Class: Supply::Uploader
- Inherits:
- Object
- Supply::Uploader
- Defined in:
- supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb
rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: UploadJob
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #fetch_track_and_release!(track, version_code, statuses = nil) ⇒ Object
- #perform_upload ⇒ Object
- #perform_upload_meta(version_codes, track_name) ⇒ Object
- #perform_upload_to_internal_app_sharing ⇒ Object
- #promote_track ⇒ Object
- #update_rollout ⇒ Object
- #upload_apks ⇒ Object
- #upload_bundles ⇒ Object
- #upload_changelog(language, version_code) ⇒ Object
- #upload_changelogs(release_notes, release, track, track_name) ⇒ Object
- #upload_images(language) ⇒ Object
- #upload_mapping(apk_version_codes) ⇒ Object
- #upload_metadata(language, listing) ⇒ Object
- #upload_screenshots(language) ⇒ Object
- #verify_config! ⇒ Object
Instance Method Details
#fetch_track_and_release!(track, version_code, statuses = nil) ⇒ Object
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 109 def fetch_track_and_release!(track, version_code, statuses = nil) tracks = client.tracks(track) return nil, nil if tracks.empty? track = tracks.first releases = track.releases releases = { |r| statuses.include?(r.status) } unless statuses.nil? || statuses.empty? releases = { |r| (r.version_codes || []).map(&:to_s).include?(version_code.to_s) } if version_code if releases.size > 1 UI.user_error!("More than one release found in this track. Please specify with the :version_code option to select a release.") end return track, releases.first end |
#perform_upload ⇒ Object
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 8 def perform_upload FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: Supply.config, hide_keys: [:issuer], mask_keys: [:json_key_data], title: "Summary for supply #{Fastlane::VERSION}") client.begin_edit(package_name: Supply.config[:package_name]) verify_config! apk_version_codes = [] apk_version_codes.concat(upload_apks) unless Supply.config[:skip_upload_apk] apk_version_codes.concat(upload_bundles) unless Supply.config[:skip_upload_aab] upload_mapping(apk_version_codes) track_to_update = Supply.config[:track] apk_version_codes.concat(Supply.config[:version_codes_to_retain]) if Supply.config[:version_codes_to_retain] if !apk_version_codes.empty? # Only update tracks if we have version codes # update_track handle setting rollout if needed # Updating a track with empty version codes can completely clear out a track update_track(apk_version_codes) else # Only promote or rollout if we don't have version codes if Supply.config[:track_promote_to] track_to_update = Supply.config[:track_promote_to] promote_track elsif !Supply.config[:rollout].nil? && Supply.config[:track].to_s != "" update_rollout end end (apk_version_codes, track_to_update) if Supply.config[:validate_only] UI.("Validating all changes with Google Play...") client.validate_current_edit! UI.success("Successfully validated the upload to Google Play") else UI.("Uploading all changes to Google Play...") client.commit_current_edit! UI.success("Successfully finished the upload to Google Play") end end |
#perform_upload_meta(version_codes, track_name) ⇒ Object
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 80 def (version_codes, track_name) if (!Supply.config[:skip_upload_metadata] || !Supply.config[:skip_upload_images] || !Supply.config[:skip_upload_changelogs] || !Supply.config[:skip_upload_screenshots]) && # Use version code from config if version codes is empty and no nil or empty string version_codes = [Supply.config[:version_code]] if version_codes.empty? version_codes = version_codes.reject do |version_code| version_codes.to_s == "" end version_codes.each do |version_code| UI.user_error!("Could not find folder #{}") unless track, release = fetch_track_and_release!(track_name, version_code) UI.user_error!("Unable to find the requested track - '#{Supply.config[:track]}'") unless track UI.user_error!("Could not find release for version code '#{version_code}' to update changelog") unless release release_notes_queue = upload_worker = upload_worker.batch_enqueue( # skip . or .. or hidden folders all_languages.reject { |lang| lang.start_with?('.') }.map { |lang|, version_code, release_notes_queue) } ) upload_worker.start release_notes = { release_notes_queue.pop } # Queue to Array upload_changelogs(release_notes, release, track, track_name) unless release_notes.empty? end end end |
#perform_upload_to_internal_app_sharing ⇒ Object
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 52 def perform_upload_to_internal_app_sharing download_urls = [] package_name = Supply.config[:package_name] apk_paths = [Supply.config[:apk]] unless (apk_paths = Supply.config[:apk_paths]) apk_paths.compact! apk_paths.each do |apk_path| download_url = client.upload_apk_to_internal_app_sharing(package_name, apk_path) download_urls << download_url UI.success("Successfully uploaded APK to Internal App Sharing URL: #{download_url}") end aab_paths = [Supply.config[:aab]] unless (aab_paths = Supply.config[:aab_paths]) aab_paths.compact! aab_paths.each do |aab_path| download_url = client.upload_bundle_to_internal_app_sharing(package_name, aab_path) download_urls << download_url UI.success("Successfully uploaded AAB to Internal App Sharing URL: #{download_url}") end if download_urls.count == 1 return download_urls.first else return download_urls end end |
