Class: FastlaneCore::ConfigItem
- Inherits:
- Object
- FastlaneCore::ConfigItem
- Defined in:
- fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#allow_shell_conversion ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable is to be converted to a shell-escaped String when provided as a Hash or Array Allows items expected to be strings used in shell arguments to be alternatively provided as a Hash or Array for better readability and auto-escaped for us.
#code_gen_default_value ⇒ Object
the value which is used during Swift code generation if the default_value reads from ENV or a file, or from local credentials, we need to provide a different default or it might be included in our autogenerated Swift as a built-in default for the fastlane gem.
#code_gen_sensitive ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the default value should never be used during code generation for Swift We generate the Swift API at deployment time, and if there is a value that should never be included in the Fastlane.swift or other autogenerated classes, we need to strip it out.
#conflict_block ⇒ Object
An optional block which is called when options conflict happens.
#conflicting_options ⇒ Object
- Array
array of conflicting option keys(@param key).
#default_value ⇒ Object
the value which is used if there was no given values and no environment values.
#default_value_dynamic ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the default value is generated dynamically.
#deprecated ⇒ Object
- String
Set if the option is deprecated.
#description ⇒ Object
- String
A description shown to the user.
#display_in_shell ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable can be used from shell.
#env_name ⇒ Object
- String
the name of the environment variable, which is only used if no other values were found.
#env_names ⇒ Object
- Array
the names of the environment variables, which is only used if no other values were found.
#key ⇒ Object
- Symbol
the key which is used as command parameters or key in the fastlane tools.
#optional ⇒ Object
- Boolean
is false by default.
#sensitive ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable is sensitive, such as a password or API token, to prevent echoing when prompted for the parameter If a default value exists, it won’t be used during code generation as default values can read from environment variables.
#short_option ⇒ Object
- String
A string of length 1 which is used for the command parameters (e.g. -f).
#skip_type_validation ⇒ Object
- Boolean
is false by default.
#verify_block ⇒ Object
An optional block which is called when a new value is set.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#auto_convert_value(value) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity Returns an updated value type (if necessary).
#data_type ⇒ Object
Determines the defined data type of this ConfigItem.
- #deprecated_description(initial_description, deprecated) ⇒ Object
- #doc_default_value ⇒ Object
- #ensure_array_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
- #ensure_boolean_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
- #ensure_generic_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
- #fetch_env_value ⇒ Object
- #help_default_value ⇒ Object
#initialize(key: nil, env_name: nil, env_names: nil, description: nil, short_option: nil, default_value: nil, default_value_dynamic: false, verify_block: nil, is_string: true, type: nil, skip_type_validation: false, optional: nil, conflicting_options: nil, conflict_block: nil, deprecated: nil, sensitive: nil, code_gen_sensitive: false, code_gen_default_value: nil, display_in_shell: true) ⇒ ConfigItem
Creates a new option rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity.
#is_string ⇒ Object
it’s preferred to use self.string? In most cases, except in commander_generator.rb, cause…
#string? ⇒ Boolean
Replaces the attr_accessor, but maintains the same interface.
- #to_s ⇒ Object
#update_code_gen_default_value_if_able! ⇒ Object
if code_gen_default_value is nil, use the default value if it isn’t a ‘code_gen_sensitive` value.
#valid?(value) ⇒ Boolean
Make sure, the value is valid (based on the verify block) Raises an exception if the value is invalid.
- #verify!(value) ⇒ Object
Constructor Details
permalink #initialize(key: nil, env_name: nil, env_names: nil, description: nil, short_option: nil, default_value: nil, default_value_dynamic: false, verify_block: nil, is_string: true, type: nil, skip_type_validation: false, optional: nil, conflicting_options: nil, conflict_block: nil, deprecated: nil, sensitive: nil, code_gen_sensitive: false, code_gen_default_value: nil, display_in_shell: true) ⇒ ConfigItem
Creates a new option rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 96 def initialize(key: nil, env_name: nil, env_names: nil, description: nil, short_option: nil, default_value: nil, default_value_dynamic: false, verify_block: nil, is_string: true, type: nil, skip_type_validation: false, optional: nil, conflicting_options: nil, conflict_block: nil, deprecated: nil, sensitive: nil, code_gen_sensitive: false, code_gen_default_value: nil, display_in_shell: true) UI.user_error!("key must be a symbol") unless key.kind_of?(Symbol) UI.user_error!("env_name must be a String") unless (env_name || '').kind_of?(String) UI.user_error!("env_names must be an Array") unless (env_names || []).kind_of?(Array) (env_names || []).each do |name| UI.user_error!("env_names must only contain String") unless (name || '').kind_of?(String) end if short_option UI.user_error!("short_option for key :#{key} must of type String") unless short_option.kind_of?(String) UI.user_error!("short_option for key :#{key} must be a string of length 1") unless short_option.delete('-').length == 1 end if description UI.user_error!("Do not let descriptions end with a '.', since it's used for user inputs as well for key :#{key}") if description[-1] == '.' end if .each do |conflicting_option_key| UI.user_error!("Conflicting option key must be a symbol") unless conflicting_option_key.kind_of?(Symbol) end end if deprecated # deprecated options are automatically optional optional = true if optional.nil? UI.crash!("Deprecated option must be optional") unless optional # deprecated options are marked deprecated in their description description = deprecated_description(description, deprecated) end optional = false if optional.nil? sensitive = false if sensitive.nil? @key = key @env_name = env_name @env_names = [env_name].compact + (env_names || []) @description = description @short_option = short_option @default_value = default_value @default_value_dynamic = default_value_dynamic @verify_block = verify_block @is_string = is_string @data_type = type @data_type = String if type == :shell_string @optional = optional @conflicting_options = @conflict_block = conflict_block @deprecated = deprecated @sensitive = sensitive @code_gen_sensitive = code_gen_sensitive || sensitive @allow_shell_conversion = (type == :shell_string) @display_in_shell = display_in_shell @skip_type_validation = skip_type_validation # sometimes we allow multiple types which causes type validation failures, e.g.: export_options in gym @code_gen_default_value = code_gen_default_value update_code_gen_default_value_if_able! end |
Instance Attribute Details
permalink #allow_shell_conversion ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable is to be converted to a shell-escaped String when provided as a Hash or Array
Allows items expected to be strings used in shell arguments to be alternatively provided as a Hash or Array for better readability and auto-escaped for us.
