"0" => "N/A",
"1" => "Very Poor",
"2" => "Poor",
"3" => "Average",
"4" => "Good",
"5" => "Very Good",
"1" => "Detached",
"2" => "Semi-Detached",
"3" => "End-Terrace",
"4" => "Mid-Terrace",
"5" => "Enclosed End-Terrace",
"6" => "Enclosed Mid-Terrace",
"7" => "Linked Detached",
"NR" => "Not Recorded",
"1" => "standard tariff",
"2" => "off-peak 7 hour",
"3" => "off-peak 10 hour",
"4" => "24 hour",
"ND" => "not applicable",
"1" => "dual",
"2" => "Single",
"3" => "Unknown",
"4" => "dual (24 hour)",
"5" => "off-peak 18 hour",
"6" => "off-peak 10 hour",
"1" => "double glazing installed before 2002",
"2" => "double glazing installed during or after 2002",
"3" => "double glazing, unknown install date",
"4" => "secondary glazing",
"5" => "single glazing",
"6" => "triple glazing",
"7" => "double, known data",
"8" => "triple, known data",
"ND" => "not defined",
"6-post20" => "triple glazing, unknown install date",
"9" => "triple glazing, installed between 2002-2022 in EAW, 2003-2023 in SCT, 2006-2022 NI",
"10" => "triple glazing, installed before 2002 in EAW, 2003 in SCT, 2006 NI",
"11" => "secondary glazing, normal emissivity",
"12" => "secondary glazing, low emissivity",
"13" => "double glazing, installed during or after 2022 in EAW, 2023 in SCT, 2022 NI",
"14" => "triple glazing, installed during or after 2022 in EAW, 2023 in SCT, 2022 NI",
"1" => "Normal",
"2" => "More Than Typical",
"3" => "Less Than Typical",
"4" => "Much More Than Typical",
"5" => "Much Less Than Typical",
"ND" => "Not Defined",
"1" => "Owner-occupied",
"2" => "Rented (social)",
"3" => "Rented (private)",
"ND" =>
"Not defined - use in the case of a new dwelling for which the intended tenure in not known. It is not to be used for an existing dwelling",
"1" => "marketed sale",
"2" => "non marketed sale",
"3" =>
"rental (social) - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"4" =>
"rental (private) - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"5" => "not sale or rental",
"ni_5" => "None of the above",
"6" => "new dwelling",
"7" =>
"not recorded - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"8" => "rental",
"9" => "assessment for green deal",
"10" => "following green deal",
"11" => "FiT application",
"12" => "Stock condition survey",
"12RdSAP" => "RHI application",
"13RdSAP" => "ECO assessment",
"14RdSAP" => "Stock condition survey",
"15RdSAP" => "Grant scheme (ECO, RHI, etc.)",
"16RdSAP" => "Non-grant scheme (e.g. MEES)",
"17RdSAP" => "re-mortgaging",
"A" => "England and Wales: before 1900",
"B" => "England and Wales: 1900-1929",
"C" => "England and Wales: 1930-1949",
"D" => "England and Wales: 1950-1966",
"E" => "England and Wales: 1967-1975",
"F" => "England and Wales: 1976-1982",
"G" => "England and Wales: 1983-1990",
"H" => "England and Wales: 1991-1995",
"I" => "England and Wales: 1996-2002",
"J" => "England and Wales: 2003-2006",
"K" => "England and Wales: 2007-2011",
"K-pre-17.0" => "England and Wales: 2007 onwards",
"K-12.0" => "Post-2006",
"L" => "England and Wales: 2012 onwards",
"L-post-20" => "England and Wales: 2012-2021",
"M" => "England and Wales: 2022 onwards",
"0" => "Not applicable",
"NR" => "Not recorded",
"A" => "Northern Ireland: before 1919",
"A-12.0" => "Pre-1900",
"B" => "Northern Ireland: 1919-1929",
"B-12.0" => "1900-1929",
"C" => "Northern Ireland: 1930-1949",
"C-12.0" => "1930-1949",
"D" => "Northern Ireland: 1950-1973",
"D-12.0" => "1950-1966",
"E" => "Northern Ireland: 1974-1977",
"E-12.0" => "1967-1975",
"F" => "Northern Ireland: 1978-1985",
"F-12.0" => "1976-1982",
