Class: Echosign::User

  • Object
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Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Validatable

#require_exactly_one, #require_keys, #validate_field

Constructor Details

#initialize(params) ⇒ String

Creates a user for the current application


  • params (Hash)

    SYMBOL-referenced Hash containing:

Options Hash (params):

  • :email (String)

    User’s email address (REQUIRED)

  • :password (String)

    The new user’s password (REQUIRED)

  • :firstName (String)

    The first name of the new user (REQUIRED)

  • :lastName (String)

    The last name of the new user (REQUIRED)

  • :optIn (String)

    ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ or ‘UNKNOWN’: Whether or not the user has opted in to recieve marketing information from EchoSign and its partners. Default value is UNKNOWN

  • :groupId (String)

    Group in which the new user should be added. It can be obtained through GET /users call. Default is Group of the user making this call. The user is inferred from the access_token header

  • :title (String)

    The new user’s job title

  • :phone (String)

    The phone number of the new user

  • :company (String)

    The name of the new user’s company

  • :customField1 (String)

    You can choose to use custom fields to record additional information about your new users. These fields are, however, available only with customized implementations - please contact EchoSign if you would like to make use of this functionality

  • :customField2 (String)

    You can choose to use custom fields to record additional information about your new users. These fields are, however, available only with customized implementations - please contact EchoSign if you would like to make use of this functionality

  • :customField3 (String)

    You can choose to use custom fields to record additional information about your new users. These fields are, however, available only with customized implementations - please contact EchoSign if you would like to make use of this functionality

# File 'lib/echosign/user.rb', line 30

def initialize(params)
  require_keys([:firstName, :lastName, :email, :password], params)