69 70 71 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 69 def allow_shell_conversion @allow_shell_conversion end |
permalink #code_gen_default_value ⇒ Object
the value which is used during Swift code generation
if the default_value reads from ENV or a file, or from local credentials, we need
to provide a different default or it might be included in our autogenerated Swift
as a built-in default for the fastlane gem. This is because when we generate the
Swift API at deployment time, it fetches the default_value from the config_items
35 36 37 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 35 def code_gen_default_value @code_gen_default_value end |
permalink #code_gen_sensitive ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the default value should never be used during code generation for Swift
We generate the Swift API at deployment time, and if there is a value that should never be
included in the Fastlane.swift or other autogenerated classes, we need to strip it out.
This includes things like API keys that could be read from ENV[]
65 66 67 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 65 def code_gen_sensitive @code_gen_sensitive end |
permalink #conflict_block ⇒ Object
An optional block which is called when options conflict happens
52 53 54 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 52 def conflict_block @conflict_block end |
permalink #conflicting_options ⇒ Object
- Array
array of conflicting option keys(@param key). This allows to resolve conflicts intelligently
49 50 51 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 49 def @conflicting_options end |
permalink #default_value ⇒ Object
the value which is used if there was no given values and no environment values
25 26 27 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 25 def default_value @default_value end |
permalink #default_value_dynamic ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the default value is generated dynamically
28 29 30 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 28 def default_value_dynamic @default_value_dynamic end |
permalink #deprecated ⇒ Object
- String
Set if the option is deprecated. A deprecated option should be optional and is made optional if the parameter isn’t set, and fails otherwise
55 56 57 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 55 def deprecated @deprecated end |
permalink #description ⇒ Object
- String
A description shown to the user
19 20 21 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 19 def description @description end |
permalink #display_in_shell ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable can be used from shell
72 73 74 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 72 def display_in_shell @display_in_shell end |
permalink #env_name ⇒ Object
- String
the name of the environment variable, which is only used if no other values were found
13 14 15 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 13 def env_name @env_name end |
permalink #env_names ⇒ Object
- Array
the names of the environment variables, which is only used if no other values were found
16 17 18 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 16 def env_names @env_names end |
permalink #key ⇒ Object
- Symbol
the key which is used as command parameters or key in the fastlane tools
10 11 12 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 10 def key @key end |
permalink #optional ⇒ Object
- Boolean
is false by default. If set to true, also string values will not be asked to the user
43 44 45 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 43 def optional @optional end |
permalink #sensitive ⇒ Object
- Boolean
Set if the variable is sensitive, such as a password or API token, to prevent echoing when prompted for the parameter
If a default value exists, it won’t be used during code generation as default values can read from environment variables.
59 60 61 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 59 def sensitive @sensitive end |
permalink #short_option ⇒ Object
- String
A string of length 1 which is used for the command parameters (e.g. -f)
22 23 24 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 22 def short_option @short_option end |
permalink #skip_type_validation ⇒ Object
- Boolean
is false by default. If set to true, type of the parameter will not be validated.
46 47 48 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 46 def skip_type_validation @skip_type_validation end |
permalink #verify_block ⇒ Object
An optional block which is called when a new value is set.