"G" => "Northern Ireland: 1986-1991",
"G-12.0" => "1983-1990",
"H" => "Northern Ireland: 1992-1999",
"H-12.0" => "1991-1995",
"I" => "Northern Ireland: 2000-2006",
"I-12.0" => "1996-2002",
"J" => "Northern Ireland: not applicable",
"J-12.0" => "2003-2006",
"K-RdSAP-NI" => "Northern Ireland: 2007-2013",
"K-SAP-NI" => "Northern Ireland: 2007 onwards",
"K-12.0" => "Post-2006",
"L" => "Northern Ireland: 2014 onwards",
"0" => "Not applicable",
"NR" => "Not recorded",
"0" => "House",
"1" => "Bungalow",
"2" => "Flat",
"3" => "Maisonette",
"4" => "Park home",
"0" => "no corridor",
"1" => "heated corridor",
"2" => "unheated corridor",
"3" => "stairwell",
"0" => "natural",
"1" => "mechanical, supply and extract",
"2" => "mechanical, extract only",
"0-pre12.0" => "none",
"1-pre12.0" => "mechanical - heat recovering",
"2-pre12.0" => "mechanical - non recovering",
"1-post20" => "mechanical ventilation without heat recovery (MV)",
"2-post20" => "mechanical extract, decentralised (MEV dc)",
"3-post20" => "mechanical extract, centralised (MEV c)",
"4-post20" => "mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR)",
"5-post20" => "positive input from loft",
"6-post20" => "positive input from outside",
"1" => "Mandatory issue (Marketed sale)",
"2" => "Mandatory issue (Non-marketed sale)",
"3" => "Mandatory issue (Property on construction).",
"4" => "Mandatory issue (Property to let).",
"5" => "Voluntary re-issue (A valid EPC is already lodged).",
"6" => "Voluntary (No legal requirement for an EPC).",
"7" => "Not recorded.",
"1" => "natural with intermittent extract fans",
"2" => "natural with passive vents",
"3" => "positive input from loft",
"4" => "positive input from outside",
"5" => "mechanical extract, centralised (MEV c)",
"6" => "mechanical extract, decentralised (MEV dc)",
"7" => "balanced without heat recovery (MV)",
"8" => "balanced with heat recovery (MVHR)",
"9" => "natural with intermittent extract fans and/or passive vents. For backwards compatibility only, do not use.",
"10" => "natural with intermittent extract fans and passive vents",
"0" => "0 mm",
"12" => "12 mm",
"25" => "25 mm",
"38" => "38 mm",
"50" => "50 mm",
"80" => "80 mm",
"120" => "120 mm",
"160" => "160 mm",
"0" => "To be used only when there is no heating/hot-water system or data is from a community network",
"1" => "mains gas - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"2" => "LPG - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"3" => "bottled LPG",
"4" => "oil - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"5" => "anthracite",
"6" => "wood logs",
"7" => "bulk wood pellets",
"8" => "wood chips",
"9" => "dual fuel - mineral + wood",
"10" => "electricity - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"11" => "waste combustion - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"12" => "biomass - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"13" => "biogas - landfill - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"14" => "house coal - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used",
"15" => "smokeless coal",
"16" => "wood pellets in bags for secondary heating",
"17" => "LPG special condition",
"18" => "B30K (not community)",
"19" => "bioethanol",
"20" => "mains gas (community)",
"21" => "LPG (community)",
"22" => "oil (community)",
"23" => "B30D (community)",
"24" => "coal (community)",
"25" => "electricity (community)",
"26" => "mains gas (not community)",
"27" => "LPG (not community)",
"28" => "oil (not community)",
"29" => "electricity (not community)",