#promote_track ⇒ Object
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 180 def promote_track track_from = client.tracks(Supply.config[:track]).first unless track_from UI.user_error!("Cannot promote from track '#{Supply.config[:track]}' - track doesn't exist") end releases = track_from.releases if Supply.config[:version_code].to_s != "" releases = do |release| release.version_codes.include?(Supply.config[:version_code].to_s) end else releases = do |release| release.status == Supply.config[:release_status] end end if releases.size == 0 UI.user_error!("Track '#{Supply.config[:track]}' doesn't have any releases") elsif releases.size > 1 UI.user_error!("Track '#{Supply.config[:track]}' has more than one release - use :version_code to filter the release to promote") end release = releases.first track_to = client.tracks(Supply.config[:track_promote_to]).first rollout = (Supply.config[:rollout] || 0).to_f if rollout > 0 && rollout < 1 release.status = Supply::ReleaseStatus::IN_PROGRESS release.user_fraction = rollout else release.status = Supply.config[:track_promote_release_status] release.user_fraction = nil end if track_to # Its okay to set releases to an array containing the newest release # Google Play will keep previous releases there this release is a partial rollout track_to.releases = [release] else track_to = track: Supply.config[:track_promote_to], releases: [release] ) end client.update_track(Supply.config[:track_promote_to], track_to) end |
#update_rollout ⇒ Object
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 126 def update_rollout track, release = fetch_track_and_release!(Supply.config[:track], Supply.config[:version_code], [Supply::ReleaseStatus::IN_PROGRESS, Supply::ReleaseStatus::DRAFT]) UI.user_error!("Unable to find the requested track - '#{Supply.config[:track]}'") unless track UI.user_error!("Unable to find the requested release on track - '#{Supply.config[:track]}'") unless release version_code = release.version_codes.max UI.("Updating #{version_code}'s rollout to '#{Supply.config[:rollout]}' on track '#{Supply.config[:track]}'...") if track && release completed = Supply.config[:rollout].to_f == 1 release.user_fraction = completed ? nil : Supply.config[:rollout] if Supply.config[:release_status] release.status = Supply.config[:release_status] else release.status = completed ? Supply::ReleaseStatus::COMPLETED : Supply::ReleaseStatus::IN_PROGRESS end # Deleted other version codes if completed because only allowed on completed version in a release track.releases.delete_if { |r| !(r.version_codes || []).map(&:to_s).include?(version_code) } if completed else UI.user_error!("Unable to find version to rollout in track '#{Supply.config[:track]}'") end client.update_track(Supply.config[:track], track) end |
#upload_apks ⇒ Object
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 328 def upload_apks apk_paths = [Supply.config[:apk]] unless (apk_paths = Supply.config[:apk_paths]) apk_paths.compact! apk_version_codes = [] apk_paths.each do |apk_path| apk_version_codes.push(upload_binary_data(apk_path)) end return apk_version_codes end |
#upload_bundles ⇒ Object
351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 351 def upload_bundles aab_paths = [Supply.config[:aab]] unless (aab_paths = Supply.config[:aab_paths]) return [] unless aab_paths aab_paths.compact! aab_version_codes = [] aab_paths.each do |aab_path| UI.("Preparing aab at path '#{aab_path}' for upload...") bundle_version_code = client.upload_bundle(aab_path) aab_version_codes.push(bundle_version_code) end return aab_version_codes end |
#upload_changelog(language, version_code) ⇒ Object
229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 229 def upload_changelog(language, version_code) UI.user_error!("Cannot find changelog because no version code given - please specify :version_code") unless version_code path = File.join(Supply.config[:metadata_path], language, Supply::CHANGELOGS_FOLDER_NAME, "#{version_code}.txt") changelog_text = '' if File.exist?(path) UI.("Updating changelog for '#{version_code}' and language '#{language}'...") changelog_text =, encoding: 'UTF-8') else default_changelog_path = File.join(Supply.config[:metadata_path], language, Supply::CHANGELOGS_FOLDER_NAME, "default.txt") if File.exist?(default_changelog_path) UI.("Updating changelog for '#{version_code}' and language '#{language}' to default changelog...") changelog_text =, encoding: 'UTF-8') else UI.("Could not find changelog for '#{version_code}' and language '#{language}' at path #{path}...") end end language: language, text: changelog_text ) end |
#upload_changelogs(release_notes, release, track, track_name) ⇒ Object
