Class: Engineyard::Migrate::CLI
- Inherits:
- Object
- Thor
- Engineyard::Migrate::CLI
- Includes:
- EY::UtilityMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/engineyard-migrate/cli.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#verbose ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute verbose.
Instance Method Summary collapse
Instance Attribute Details
#verbose ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute verbose.
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# File 'lib/engineyard-migrate/cli.rb', line 14 def verbose @verbose end |
Instance Method Details
#heroku(path) ⇒ Object
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# File 'lib/engineyard-migrate/cli.rb', line 20 def heroku(path) @verbose = [:verbose] error "Path '#{path}' does not exist" unless File.exists? path FileUtils.chdir(path) do begin heroku_repo = `git config remote.heroku.url`.strip if heroku_repo.empty? error "Not a Salesforce Heroku application." end heroku_repo =~ /git@heroku\.com:(.*)\.git/ heroku_app_name = $1 say "Requesting Heroku account information..."; $stdout.flush say "Heroku app: "; say heroku_app_name, :green say `heroku info` say "" repo = `git config remote.origin.url`.strip if repo.empty? error "Please host your Git repo externally and add as remote 'origin'.", <<-SUGGESTION.gsub(/^\s{12}/, '') You can create a GitHub repository using 'github' gem: $ gem install github $ gh create-from-local --private SUGGESTION end unless error "Please create, boot and deploy an AppCloud application for #{repo}." end say "Requesting AppCloud account information..."; $stdout.flush @app, @environment = fetch_app_and_environment([:app], [:environment], [:account]) unless @app.repository_uri == repo error "Please create, boot and deploy an AppCloud application for #{repo}." end unless @environment.app_master error "Please boot your AppCloud environment and then deploy your application." end = app_master_host = @environment.app_master.public_hostname app_master_user = @environment.username say "Application: "; say "#{}", :green say "Account: "; say "#{}", :green say "Environment: "; say "#{}", :green say "Cluster size: "; say "#{@environment.instances_count}" say "Hostname: "; say "#{app_master_host}" debug "$RACK_ENV: "; debug "#{@environment.framework_env}" say "" # TODO - what if no application deployed yet? # bash: line 0: cd: /data/heroku2eysimpleapp/current: No such file or directory # TODO - to test for cron setup: # dna_env["cron"] - list of: # [0] { # "minute" => "0", # "name" => "rake cron", # "command" => "cd /data/heroku2eysimpleapp/current && RAILS_ENV=production rake cron", # "month" => "*", # "hour" => "1", # "day" => "*/1", # "user" => "deploy", # "weekday" => "*" # } say "Testing AppCloud application status..." deploy_path_found = ssh_appcloud "test -d #{}/current && echo 'found'", :path => '/data', :return_output => true error "Please deploy your AppCloud application before running migration." unless deploy_path_found =~ /found/ say "Setting up Heroku on AppCloud..." ssh_appcloud "sudo gem install heroku taps sqlite3 mysql2 pg --no-ri --no-rdoc -q" ssh_appcloud "git remote rm heroku 2> /dev/null; git remote add heroku #{heroku_repo} 2> /dev/null" say "Uploading Heroku credential file..." home_path = ssh_appcloud("pwd", :path => "~", :return_output => true) debug "AppCloud $HOME: "; debug home_path, :yellow require 'heroku/auth' netrc_file = File.basename(Heroku::Auth.netrc_path) remote_netrc = File.join(home_path, ".netrc") Net::SFTP.start(app_master_host, app_master_user) do |sftp| sftp.upload!(Heroku::Auth.netrc_path, remote_netrc) end ssh_appcloud("chmod 0600 #{remote_netrc}") say "" say "Migrating data from Heroku '#{heroku_app_name}' to AppCloud '#{}'..." env_vars = %w[RAILS_ENV RACK_ENV MERB_ENV].map {|var| "#{var}=#{@environment.framework_env}" }.join(" ") ssh_appcloud "#{env_vars} heroku db:pull --confirm #{heroku_app_name} 2>&1" say "" say "Migration complete!", :green rescue SystemExit rescue EY::MultipleMatchesError => e envs = [] e..split(/\n/).map do |line| env = {} line.scan(/--([^=]+)='([^']+)'/) do env[$1] = $2 end envs << env unless env.empty? end too_many_environments_discovered 'heroku', envs, path rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed => e error "Please setup your SSH credentials for AppCloud." rescue Net::SFTP::StatusException => e error e.description + ": " + e.text rescue Exception => e say "Migration failed", :red puts e.inspect puts e.backtrace end end end |