"30" => "waste combustion (community)",
"31" => "biomass (community)",
"32" => "biogas (community)",
"33" => "house coal (not community)",
"34" => "biodiesel from any biomass source",
"35" => "biodiesel from used cooking oil only",
"36" => "biodiesel from vegetable oil only (not community)",
"36-rapeseed-oil" => "rapeseed oil",
"37" => "appliances able to use mineral oil or liquid biofuel",
"51" => "biogas (not community)",
"56" => "heat from boilers that can use mineral oil or biodiesel (community)",
"57" => "heat from boilers using biodiesel from any biomass source (community)",
"58" => "biodiesel from vegetable oil only (community)",
"99" => "from heat network data (community)",
"1-pre14.3-sap" => "mains gas",
"4-pre14.3-sap" => "oil",
"10-pre14.3-sap" => "electricity",
"11-pre14.3-sap" => "waste combustion",
"12-pre14.3-sap" => "biomass",
"13-pre14.3-sap" => "biogas - landfill",
"14-pre14.3-sap" => "house coal",
"1" => "Gas: mains gas",
"2" => "Gas: bulk LPG",
"3" => "Gas: bottled LPG",
"4" => "Oil: heating oil",
"7" => "Gas: biogas",
"8" => "LNG",
"9" => "LPG subject to Special Condition 18",
"10" => "Solid fuel: dual fuel appliance (mineral and wood)",
"11" => "Solid fuel: house coal",
"12" => "Solid fuel: manufactured smokeless fuel",
"15" => "Solid fuel: anthracite",
"20" => "Solid fuel: wood logs",
"21" => "Solid fuel: wood chips",
"22" => "Solid fuel: wood pellets (in bags, for secondary heating)",
"23" => "Solid fuel: wood pellets (bulk supply in bags, for main heating)",
"36" => "Electricity: electricity sold to grid",
"37" => "Electricity: electricity displaced from grid",
"39" => "Electricity: electricity, unspecified tariff",
"41" => "Community heating schemes: heat from electric heat pump",
"42" => "Community heating schemes: heat from boilers - waste combustion",
"43" => "Community heating schemes: heat from boilers - biomass",
"44" => "Community heating schemes: heat from boilers - biogas",
"45" => "Community heating schemes: waste heat from power stations",
"46" => "Community heating schemes: geothermal heat source",
"48" => "Community heating schemes: heat from CHP",
"49" => "Community heating schemes: electricity generated by CHP",
"50" => "Community heating schemes: electricity for pumping in distribution network",
"51" => "Community heating schemes: heat from mains gas",
"52" => "Community heating schemes: heat from LPG",
"53" => "Community heating schemes: heat from oil",
"54" => "Community heating schemes: heat from coal",
"55" => "Community heating schemes: heat from B30D",
"56" => "Community heating schemes: heat from boilers that can use mineral oil or biodiesel",
"57" => "Community heating schemes: heat from boilers using biodiesel from any biomass source",
"58" => "Community heating schemes: biodiesel from vegetable oil only",
"71" => "biodiesel from any biomass source",
"72" => "biodiesel from used cooking oil only",
"73" => "biodiesel from vegetable oil only",
"74" => "appliances able to use mineral oil or liquid biofuel",
"75" => "B30K",
"76" => "bioethanol from any biomass source",
"99" => "Community heating schemes: special fuel",
"1" => "none",
"2" => "boiler with radiators or underfloor heating",
"3" => "micro-cogeneration",
"4" => "heat pump with radiators or underfloor heating",
"5" => "heat pump with warm air distribution",
"6" => "community heating system",
"7" => "electric storage heaters",
"8" => "electric underfloor heating",
"9" => "warm air system (not heat pump)",
"10" => "room heaters",
"11" => "other system",
"12" => "not recorded",