map { |args| }.reduce(:==) # TODO[1.0] raise NotImplemented(:arity) unless ok BlackTie.Logger.warn( format(WRONG_PARAMETER_DECLARATION, Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, protocol.inspect, m, target, BlackTie.protocols[protocol][m].map(&:first)) ) end BlackTie.implementations[protocol][tgt][m] = mod.method(m).to_proc end end end end |
.implementations ⇒ Object
30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 30 def implementations @implementations ||= { |h, k| h[k] = h.dup.clear } end |
.Logger ⇒ Object
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 15 def Logger @logger ||= if Kernel.const_defined?('::Rails') Rails.logger else require 'logger'$stdout) end @logger || { def warn(*); end }.new end |
.normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) ⇒ Object
222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 222 def normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) [*delegate, *map].map do |e| case e when Symbol, String then [e.to_sym] * 2 when Array then if e.size == 2 end end.compact end |
.proto_caller ⇒ Object
9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 9 def proto_caller caller.drop_while do |line| line =~ %r{dry-behaviour/lib/dry/behaviour} end.first end |
.protocols ⇒ Object
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 26 def protocols @protocols ||= { |h, k| h[k] = h.dup.clear } end |
Instance Method Details
#defmethod(name, *params) ⇒ Object
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 98 def defmethod(name, *params) if || params.first.is_a?(Array) && params.first.last != :req BlackTie.Logger.warn(format(IMPLICIT_RECEIVER_DECLARATION, Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, inspect, name)) params.unshift(:this) end params = do |p, type| if type && !PARAM_TYPES.include?(type) BlackTie.Logger.warn(format(UNKNOWN_TYPE_DECLARATION, Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, type, inspect, name)) type = nil end [type || (PARAM_TYPES.include?(p) ? p : :req), p] end BlackTie.protocols[self][name] = params end |
#defprotocol(implicit_inheritance: false, &λ) ⇒ Object
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 |
# File 'lib/dry/behaviour/black_tie.rb', line 35 def defprotocol(implicit_inheritance: false, &λ) raise ::Dry::Protocol::DuplicateDefinition, self if BlackTie.protocols.key?(self) raise ::Dry::Protocol::MalformedDefinition, self unless block_given? BlackTie.protocols[self][:__implicit_inheritance__] = !!implicit_inheritance ims = instance_methods(false) class_eval(&λ) (instance_methods(false) - ims).each { |m| class_eval { module_function m } } singleton_class.send :define_method, :method_missing do |method, *_args| raise :method, inspect, method: method, self: self ) end singleton_class.send :define_method, :implementation_for do |receiver| do |c| BlackTie.implementations[self].fetch(c, nil) end.reject(&:nil?).first end BlackTie.protocols[self].each do |method, *_m_args, **_m_kwargs| # FIXME: CHECK ARITY HERE # singleton_class.send :define_method, method do |receiver, *args, **kwargs| singleton_class.send :define_method, method do |*args, **kwargs| if args == [] receiver = kwargs kwargs = {} else receiver, *args = args end impl = implementation_for(receiver) unless impl raise :protocol, inspect, method: method, receiver: receiver, args: args, self: self ) end begin # [AM] [v1] [FIXME] for modern rubies `if` is redundant if kwargs.empty? impl[method].(*args.unshift(receiver)) else impl[method].(*args.unshift(receiver), **kwargs) end rescue StandardError => e raise :nested, inspect, cause: e, method: method, receiver: receiver, args: args, impl: impl, self: self ) end end end singleton_class.send :define_method, :respond_to? do |method| NORMALIZE_KEYS.(self).include? method end end |