Class: Fastlane::Actions::GradleAction
- Inherits:
- Object
- Fastlane::Action
- Fastlane::Actions::GradleAction
- Defined in:
- fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from Fastlane::Action
Fastlane::Action::AVAILABLE_CATEGORIES, Fastlane::Action::RETURN_TYPES
Documentation collapse
- .authors ⇒ Object
- .available_options ⇒ Object
- .category ⇒ Object
- .description ⇒ Object
- .details ⇒ Object
- .example_code ⇒ Object
- .is_supported?(platform) ⇒ Boolean
- .output ⇒ Object
- .return_value ⇒ Object
Class Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Fastlane::Action
action_name, author, deprecated_notes, lane_context, method_missing, other_action, return_type, sample_return_value, shell_out_should_use_bundle_exec?, step_text
Class Method Details
permalink .authors ⇒ Object
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196 197 198 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 196 def self. ['KrauseFx', 'lmirosevic'] end |
permalink .available_options ⇒ Object
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117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 117 def self. [ :task, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_TASK', description: 'The gradle task you want to execute, e.g. `assemble`, `bundle` or `test`. For tasks such as `assembleMyFlavorRelease` you should use gradle(task: \'assemble\', flavor: \'Myflavor\', build_type: \'Release\')', optional: false, is_string: true), :flavor, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_FLAVOR', description: 'The flavor that you want the task for, e.g. `MyFlavor`. If you are running the `assemble` task in a multi-flavor project, and you rely on Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH] then you must specify a flavor here or else this value will be undefined', optional: true, is_string: true), :build_type, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE', description: 'The build type that you want the task for, e.g. `Release`. Useful for some tasks such as `assemble`', optional: true, is_string: true), :flags, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_FLAGS', description: 'All parameter flags you want to pass to the gradle command, e.g. `--exitcode --xml file.xml`', optional: true, is_string: true), :project_dir, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_PROJECT_DIR', description: 'The root directory of the gradle project', default_value: '.', is_string: true), :gradle_path, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_PATH', description: 'The path to your `gradlew`. If you specify a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the `project_dir`', optional: true, is_string: true), :properties, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_PROPERTIES', description: 'Gradle properties to be exposed to the gradle script', optional: true, is_string: false), :system_properties, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES', description: 'Gradle system properties to be exposed to the gradle script', optional: true, is_string: false), :serial, env_name: 'FL_ANDROID_SERIAL', description: 'Android serial, which device should be used for this command', is_string: true, default_value: ''), :print_command, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_PRINT_COMMAND', description: 'Control whether the generated Gradle command is printed as output before running it (true/false)', is_string: false, default_value: true), :print_command_output, env_name: 'FL_GRADLE_PRINT_COMMAND_OUTPUT', description: 'Control whether the output produced by given Gradle command is printed while running (true/false)', is_string: false, default_value: true) ] end |
permalink .category ⇒ Object
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283 284 285 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 283 def self.category :building end |
permalink .description ⇒ Object
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109 110 111 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 109 def self.description 'All gradle related actions, including building and testing your Android app' end |
permalink .details ⇒ Object
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113 114 115 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 113 def self.details 'Run `./gradlew tasks` to get a list of all available gradle tasks for your project' end |
permalink .example_code ⇒ Object
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# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 204 def self.example_code [ 'gradle( task: "assemble", flavor: "WorldDomination", build_type: "Release" ) ``` To build an AAB use: ```ruby gradle( task: "bundle", flavor: "WorldDomination", build_type: "Release" ) ``` You can pass properties to gradle: ```ruby gradle( # ... properties: { "versionCode" => 100, "versionName" => "1.0.0", # ... } ) ``` You can use this to automatically [sign and zipalign]( your app: ```ruby gradle( task: "assemble", build_type: "Release", print_command: false, properties: { "" => "keystore.jks", "" => "store_password", "android.injected.signing.key.alias" => "key_alias", "android.injected.signing.key.password" => "key_password", } ) ``` If you need to pass sensitive information through the `gradle` action, and don\'t want the generated command to be printed before it is run, you can suppress that: ```ruby gradle( # ... print_command: false ) ``` You can also suppress printing the output generated by running the generated Gradle command: ```ruby gradle( # ... print_command_output: false ) ``` To pass any other CLI flags to gradle use: ```ruby gradle( # ... flags: "--exitcode --xml file.xml" ) ``` Delete the build directory, generated APKs and AABs ```ruby gradle( task: "clean" )' ] end |
permalink .is_supported?(platform) ⇒ Boolean
200 201 202 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 200 def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :android].include?(platform) # we support iOS as cross platforms apps might want to call `gradle` also end |
permalink .output ⇒ Object