Check value is valid. This could be type checks or if a folder/file exists
You have to raise a specific exception if something goes wrong. Use `user_error!` for the message: UI.user_error!("your message")
40 41 42 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 40 def verify_block @verify_block end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #auto_convert_value(value) ⇒ Object
rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity Returns an updated value type (if necessary)
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 269 def auto_convert_value(value) return nil if value.nil? if data_type == Array return value.split(',') if value.kind_of?(String) elsif data_type == Integer return value.to_i if value.to_i.to_s == value.to_s elsif data_type == Float return value.to_f if value.to_f.to_s == value.to_s elsif data_type == Symbol return value.to_sym if value.to_sym.to_s == value.to_s elsif allow_shell_conversion return value.shelljoin if value.kind_of?(Array) return { |k, v| "#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.shellescape}" }.join(' ') if value.kind_of?(Hash) elsif data_type == Hash && value.kind_of?(String) begin parsed = JSON.parse(value) return parsed if parsed.kind_of?(Hash) rescue JSON::ParserError end elsif data_type != String # Special treatment if the user specified true, false, on, off or YES, NO # There is no boolean type, so we just do it here if %w(yes YES true TRUE on ON).include?(value) return true elsif %w(no NO false FALSE off OFF).include?(value) return false end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity return value # fallback to not doing anything end |
permalink #data_type ⇒ Object
Determines the defined data type of this ConfigItem
304 305 306 307 308 309 310 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 304 def data_type if @data_type @data_type else (@is_string ? String : nil) end end |
permalink #deprecated_description(initial_description, deprecated) ⇒ Object
[View source]
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 326 def deprecated_description(initial_description, deprecated) has_description = !initial_description.to_s.empty? description = "**DEPRECATED!**" if deprecated.kind_of?(String) description << " #{deprecated}" description << " -" if has_description end description << " #{initial_description}" if has_description description end |
permalink #doc_default_value ⇒ Object
[View source]
341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 341 def doc_default_value return "[*](#parameters-legend-dynamic)" if self.default_value_dynamic return "" if self.default_value.nil? return "`''`" if self.default_value.instance_of?(String) && self.default_value.empty? return "`:#{self.default_value}`" if self.default_value.instance_of?(Symbol) "`#{self.default_value}`" end |
permalink #ensure_array_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
[View source]
219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 219 def ensure_array_type_passes_validation(value) if @skip_type_validation return end # Arrays can be an either be an array or string that gets split by comma in auto_convert_type if !value.kind_of?(Array) && !value.kind_of?(String) UI.user_error!("'#{self.key}' value must be either `Array` or `comma-separated String`! Found #{value.class} instead.") end end |
permalink #ensure_boolean_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
[View source]
208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 208 def ensure_boolean_type_passes_validation(value) if @skip_type_validation return end # We need to explicitly test against Fastlane::Boolean, TrueClass/FalseClass if value.class != FalseClass && value.class != TrueClass UI.user_error!("'#{self.key}' value must be either `true` or `false`! Found #{value.class} instead.") end end |
permalink #ensure_generic_type_passes_validation(value) ⇒ Object
[View source]
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 198 def ensure_generic_type_passes_validation(value) if @skip_type_validation return end if data_type != :string_callback && data_type && !value.kind_of?(data_type) UI.user_error!("'#{self.key}' value must be a #{data_type}! Found #{value.class} instead.") end end |
permalink #fetch_env_value ⇒ Object
[View source]
257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 257 def fetch_env_value env_names.each do |name| next if ENV[name].nil? # verify! before using (see return ENV[name].dup if verify!(auto_convert_value(ENV[name])) end return nil end |
permalink #help_default_value ⇒ Object
[View source]
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 350 def help_default_value return "#{self.default_value} *".strip if self.default_value_dynamic return "" if self.default_value.nil? return "''" if self.default_value.instance_of?(String) && self.default_value.empty? return ":#{self.default_value}" if self.default_value.instance_of?(Symbol) self.default_value end |
permalink #is_string ⇒ Object
it’s preferred to use self.string? In most cases, except in commander_generator.rb, cause… reasons
318 319 320 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 318 def is_string return @is_string end |
permalink #string? ⇒ Boolean
Replaces the attr_accessor, but maintains the same interface
313 314 315 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 313 def string? data_type == String end |
permalink #to_s ⇒ Object
[View source]
322 323 324 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 322 def to_s [@key, @description].join(": ") end |
permalink #update_code_gen_default_value_if_able! ⇒ Object
if code_gen_default_value is nil, use the default value if it isn’t a ‘code_gen_sensitive` value
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 179 def update_code_gen_default_value_if_able! # we don't support default values for procs if @data_type == :string_callback @code_gen_default_value = nil return end if @code_gen_default_value.nil? unless @code_gen_sensitive @code_gen_default_value = @default_value end end end |
permalink #valid?(value) ⇒ Boolean
Make sure, the value is valid (based on the verify block) Raises an exception if the value is invalid
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 232 def valid?(value) # we also allow nil values, which do not have to be verified. return true if value.nil? # Verify that value is the type that we're expecting, if we are expecting a type if data_type == Fastlane::Boolean ensure_boolean_type_passes_validation(value) elsif data_type == Array ensure_array_type_passes_validation(value) else ensure_generic_type_passes_validation(value) end if @verify_block begin rescue => ex UI.error("Error setting value '#{value}' for option '#{@key}'") raise, ex.to_s end end true end |
permalink #verify!(value) ⇒ Object
[View source]
194 195 196 |
# File 'fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/configuration/config_item.rb', line 194 def verify!(value) valid?(value) end |