253 254 255 256 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 253 def upload_changelogs(release_notes, release, track, track_name) release.release_notes = release_notes client.upload_changelogs(track, track_name) end |
#upload_images(language) ⇒ Object
271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 271 def upload_images(language) Supply::IMAGES_TYPES.each do |image_type| search = File.join(, language, Supply::IMAGES_FOLDER_NAME, image_type) + ".#{IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS}" path = Dir.glob(search, File::FNM_CASEFOLD).last next unless path if Supply.config[:sync_image_upload] UI.("🔍 Checking #{image_type} checksum...") existing_images = client.fetch_images(image_type: image_type, language: language) sha256 = Digest::SHA256.file(path).hexdigest if UI.("🟰 Skipping upload of screenshot #{path} as remote sha256 matches.") next end end UI.("⬆️ Uploading image file #{path}...") client.upload_image(image_path: File.(path), image_type: image_type, language: language) end end |
#upload_mapping(apk_version_codes) ⇒ Object
341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 341 def upload_mapping(apk_version_codes) mapping_paths = [Supply.config[:mapping]] unless (mapping_paths = Supply.config[:mapping_paths]) mapping_paths.product(apk_version_codes).each do |mapping_path, version_code| if mapping_path UI.("Preparing mapping at path '#{mapping_path}', version code #{version_code} for upload...") client.upload_mapping(mapping_path, version_code) end end end |
#upload_metadata(language, listing) ⇒ Object
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 258 def (language, listing) Supply::AVAILABLE_METADATA_FIELDS.each do |key| path = File.join(, language, "#{key}.txt") listing.send("#{key}=".to_sym,, encoding: 'UTF-8')) if File.exist?(path) end begin rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError => ex = (ex. || '').capitalize UI.user_error!("Metadata must be UTF-8 encoded. #{}") end end |
#upload_screenshots(language) ⇒ Object
294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 294 def upload_screenshots(language) Supply::SCREENSHOT_TYPES.each do |screenshot_type| search = File.join(, language, Supply::IMAGES_FOLDER_NAME, screenshot_type, "*.#{IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS}") paths = Dir.glob(search, File::FNM_CASEFOLD).sort next unless paths.count > 0 if Supply.config[:sync_image_upload] UI.("🔍 Checking #{screenshot_type} checksums...") existing_images = client.fetch_images(image_type: screenshot_type, language: language) # Don't keep images that either don't exist locally, or that are out of order compared to the `paths` to upload first_path_checksum = Digest::SHA256.file(paths.first).hexdigest existing_images.each do |image| if image.sha256 == first_path_checksum UI.("🟰 Skipping upload of screenshot #{paths.first} as remote sha256 matches.") paths.shift # Remove first path from the list of paths to be uploaded first_path_checksum = paths.empty? ? nil : Digest::SHA256.file(paths.first).hexdigest else UI.("🚮 Deleting #{language} screenshot id ##{} as it does not exist locally or is out of order...") client.clear_screenshot(image_type: screenshot_type, language: language, image_id: end end else client.clear_screenshots(image_type: screenshot_type, language: language) end paths.each do |path| UI.("⬆️ Uploading screenshot #{path}...") client.upload_image(image_path: File.(path), image_type: screenshot_type, language: language) end end end |
#verify_config! ⇒ Object
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 |
# File 'supply/lib/supply/uploader.rb', line 153 def verify_config! unless || Supply.config[:apk] || Supply.config[:apk_paths] || Supply.config[:aab] || Supply.config[:aab_paths] || (Supply.config[:track] && Supply.config[:track_promote_to]) || (Supply.config[:track] && Supply.config[:rollout]) UI.user_error!("No local metadata, apks, aab, or track to promote were found, make sure to run `fastlane supply init` to setup supply") end # Can't upload both at apk and aab at same time # Need to error out users when there both apks and aabs are detected apk_paths = [Supply.config[:apk], Supply.config[:apk_paths]].flatten.compact could_upload_apk = !apk_paths.empty? && !Supply.config[:skip_upload_apk] could_upload_aab = Supply.config[:aab] && !Supply.config[:skip_upload_aab] if could_upload_apk && could_upload_aab UI.user_error!("Cannot provide both apk(s) and aab - use `skip_upload_apk`, `skip_upload_aab`, or make sure to remove any existing .apk or .aab files that are no longer needed") end if Supply.config[:release_status] == Supply::ReleaseStatus::DRAFT && Supply.config[:rollout] UI.user_error!(%(Cannot specify rollout percentage when the release status is set to 'draft')) end if Supply.config[:track_promote_release_status] == Supply::ReleaseStatus::DRAFT && Supply.config[:rollout] UI.user_error!(%(Cannot specify rollout percentage when the track promote release status is set to 'draft')) end unless Supply.config[:version_codes_to_retain].nil? Supply.config[:version_codes_to_retain] = Supply.config[:version_codes_to_retain].map(&:to_i) end end |