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177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 177 def self.output [ ['GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the newly generated apk file. Undefined in a multi-variant assemble scenario'], ['GRADLE_ALL_APK_OUTPUT_PATHS', 'When running a multi-variant `assemble`, the array of signed apk\'s that were generated'], ['GRADLE_FLAVOR', 'The flavor, e.g. `MyFlavor`'], ['GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE', 'The build type, e.g. `Release`'], ['GRADLE_AAB_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the most recent Android app bundle'], ['GRADLE_ALL_AAB_OUTPUT_PATHS', 'The paths to the most recent Android app bundles'], ['GRADLE_OUTPUT_JSON_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the most recent output.json file'], ['GRADLE_ALL_OUTPUT_JSON_OUTPUT_PATHS', 'The path to the newly generated output.json files'], ['GRADLE_MAPPING_TXT_OUTPUT_PATH', 'The path to the most recent mapping.txt file'], ['GRADLE_ALL_MAPPING_TXT_OUTPUT_PATHS', 'The path to the newly generated mapping.txt files'] ] end |
permalink .return_value ⇒ Object
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192 193 194 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 192 def self.return_value 'The output of running the gradle task' end |
permalink .run(params) ⇒ Object
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 |
# File 'fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/gradle.rb', line 20 def task = params[:task] flavor = params[:flavor] build_type = params[:build_type] gradle_task = [task, flavor, build_type].join project_dir = params[:project_dir] gradle_path_param = params[:gradle_path] || './gradlew' # Get the path to gradle, if it's an absolute path we take it as is, if it's relative we assume it's relative to the project_dir gradle_path = if File.(gradle_path_param) else File.(File.join(project_dir, gradle_path_param)) end # Ensure we ended up with a valid path to gradle UI.user_error!("Couldn't find gradlew at path '#{File.(gradle_path)}'") unless File.exist?(gradle_path) # Construct our flags flags = [] flags << "-p #{project_dir.shellescape}" flags << params[:properties].map { |k, v| "-P#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.to_s.shellescape}" }.join(' ') unless params[:properties].nil? flags << params[:system_properties].map { |k, v| "-D#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.to_s.shellescape}" }.join(' ') unless params[:system_properties].nil? flags << params[:flags] unless params[:flags].nil? # Run the actual gradle task gradle = gradle_path) # If these were set as properties, then we expose them back out as they might be useful to others Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE] = build_type if build_type Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_FLAVOR] = flavor if flavor # We run the actual gradle task result = gradle.trigger(task: gradle_task, serial: params[:serial], flags: flags.join(' '), print_command: params[:print_command], print_command_output: params[:print_command_output]) # If we didn't build, then we return now, as it makes no sense to search for apk's in a non-`assemble` or non-`build` scenario return result unless task =~ /\b(assemble)/ || task =~ /\b(bundle)/ apk_search_path = File.join(project_dir, '**', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', '**', '*.apk') aab_search_path = File.join(project_dir, '**', 'build', 'outputs', 'bundle', '**', '*.aab') output_json_search_path = File.join(project_dir, '**', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', '**', 'output.json') mapping_txt_search_path = File.join(project_dir, '**', 'build', 'outputs', 'mapping', '**', 'mapping.txt') # Our apk/aab is now built, but there might actually be multiple ones that were built if a flavor was not specified in a multi-flavor project (e.g. `assembleRelease`) # However, we're not interested in unaligned apk's... new_apks = Dir[apk_search_path].reject { |path| path =~ /^.*-unaligned.apk$/i } new_apks = { |path| File.(path) } new_aabs = Dir[aab_search_path] new_aabs = { |path| File.(path) } new_output_jsons = Dir[output_json_search_path] new_output_jsons = { |path| File.(path) } new_mapping_txts = Dir[mapping_txt_search_path] new_mapping_txts = { |path| File.(path) } # We expose all of these new apks and aabs Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ALL_APK_OUTPUT_PATHS] = new_apks Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ALL_AAB_OUTPUT_PATHS] = new_aabs Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ALL_OUTPUT_JSON_OUTPUT_PATHS] = new_output_jsons Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ALL_MAPPING_TXT_OUTPUT_PATHS] = new_mapping_txts # We also take the most recent apk and aab to return as SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH and SharedValues::GRADLE_AAB_OUTPUT_PATH # This is the one that will be relevant for most projects that just build a single build variant (flavor + build type combo). # In multi build variants this value is undefined last_apk_path = new_apks.sort_by(&File.method(:mtime)).last last_aab_path = new_aabs.sort_by(&File.method(:mtime)).last last_output_json_path = new_output_jsons.sort_by(&File.method(:mtime)).last last_mapping_txt_path = new_mapping_txts.sort_by(&File.method(:mtime)).last Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.(last_apk_path) if last_apk_path Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_AAB_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.(last_aab_path) if last_aab_path Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_OUTPUT_JSON_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.(last_output_json_path) if last_output_json_path Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_MAPPING_TXT_OUTPUT_PATH] = File.(last_mapping_txt_path) if last_mapping_txt_path # Give a helpful message in case there were no new apks or aabs. Remember we're only running this code when assembling, in which case we certainly expect there to be an apk or aab UI.('Couldn\'t find any new signed apk files...') if new_apks.empty? && new_aabs.empty? return result end |