Class: DynamicPDFApi::WebColor

RgbColor show all
Defined in:


Represents an RGB color created using the web hexadecimal convention.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RgbColor


Attributes inherited from Color


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from RgbColor

alice_blue, antique_white, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanched_almond, blue, blue_violet, brown, burly_wood, cadet_blue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflower_blue, cornsilk, create_rgb_color, crimson, cyan, dark_blue, dark_cyan, dark_golden_rod, dark_gray, dark_green, dark_khaki, dark_magenta, dark_olive_green, dark_orange, dark_orchid, dark_red, dark_salmon, dark_sea_green, dark_slate_blue, dark_slate_gray, dark_turquoise, dark_violet, deep_pink, deep_sky_blue, dim_gray, dodger_blue, feldspar, fire_brick, floral_white, forest_green, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghost_white, gold, golden_rod, gray, green, green_yellow, honey_dew, hot_pink, indian_red, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavender_blush, lawn_green, lemon_chiffon, light_blue, light_coral, light_cyan, light_golden_rod_yellow, light_green, light_grey, light_pink, light_salmon, light_sea_green, light_sky_blue, light_slate_blue, light_slate_gray, light_steel_blue, light_yellow, lime, lime_green, linen, magenta, maroon, medium_aqua_marine, medium_blue, medium_orchid, medium_purple, medium_sea_green, medium_slate_blue, medium_spring_green, medium_turquoise, medium_violet_red, midnight_blue, mint_cream, misty_rose, moccasin, navajo_white, navy, old_lace, olive, olive_drab, orange, orange_red, orchid, pale_golden_rod, pale_green, pale_turquoise, pale_violet_red, papaya_whip, peach_puff, peru, pink, plum, powder_blue, purple, red, rosy_brown, royal_blue, saddle_brown, salmon, sandy_brown, sea_green, sea_shell, sienna, silver, sky_blue, slate_blue, slate_gray, snow, spring_green, steel_blue, tan, teal, thistle, #to_json, tomato, turquoise, violet, violet_red, wheat, white, white_smoke, yellow, yellow_green

Constructor Details

#initialize(web_hex_string) ⇒ WebColor

Initializes a new instance of the WebColor class.


  • web_hex_string (String)

    The hexadecimal string representing the color.

# File 'lib/ruby_client/WebColor.rb', line 13

def initialize(web_hex_string)
  @_color_string = web_hex_string